The 40th, MNSSHP, Food & Wine, A New Camera and 3200 Pictures. Sept/Oct TR.

Welcome to my 3rd trip report, for my 11th trip, that includes a few 1st and a 40th. Now we all know about the 40th, but the 1st's will be talked about later.
I have been home for two weeks now. Shame, for having waited this long to start. But I just wasn't feeling it yet. I have finally started editing some of my pictures and I am ready to get this going.
On this trip there were only two travelers. First there is me. This was my 3rd trip in 17 months and I am already ready to go back. I purchased a new camera, Canon SX30, before the trip. So, hopefully, my pictures have improved since the last trip. I still need more practice on low light pictures, but that is what the next trip is for.

Then there is my dad. This was his 13th trip, his first being in April of 72. His most recent trip was in May/June 2010. He videoed more of the trip than I did, while I took most of the pictures.

We stay at Pop Cenutry from September 30th till October 6th. We had free dining for most of our trip and we had 5 day Park Hoppers. We also had tickets to the September 30th MNSSHP. Add in the 40th and Food & Wine and it was a very busy 5 days.

In this trip report you will find out about how we met a dozen characters in just over an hour, our adventure of all four parks in one day, and just how crazy the 40th really was. Stay tuned for all that and much more, including many many many pictures.


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I enjoy Hallowishes, but prefer Wishes. I did like that there were different characters involved. Oogey Boogie and The Ghost Host were a nice touch. Honestly, I was more excited watching how nice my pictures were coming out, than watching the show. No regrets though. That's why I bought the camera.

After Hallowishes, we made our way to Frontierland to watch the second Boo To You parade. Before the parade started, I went to the smoking section down by Rivers of America. Would it kill'em to put in a few lights down that way? I had to use my phone, at one point, to see where I was going.

We stood right in front of Splash Mountain, right were the parade comes out. I LOVE Boo To You. Not as much as MSEP, but it was awesome. The song really sticks with you. I didn't get a good picture of the Headless Horseman. He came out very quickly and abruptly, with no warning, whatsoever.

Mickey and gang, also gave me some trouble. They were dancing a little too much for me to get a good shot. I really did try though. The rest of the parade came out decent. Once again, I was taking pictures in Manual mode, based upon settings I had read about online.



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The Haunted Mansion section was my favorite. I like that the included the "dead" dancers. They had some pretty awesome moves, for dead people. I like that ghost band and the Grave Diggers were great.

Next favorite part, The Country Bears. Cuz what's more halloween than some Country Bears, right? LOL. I still love them anyway. My dad loved that Big Al was on our side of the float. He is my dad's favorite.

The Villians were great also. Cruella looked mad as always and I loved Pain and Panic being included.



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I think I caught the candy girl off guard. Not only did I take her picture, I wanted candy too.

After the parade, we had one last thing to do. Meet Mickey and Minnie. There were other things I would have liked to do, but as long as I met Mickey and Minnie, the night would be complete. We made it to Town Square and the line wasn't very long at all. We were hoping to finish with them quick enough to meet the Princess' and their Princes, but it didn't work out that way.

Mickey and Minnie were great as usual, even posing for a picture of just the two of them. Minnie loved that I was dressed up as her. She kept pointing at me and then her. Making sure Mickey knew that I was dressed like her.



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There was a candy stop right outside, which was our only trick or treating done for the night. I tried to see if I could get in line for Pooh and friends, but the line was closed off already. I just snapped some pictures from the side.

I took a few pictures with the Halloween decorations. Then it was time to make our way back to POP.

Once back at POP it was time to see my friend. He didn't get to work today until after we had left for the party. I snuck up behind him and called out his name. He turned around, saw my costume and started laughing. Then he hugged me for the longest. We chatted for a few minutes, he was at work after all. I made my way to the room, got ready for bed, decided that it was a very successful night, and started to get excited for tomorrow. The 40th! Big day tomorrow, will be lots and lots of pictures. There is only 500 to choose from.



Active Member
I'm enjoying your trip report so far! My family and I were there that same night at MNSSHP! I dressed up as a black cat! My tail was super long and I kept having to make sure I got all of myself on the rides! LOL! It was CrAzY busy there that night, wasn't it? I had always heard it wasn't very busy at the end of September into early October, guess that has changed. Either that or everyone was just there because of the 40th, I kinda think/hope that was the reason. Anyway, can't wait for more! :)


Well-Known Member
Yay!!! Tomorrow is the best day!!! The 40th was so much fun! Wish I could stay for EPCOT's 30th this time around..but of course work beckons on Monday...

And I make an appearance in the report here!!!!!!! :) Hurry up and post more!


