Test Track Live Chat with Imagineer


Well-Known Member
Another preplanned managed PR swoop.

The biggest response seems to be nice sign, what's the blob above it?

It reminds me of the hover car from the finale of Timekeeper... Which was a Reanault.

RIP From Time to Time.

So sad that the last real futuristic aspect of Tomorrowland got replaced by present day Monsters


Premium Member
My favorite reply to the chat was this one:

When asked about if the track layout will remain the same.

Melissa Jeselnick: Yes, it's still the same track layout that we know and love.

awww :rolleyes:


Premium Member
Why does Disney always act like its an election year and they are running for office? It's the same as watching a presidential debate. No real answers are ever given, just forced propoganda. She might as well have just talked about healthcare or jobs. I guess with the RNC down in Tampa its rubbing off on them.


Active Member
It could just be a glitch with their website, but when going to park hours from the Disney World site, it shows Test Track as being closed through October 23rd. It also isn't showing full 10 days worth of hours for the parks, but in the past the opening date was November 30th. Has anyone heard if the time frame has in deed been moved forward?
everywhere i look it says that its nov 30th??? where do you seen oct 23rd?
Like I said, unfortunately, I think it is just a glitch in their system when viewing in Safari. I viewed the page in Firefox and everything was fine. I do have a screen shot of the Safari page, but can't figure out how to post it to the forums. If someone wants to see the screen shot and help instruct me to post it, I will be more than happy to.

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
That is the worst "live chat" i've ever read.

Also I love everything about the new Marquee except that thing at the top. ? They should have spent more time on it making it look like a futuristic car or something.


Well-Known Member
Why does Disney always act like its an election year and they are running for office? It's the same as watching a presidential debate. No real answers are ever given, just forced propoganda. She might as well have just talked about healthcare or jobs. I guess with the RNC down in Tampa its rubbing off on them.

My sentiments exactly. It's amazing that Disney still treats the public like we're absolute morons. The "chat" was the Imagineer simply spitting back the press release about the attraction. I think it speaks volumes as to what the company thinks of their paying customers, which would be about nothing at this point. At what point do they stop insulting our intelligence? It was a classic political operation of talking through questions, ignoring them, and sticking to a script all the while answering absolutely nothing.


Well-Known Member
Also I love everything about the new Marquee except that thing at the top. ? They should have spent more time on it making it look like a futuristic car or something.

Oddly enough, of all the things I've always thought were lacking on Test Track, the sign was never one of them.

So thank goodness they got around to replacing the sign.


Well-Known Member
All II wanted out of this refurb was the entry canopy and car wash removed. Everything after that would have been gravy. The marquee is nice. I think they went for a futuristic design (flying car?). Will sit well next to M:S. It is Future World afterall. Unfortunately if the scaffolding still looms over the nice new marquee I think it will cheapen the entire project.

Maybe they intend to suprise us and the scaffolding will disappear one night through some sort of magic.


Well-Known Member
My sentiments exactly. It's amazing that Disney still treats the public like we're absolute morons. The "chat" was the Imagineer simply spitting back the press release about the attraction. I think it speaks volumes as to what the company thinks of their paying customers, which would be about nothing at this point. At what point do they stop insulting our intelligence? It was a classic political operation of talking through questions, ignoring them, and sticking to a script all the while answering absolutely nothing.

It started off with a bang the day after it closed with the Test Track All Star singers. They just should've had the concept art in front of TT the day after it closed and a definite opening date posted and that's it for information until it reopens.

And take down the canopy por favor. The sun's not going to reflect well off that whatever it is on top of the new marquee. ;)


Well-Known Member
It started off with a bang the day after it closed with the Test Track All Star singers. They just should've had the concept art in front of TT the day after it closed and a definite opening date posted and that's it for information until it reopens.

And take down the canopy por favor. The sun's not going to reflect well off that whatever it is on top of the new marquee. ;)

You know how a ratty canopy screams futuristic. :)


Well-Known Member
They aren't supposed to.

They are propaganda. Pure and simple.

Anyone want to ask why they pay Mommy Bloggers off? Or pick up Lou's tab wherever he goes? Or fly a psycho from NYC to Anaheim?
Good news is all it will take is 8 hours, 20 cease & desists, and a dozen trespass warnings and the entire lifestyler industry in Orlando will collapse.


Well-Known Member
I had to laugh at the level of detail they discussed:
"Let's talk about the four show scenes in more detail. Capability is where your car is tested for rough road and weather conditions. Efficiency tests your car design's environmental footprint. The Responsiveness phase tests maneuverability, and finally, Speed is tested."

Speed is tested. Such a profound statement :rolleyes:

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