The 40th, MNSSHP, Food & Wine, A New Camera and 3200 Pictures. Sept/Oct TR.

Welcome to my 3rd trip report, for my 11th trip, that includes a few 1st and a 40th. Now we all know about the 40th, but the 1st's will be talked about later.
I have been home for two weeks now. Shame, for having waited this long to start. But I just wasn't feeling it yet. I have finally started editing some of my pictures and I am ready to get this going.
On this trip there were only two travelers. First there is me. This was my 3rd trip in 17 months and I am already ready to go back. I purchased a new camera, Canon SX30, before the trip. So, hopefully, my pictures have improved since the last trip. I still need more practice on low light pictures, but that is what the next trip is for.

Then there is my dad. This was his 13th trip, his first being in April of 72. His most recent trip was in May/June 2010. He videoed more of the trip than I did, while I took most of the pictures.

We stay at Pop Cenutry from September 30th till October 6th. We had free dining for most of our trip and we had 5 day Park Hoppers. We also had tickets to the September 30th MNSSHP. Add in the 40th and Food & Wine and it was a very busy 5 days.

In this trip report you will find out about how we met a dozen characters in just over an hour, our adventure of all four parks in one day, and just how crazy the 40th really was. Stay tuned for all that and much more, including many many many pictures.


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We made our way to Downtown Disney for some shopping and lunch at Earl's. Unfortunately the line at Earl's was way too long. I never did get a chance to return later in the trip.

Maybe I should have just gotten a sundae for lunch, too bad they weren't open yet.

We went through TrenD, nothing was bought, just some browsing.

I love these candy boxes. The shirt I was wearing today had the Evil Queen on it, so I had to take a picture of this one. I even bought one on our last night.

Next up was Once Upon A Toy. I didn't purchase anything here, either. But this gentleman was at the front door. He was the sweetest man. He would pose for each person that wanted to take his picture.

Of course, I had to go spend way too much at the Pin Shop.

World of Disney was calling my name. I always buy more than I should in here.

I made my way through to the jewelry section and had to stop myself from buying out the whole thing. I am slowly building my Disney jewelry collection.

After checking out, I went outside for a smoke break. As I left World of Disney, Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, was playing. I thought of you HollyBelle.


Well-Known Member
Love the pics!! Pop looks like a really cool resort. We've never stayed there though but I do love all the bright colors :)

World of Disney is such an great store. And like you, I always spend way too much $$ in there!! lol


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After World of Disney, it was time to buy some Mickey Ears. My sister wanted me to pick up two different ones for her and I bought my 40th Ears.

It was now time for some lunch, unfortunately Earl of Sandwich had a very long line. I checked Wolfgang Puck Express and the line was to the door. So I decided to just eat lunch at Pop. First, we made a stop at Goofy's Candy Co.

I was having fun taking picture of all the candy in here.

I bought some of these candies on our last night. I just loved all the different sayings on the boxes.

You see those jelly beans in my hand? Disney World is the only place I can find Dr. Pepper flavored jelly beans. Anyone seen them anywhere else?

After getting my rice krispie treat covered in milk chocolate, peanut butter chips and even more milke chocolate, we made our way back to the bus stop.



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After returning to Pop Century, it was time to find some lunch.

We didn't have the dining plan till tomorrow, so I didn't want to spend a whole lot on food. We split a pepperoni pizza and breadsticks. I also got a refillable mug. I had to have the pink one, once I saw it.

This was my first time taking food pictures with the new camera, so I was playing around with the settings and angles. You'll see many more as this goes along.

We made our way back to the room to get ready for MNSSHP. I had to get my costume together. You will see it in a few.

After changing into my costume, it was time to leave. I asked my dad if he had seen anyone else in costume. I was starting to feel a little odd, being the only adult dressed up. I made at stop at the smoking section behind Classic Hall. There was a little girl dressed in a princess costume. I heard her tell her mom, look that lady is dressed up like me. That made me feel a little better. Once we made it to the line for the Magic Kingdom bus, I saw many others dressed up. I met this one family in front of us in line. We spent most of the time in line and on the bus talking. I found out that the mom was a Dis'er. I just wish I could remember her name on here.

Soon we were passing under this wonderful sign.

I was trying more settings on my camera. I had to kneel down to take this one. So once you see my costume, think about how funny I looked taking this picture.

As we walked up, I was watching to see if they were letting people in for the party already. I was worried that we were going to have to wait till right at 7. But they let us in right around 4:30.


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Your pictures look great! I really liked the ones you took of the Entrance Sign once you got on property. It's always a bit tricky getting the timing right on that but you nailed it!

Is that a 40th anniversary messenger bag I see? :animwink: I really liked the merchandise they had for the 40th, got one of the t-shirts for my birthday. :D

Can't wait to read more!


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Well now I can't wait to see your costume!!:)

You will see it in the next installment that hopefully will be up tomorrow.

Your pictures look great! I really liked the ones you took of the Entrance Sign once you got on property. It's always a bit tricky getting the timing right on that but you nailed it!

Is that a 40th anniversary messenger bag I see? :animwink: I really liked the merchandise they had for the 40th, got one of the t-shirts for my birthday. :D

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks! I set the camera to take pictures the whole time I had the shutter pressed. So I just got really lucky that the camera had it framed correctly.

