The 40th, MNSSHP, Food & Wine, A New Camera and 3200 Pictures. Sept/Oct TR.

Welcome to my 3rd trip report, for my 11th trip, that includes a few 1st and a 40th. Now we all know about the 40th, but the 1st's will be talked about later.
I have been home for two weeks now. Shame, for having waited this long to start. But I just wasn't feeling it yet. I have finally started editing some of my pictures and I am ready to get this going.
On this trip there were only two travelers. First there is me. This was my 3rd trip in 17 months and I am already ready to go back. I purchased a new camera, Canon SX30, before the trip. So, hopefully, my pictures have improved since the last trip. I still need more practice on low light pictures, but that is what the next trip is for.

Then there is my dad. This was his 13th trip, his first being in April of 72. His most recent trip was in May/June 2010. He videoed more of the trip than I did, while I took most of the pictures.

We stay at Pop Cenutry from September 30th till October 6th. We had free dining for most of our trip and we had 5 day Park Hoppers. We also had tickets to the September 30th MNSSHP. Add in the 40th and Food & Wine and it was a very busy 5 days.

In this trip report you will find out about how we met a dozen characters in just over an hour, our adventure of all four parks in one day, and just how crazy the 40th really was. Stay tuned for all that and much more, including many many many pictures.


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It was now time to enter the chaos that was Main Street. By the time we made it into the park, people were already lined up and down the street. It was funny to hear people ask why they were lined up. Apparently not everyone knew what was in store for the day.

Becasue of the lines to get in, we were behind quite a few people for the Character Cavalcade. I had to reach up and point down to take pictures. But just to be there hearing the music from all the old parades, was amazing. A few of the songs were familiar to me. Whether I was actually there for that parade or just heard it somewhere else, I'm not sure. I did my best with the pictures I did get. I had to crop and edit almost all of them. Thankfully, I got a few that still look great.

I had to take this picture of Flynn, for some friends online. Before I left on the trip, Flynn was a very hot topic online. Everyone was wondering if he would be at MNSSHP, so when I saw him in the parade, I just had to get a picture of him.



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This was the crowd after the Character Cavalcade. Everyone was trying to make there way close to the Castle. If I have learned one thing from local concerts, is you never go with the crowd. Wait it out a few minutes, then scoped out the best spot available. You may not be up close for the whole show, but you will probably get a better spot than that crowd did.

We stayed in the same spot to listen/watch the speeches. I really enjoyed Phil Holmes speech. Especially when he shared his little secret of letting people onto The Haunted Mansion with just an A ticket. I did like that Meg Crofton included some of the opening day speech into her speech. Honestly, I don't remember much of the actual speeches, just how I was feeling while listening to them.

After the speeches, when the Barber Shop Quartet came out, I started to sneak my way a little closer. I do this often at local concerts, it's not too hard when you are by yourself. As I was making my way through the crowd I heard people singing along, there were a few tears and sniffles included also. The feeling in the air was an awesome experience.

The crowd in front of Cinderella Castle was full of all different kinds of people, from all different backgrounds. But at that point, none of that mattered. We were all a group of people that shared one thing, love for Walt Disney, the man and the World. I might have shed a tear or two here.



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I was in WDW for the 40th but figured it would be utter chaos so i stayed away from Mk,mostly because my kids usually get trampled on by other park goers when there are big crowds:(


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After the show was over, I needed a break from the crowd. So, I made my way over to the smoking section in front of the Plaza. This is my preferred spot, I love being tucked away, but still able to see all the hustle and bustle. After I was finished here, I ran into PartOfYourWorld in front of the pin station. We were only able to talk for a few minutes, but it was great to meet her, after talking online for so long before the trip.

It was now time for an early lunch at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe. I love me some Sonny Eclipse. I have his whole set on my mp3 player.

After lunch, we started to roam around. The lines were quite long everywhere. But especially at the rides from opening day.

We started walking through Fantasyland, which wasn't very packed, but every line was quite long.

As you can see, we made our way to It's a Small World. At this point I had been in Magic Kingdom two days in a row, for almost 10 hours and this was the first ride I was going on. It felt very weird to go that long without riding anything.

There was a backup of boats toward the end of the ride. It did provide for better picture taking, except when the boats would ram into each other.



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We kept walking and kept seeing long lines. At this point we were just roaming around, no particular destination. Just trying to find something without such a long wait.

I was trying to get a little creative here.

Country Bear Jamboree was getting ready to start, when we were passing, so we decided to head in. There was still a few minute wait, but it allowed me to catch up on my note taking.

This had to be the best Country Bear Jamboree I have been too. The crowd was singing and clapping along. I'm sure this was how the crowd reacted when Country Bears first showed. It was awesome to see and hear the crowd enjoy the show so much.

After the show, we decided to make our way to Main Street to do a little shopping before the DisMeet.



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Love the pics from the 40th celebration! I totally wish I could have been there :( I will be there for Epcot's 30th though which should be fun.

I hate the backup of boats at the end of IASW. I feel like it takes away from the attraction to be stuck like that. I'm sure during slower times when there aren't as many boats in there it's not as much of a back up but every time we go there's always been a backup in the final room with the ferris wheel. ugh!