Well-Known Member
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I'm enjoying your trip report so far! My family and I were there that same night at MNSSHP! I dressed up as a black cat! My tail was super long and I kept having to make sure I got all of myself on the rides! LOL! It was CrAzY busy there that night, wasn't it? I had always heard it wasn't very busy at the end of September into early October, guess that has changed. Either that or everyone was just there because of the 40th, I kinda think/hope that was the reason. Anyway, can't wait for more! :)

I found out later on that there were quite a few reasons why it was so busy that night. The 40th, opening of Food & Wine, the Food & Wine marathon, that night was the last night of discounts for DVC and Cast Members. So all of that added together to make one busy night.

I hope to have more up before the weekend is over. I am working on the next few updates now.

Yay!!! Tomorrow is the best day!!! The 40th was so much fun! Wish I could stay for EPCOT's 30th this time around..but of course work beckons on Monday...

And I make an appearance in the report here!!!!!!! :) Hurry up and post more!

I'm coming, I'm coming. I am trying to write out the whole day before I post anything. Should be up soon though. You just want to see yourself. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
LOVE Mickey and Minnie's outfits! Super cute!!

When we went to our first MVMCP in November it was on a sold out night and it was a madhouse :( I was so bummed because we didn't get to see hardly anything we wanted to do. We still had fun though.

Can't wait to


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In the Parks
I love all the pictures! Makes me feel like I am there for almost a second. Hard to escape reality THAT much! Can't wait for more!


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cute report so far,I read your ;last one too!excited for the firsts:)

Thanks. I am trying to work on the next update now.

LOVE Mickey and Minnie's outfits! Super cute!!

When we went to our first MVMCP in November it was on a sold out night and it was a madhouse :( I was so bummed because we didn't get to see hardly anything we wanted to do. We still had fun though.

Can't wait to

I know, I loved there outfits. Oh we still had fun, just kinda bummed I didn't get to meet more characters. I am trying to get the next update done tonight. The next day was the 40th, so it's kinda hard to get everything I want to say written out.

I love all the pictures! Makes me feel like I am there for almost a second. Hard to escape reality THAT much! Can't wait for more!

Thank you! I'm glad that I am able to help you escape reality for a second. I think we all need to escape now and then. And where better to escape to than Disney World?


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How do you describe a day that you had been looking forward to for over 8 months? The day that was the whole reason why you took the trip?

Let me start by giving you the back story. So, here I am standing in the Emporioum on the last day of my January trip with my mom and nanny. I have a basket full of stuff already and we just keep adding more. My mom calls my dad to ask him about this notepad she found. Wants to know if he wants one. I'm getting confused on why my dad would want a notepad, till I realize what it is. Right around this time, I spot the shelves full of 40th merchandise. I start to freak and tell my mom to tell my dad that I'm coming back for the 40th. I hadn't realized when it was until that moment. So the seed, for this trip, was planted all the way back in January. It did make the last day a little less sad.

This morning we had to check out and then check back in at POP. Free dining did not start until the 1st, so we had two reservations. Thankfully we did not have to change rooms. This took a little longer than expected, so we were running a little behind. We made our way to the busses and there wasn't too much of a line, considering Magic Kingdom was opening within the hour.

We chatted with a nice lady in front of us, who was with her two daughters. The girls were very nice and polite. One even asked me to take a picture of her light up Tinkerbell. The lady had performed with her high school band right after Magic Kingdom had opened. The picture above was hers from when Main Street Electrical Parade debuted.

We made it to Magic Kingdom around 8:30am. As we are walking towards the gate, we notice the crowd. First we had to wait in a long line for bag check. Once through, you could only go so far. There wasn't anymore room available in front of the turnstiles. We had to wait between the two. Not long after we were let in, did they stop letting people through bag check. You know had to what on the outer side of bag check. It was crazy packed this morning. I usually don't do well in crowds, but I was actually loving it this morning.

Thankfully there was some room right against the planter that is almost dead center with the train station. Most of the crowd was nice this morning. It was a very different atmosphere than any other Rope Drop I had been to. The crowd had much more anticipation running through it. Almost, as if, we were all about to go somewhere we had never been before. You know how excited you get when you experience something new? That's how it felt in the middle of this crowd of fans. I actually spotted a few people I recognized from different sites online. But due to crowds, I couldn't get anywhere near them. It was neat to see some groups wearing special shirts or hats. Some were wearing matching shirts from back in the day, some had homemade shirts that celebrated the day. I had my 40th messenger bag, that I had ordered online.