Yes that is a 40th anniversary messenger bag. I ordered it online before I left. I was a great size for everything I needed, including my tripod. Which fit perfectly. I did not get a t-shirt, but I did get some pins, including a special one that has a story attached to it. You will find out about that one a little later on.

Can't wait to see pictures of the costume you put together!

Should be up tomorrow. Just remember, it all started with a pair of barrettes. LOL. I'll explain it when I show it to ya'll.


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Before I show ya'll my costume, I want to explain it a little. It all started with the barrettes I bought on my January trip. I thought I could wear those with a new shirt and jeans, and that would be it. But it slowly spiraled into a full on costume.

First I had the Minnie barrettes, then there is the Original Mouseketeer shirt, the red and white tutu, black tights and flip flops. See I told you it got a little out of control. Think back now to me kneeling down in this tutu to take a picture of the flower from earlier. I told you I looked ridiculous doing that.

We made our way in to see Mickey and Minnie before they changed over to the Halloween costumes. I figured that this would be my only chance to see Minnie in her normal outfit, while I was dressed like her.

After taking pictures with both Mickey and Minnie, I asked for one of just Minnie and I. Well, Mickey wasn't too happy about that. He got mad and hid behind the curtains.



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I seriously love your costume!!! The picture with you and Minnie Mouse is really cute!

Thank you. She really liked the costume. She kept pointing to herself and then me.

You look so adorable, I love those little ear barrettes. SO cute! Look forward to reading more :wave: -A

Thanks. I bought the barrettes in Hollywood Studios, in the Muppets store, of all places.

I LOVE your tutu!

Thank you. My boss made it for me. Mine was the first adult one she made. Usually, she makes them for little girls, but I just had to have one.

Cute costume!!
Looks like you had a lot of fun. I love Disney in the fall.:)

Thanks. This was actually my second time at Disney in the fall, but I don't remember much of the first time. I was only 2 at the time. But I fell in love with Disney in the fall. I loved MNSSHP and Food and Wine. I can't wait to go back at the time again.


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After spending some quality time with Mickey and Minnie, it was time to make our way to check out the line for the Seven Dwarfs. Of course, a few pits stops were made.

Ahh, that first sighting of Cinderella Castle.

I actually put a copy of this one up in my room. I love the feeling I get when I see this picture. It takes me right back to Main Street and all the frustration of trying to get a good picture of the balloons. Finally, the satisfaction of getting one.

I was really getting into trying different angles and settings on the camera.

I think this may very well be my favorite view ever. This is over in the smoking section right in front of The Plaza restaurant. I love how you are kinda tucked out of the way, yet you still can see the world passing you by. And who can pass up this view.

Time for a little PhotoPass session.



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YAY another update!! :)

Love your costume :) And I just got a new camera yesterday (Nikon D3100) so I have about 3 months to play around with the settings and stuff before our next trip. I hope I can get some pics as good as yours!!

Can't wait to read more!!


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We made our way over towards Frontierland, to line up for the Seven Dwarfs. Along the way we stopped to watch the Castle show.

This was the first sighting of Malifiecent tonight.

I love this picture.

Another smoking section picture. I actually take alot of pictures while I am in the smoking sections. So, ya'll will be seeing alot of them.

It was now time to line up for the Seven Dwarfs. While waiting in line, I met two different Dissers. Behind us in line was Discorner. Her family was dressed in Seven Dwarfs shirts. I also met theVidas. We were all talking, which really helped passed the time.

The Dwarfs were hilarious. Sneezy kept wiping his nose on everyone and Grumpy was making fun of people.

It was now time to make our way up front. On the way towards Adventureland, I saw these two ladies out. I love that they have special costumes, just for the party.


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Before I go any further, my dad gave me a copy of his picture with the Seven Dwarfs. His photopass pictures did not come out. Thankfully we had gotten someone to take one with his camera.

While making our way to Main Street, we passed through Adventureland, where Jack Sparrow was greeting guests. His line was way toooo long for me to wait in, so I snapped a few pics on the slick.

We passed Crystal Palace, my fave, on our way to check out the wait times for Mickey, Minnie, and the Princesses. Unfortunately, once we got up there, the wait was too long. Come to find out, tonight was a sold out night. Not the best, for my first time at MNSSHP.

We made our way back down towards the Hub and saw that the Mix and Mingle was going on. I was determined to meet Malificient. Her line was not very long, but we she was the only villian we were able to meet. I told Malificient that she was my favorite, she laughed and thanked me. Then I told her that she was the reason I came tonight. She told me that I had wonderful taste.



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Frollo was roaming the crowd looking lonely.

We made our way to Tomorrowland, for what I'm not sure. The dance party was going on, so I snapped a few pictures before taking a break and writing some notes out. It was almost time for Hallowishes. This would be my first time using my new camera for night time/long exposure pictures.

Once we made it back to the Hub, the first parade was passing by. So we watched from the back of the crowd, before finding a good spot for Hallowishes.

In between the parade and fireworks was another Mix and Mingle. I was able to watch this one all the way through and video most of it.

Finally, time to test out the new camera, with Hallowishes. Now, most of these pictures have been edited because I had alot of smoke visible. Anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid that? Or just maybe a better way to edit than just darken the picture?


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