??? so for some reason you under the misinformation that I can go to disney when I want to and how I want to. that I simply roll out of bed and grab the money bad. any trip I take is careful thought through and usually entails sacrificing somewhere else.
Actually when you were going, my family couldn't afford to go, so guess what we didn't go. we certainly did not get mad at Disney because it was out of our budget and we didn't get mad at others because they could afford it and we couldn't.
I'm sorry, I totally admit this attitude that you should be able to afford what you want just because you use to be able to get it is totally foreign to me. That could be simply a product of my upbringing. There are many many experiences and trips I would love to be able to do but unless that 550 million dollar powerball comes my way, they ain't happening. and you know what I'm pretty okay with that.
Let me ask you though, why should it be "Affordable" to anyone?? does that trickle down to everything? If I want to buy an audi does the volkswagen group have to make it affordable to me? I use to live in NYC, use to be able to afford it. I can no longer afford it so guess what.... I don't live there. I totally admit, I'm a full on "personal" responsibility type of gal, there were many years where my children heard the sentence, "there is no money tree in the backyard so no we will not be going to wdw". I am so happy that I was raised to believe that, that is perfectly okay.
and let's keep it real. Nothing at Disney, in Disney, around Disney necessary for a great childhood and yes I feel it's the parents responsibility to teach their kids that NOT Disney's to ensure they have a great one.
so yes, I do have empathy. i really feel bad for people who feel they are entitled to whatever they want just because they use to do it it must be frustrating for sure. Let me qualify that with non essential items.
But I will apologize, I definitely not trying to say "I can go screw you"