Not long after we arrived the Morning Show was starting. This gets me every time. Today was even worse. The emotions from the show and crowd were too much. I was getting goosebumps and we weren't even in Magic Kingdom yet. I'm getting goosebumps right now, remembering that morning. The Mayor mentioned the 40th and how we all would be celebrating today. After the countdown, the crowd cheered and you could feel the excitment. I know I was in the Magic Kingdom the night before at MNSSHP, but this really felt like the beginning of my trip. Everything was starting right now. I may not have been around when Magic Kingdom opened, but I was here to celebrate it today.

Right after going through the turnstiles, they were handing out buttons in honor of the 40th. We grabbed some of the special maps that were being handed out also.



Well-Known Member
I'm coming, I'm coming. I am trying to write out the whole day before I post anything. Should be up soon though. You just want to see yourself. :ROFLOL:

hahah duhh makes me feel famous :ROFLOL: Seriously though, next time definitely gotta spend more time together maybe ride a few rides something!

And reading what you wrote about rope drop...I started gettin all emotional on ya here lol Even though I wasn't able to watch it dead on center like you did (I saw it at the worst angle because we were right at the entrance way up front) but just listening and being there...that was one of the best days I've had in the MK

Can't wait for more!


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Now I see why you was telling me about this the other night. You was writing your trip report. LOL

Loving it. Can't wait for more!!!!

If my computer was working better, I would have the next update posted already. But with all this nasty weather we are getting, I can barely keep a connection. And now I have to go to work in it. :(

hahah duhh makes me feel famous :ROFLOL: Seriously though, next time definitely gotta spend more time together maybe ride a few rides something!

And reading what you wrote about rope drop...I started gettin all emotional on ya here lol Even though I wasn't able to watch it dead on center like you did (I saw it at the worst angle because we were right at the entrance way up front) but just listening and being there...that was one of the best days I've had in the MK

Can't wait for more!

Yes, if I don't make it in September/October, definitely after the cruise. I don't do thrill rides though. So we will have to do something a little tamer. :lol:

That is what took me so long to post. I wanted it to sound right, I kept writing things that made sense to me, but when I reread it and it made no sense at all. It took me quite awhile to write what I have done so far. Maybe tonight, if the weather cooperates, I'll get another update done.


Well-Known Member

Yes, if I don't make it in September/October, definitely after the cruise. I don't do thrill rides though. So we will have to do something a little tamer. :lol:

That is what took me so long to post. I wanted it to sound right, I kept writing things that made sense to me, but when I reread it and it made no sense at all. It took me quite awhile to write what I have done so far. Maybe tonight, if the weather cooperates, I'll get another update done.

No problem!!! I love ALL the rides in the parks. Well, except EPCOT I could give or take a few over there. but thats besides the point.

I agree, definitely want it to sound right...the emotion that day was just indescribable.


Active Member
If my computer was working better, I would have the next update posted already. But with all this nasty weather we are getting, I can barely keep a connection. And now I have to go to work in it. :(

Yes, if I don't make it in September/October, definitely after the cruise. I don't do thrill rides though. So we will have to do something a little tamer. :lol:

That is what took me so long to post. I wanted it to sound right, I kept writing things that made sense to me, but when I reread it and it made no sense at all. It took me quite awhile to write what I have done so far. Maybe tonight, if the weather cooperates, I'll get another update done.

We are going to get you on at least one thrill ride. And guess what, You're gonna love it!!!!! Wish you was coming with us in november!


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No problem!!! I love ALL the rides in the parks. Well, except EPCOT I could give or take a few over there. but thats besides the point.

I agree, definitely want it to sound right...the emotion that day was just indescribable.

When I started writing about that day, I was worried if I would say too much. Sound all corny about the day. Then I worried that I wouldn't say enough. Basically I was torturing myself over a trip report. :ROFLOL: But it was a very special day, and I want to convey what I felt that day.

What rides at Epcot don't you like?

We are going to get you on at least one thrill ride. And guess what, You're gonna love it!!!!! Wish you was coming with us in november!

Can we at least start on the tamer thrill ride? :lol: I will have an AP, get me a good price and maybe we could make it happen. ;) I would love to see all the Christmas decorations.


Active Member
When I started writing about that day, I was worried if I would say too much. Sound all corny about the day. Then I worried that I wouldn't say enough. Basically I was torturing myself over a trip report. :ROFLOL: But it was a very special day, and I want to convey what I felt that day.

What rides at Epcot don't you like?

Can we at least start on the tamer thrill ride? :lol: I will have an AP, get me a good price and maybe we could make it happen. ;) I would love to see all the Christmas decorations.

Rooms cost 910 with tax for up to 4 people. I think the meal plan is going to cost us 140 for 8 nights. so 1050 for 8 nights? Not too bad. We will have free QS and upgrading to Regular Dining

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