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OMG there she is!!!!!!I can't wait for my turn to meet her too,I'm super excited:D

She is gonna start feeling like a celebrity soon. LOL.

Love the pics from the 40th celebration! I totally wish I could have been there :( I will be there for Epcot's 30th though which should be fun.

I hate the backup of boats at the end of IASW. I feel like it takes away from the attraction to be stuck like that. I'm sure during slower times when there aren't as many boats in there it's not as much of a back up but every time we go there's always been a backup in the final room with the ferris wheel. ugh!

I am trying to go for Epcot's 30th. Since I have my trip in May/June and next January, I'm not too sure yet. Fingers crossed, I will be there.

The only thing I liked about the back up was that it made it easier to take pictures. Though, it seemed like every time I went to take a picture I would get bumped by another boat.


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You got some great pictures of the Cavalcade! I was too far into the hub to get any good shots!

Most of those have been cropped to get all the back of people's heads out the picture. I just held the camera up and kept taking pictures. And hoped some came out good.

Thanks for the compliment though. :lol:


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Thanks so much for those Calvacade pics!!! I was right in front of the castle so I couldn't see all that...and Flynnn...OMG you seriously just made my heart melt...that is my Flynn..that guy was the one I met when I went to MNSSHP on the Tuesday night and he was the best Love the close up you got of him!!!

And I still can't believe we found each other out of that HUGE crowd that day!

When I started writing about that day, I was worried if I would say too much. Sound all corny about the day. Then I worried that I wouldn't say enough. Basically I was torturing myself over a trip report. :ROFLOL: But it was a very special day, and I want to convey what I felt that day.

What rides at Epcot don't you like?

Well it's only really two I guess haha not a fan of the new Living Seas..I miss the old one and I hate Mission:Space (and I LOOOOVE thrill rides) but has given me a stinky headache every time I've gone on...and not a huge fan of Soarin, I'll go on it, but it doesn't do anything for me. That's about it EPCOT for me is more World Showcase, that is one of my favorite places to be.

She is gonna start feeling like a celebrity soon. LOL.

:ROFLOL: I'm famous!!! I feel special hahahahaha kiddddin it's so great meeting everyone that you've talked to online.


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Thanks so much for those Calvacade pics!!! I was right in front of the castle so I couldn't see all that...and Flynnn...OMG you seriously just made my heart melt...that is my Flynn..that guy was the one I met when I went to MNSSHP on the Tuesday night and he was the best Love the close up you got of him!!!

And I still can't believe we found each other out of that HUGE crowd that day!

:ROFLOL: I'm famous!!! I feel special hahahahaha kiddddin it's so great meeting everyone that you've talked to online.

Too bad he wasn't smoldering for you. If that even a word, smoldering? LOL. That is just a crop of the original picture, I will have to try and find the original.

Wasn't it your mom that spotted me first?

It's not fair that you are becoming famous on MY trip report. :ROFLOL:

I am so far behind!! You're already on the big day! It's so exciting!!

I loved your costume!! So so cute! :)

I'm the one that is behind. The 40th was only my 1st full day there. I still have the rest of that day, plus 4 more to post. I've been slacking. I am hoping to get a chunk done this weekend.



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After a quick break, we found a great spot for the parade. We were in the center of the hub, looking directly up Main Street. We had tried to get this spot last time we went during the summer, but it decided to pour right before the night parade started. This was a different view for me. I liked how I had more time to take pictures of the characters.

The grand marshalls of the parade was a 3 generation family. I also believe they said that one of the family members had been in Magic Kingdom on opening day. I thought that was neat that they had someone from opening day.



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I figured ya'll didn't need commentary on each picture, so I am just posting them all for you.

After the parade, we had a few minutes to kill before dinner. So we just kinda hung around the hub, taking pictures.



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Tonight, dinner was at Crystal Palace. My favorite restaraunt ever. I could just sit in Crystal Palace all day. Especially if you give me a table with a view of Cinderella Castle. I just love the ambiance of this place.

We were seated not long after we checked in, and not longer after we were seated, did my man show up.

I love Winnie the Pooh. So much so, that when we go this summer we are eating at Crystal Palace on three different mornings.

Next up was Tigger.

I was finally able to go get some food. I know a lot of people bad talk Disney pizza, but I love it. That was what I was most looking forward to at dinner tonight.

Piglet stopped by next.

Followed by Eeyore.



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After dinner we made our way over to Tomorrowland, although we didn't do anything while there.

We were going to go on the TTA but it actually had a line. No really, it had a long line. That's how you can tell if it's a busy day or not, if TTA has a line. This girl was having a ball at the end of the line, though. She was dancing along with the music from the dance party and just twirling her flag.

Making our way back to Main Street, we stopped for some PhotoPass pictures.



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Once on Main Street I stopped for some more pictures.

Even a few with Tinkerbell.

Then I had to get one with my new friend. We met at the DisMeet earlier today. She decided to hang out with us the rest of the night.

After taking a whole slew of pictures, it was time to find a spot for Main Street Electrical Parade. This was the crowd that was Main Street. It was getting disgustingly busy. I think even worse than this morning.

And they just kept coming and coming. I was beginning to wonder where all these people were going to go.

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