Terri Schiavo has passed.....


Active Member
Wow now. Peterson and Schiavo are TOTALLY different stories and circumstances.
Peterson took the life of Lacie and Connor so he could be with other women. Schiavo had Terri's feeding tube removed because he belived that that was the way that Terri would want it.
God Bless Terri (and Lacie & Connor for that matter too.)


New Member
When a person gets married, the spouse then becomes the "next of kin." If they couple has children, the children then become "next of kin" (if both parents die, or after the husband or wife die). Usually the oldest sibling becomes the 'decision maker.' That is, UNLESS a WILL is written that states otherwise.

There was a case in the '70s, here in New Jersey, Karen Ann(e) Quinlan(sp?). Her parents successfully won to pull her life support after X amout of years (I think it was 10.) She was not married, so her parents had the final say.

Every day, there are HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of cases where the decision is made to remove life support from a person in a vegatative state.

Why has the media portrayed Michael Schiavo as the "bad guy?" Yet, he has had to defend his right as next of kin, to remove life support on his wife, who has been in a vegatative state for 15 years. A state which she brought on herself by attempting to lose approximately 60% of her body weight using unknown amounts of diet pills and bulimia. Her actions caused a potassium imbalance which caused a heart attack, which stopped the blood flow to her brain, which caused her vegatative state.

Granted, he has not been the best husband. After so many years of therapy, doctors examinations, CT scans, PET scans etc, he came to a decision that Terri was NOT going to get better.

As Computer Magic pointed out, no one knows what they actually said to each other. But ask yourself a question: Are their things that you have NEVER told or discussed with your parents, that your have told or discussed with your spouse? If that answer is YES, then you have to think that maybe, just maybe, Michael Schiavo is telling the truth.

Many people have stated that Terri Schiavo has a purpose in life. Well, maybe that purpose is to 'tell the world' to make a living will, so that if you are incapacitated, your wishes will be carried out. And it's not suprising that their has been an 82% rise in the formation in Living Wills in the US in the last month or so.

While I agree that it is a sad situation, I feel that Michael Schiavo is correct.


You may disagree with me, I hopefully will not get any - rep. Let's at least agree to keep things civil. :wave:


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
When a person gets married, the spouse then becomes the "next of kin." If they couple has children, the children then become "next of kin" (if both parents die, or after the husband or wife die). Usually the oldest sibling becomes the 'decision maker.' That is, UNLESS a WILL is written that states otherwise.

There was a case in the '70s, here in New Jersey, Karen Ann(e) Quinlan(sp?). Her parents successfully won to pull her life support after X amout of years (I think it was 10.) She was not married, so her parents had the final say.

Every day, there are HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of cases where the decision is made to remove life support from a person in a vegatative state.

Why has the media portrayed Michael Schiavo as the "bad guy?" Yet, he has had to defend his right as next of kin, to remove life support on his wife, who has been in a vegatative state for 15 years. A state which she brought on herself by attempting to lose approximately 60% of her body weight using unknown amounts of diet pills and bulimia. Her actions caused a potassium imbalance which caused a heart attack, which stopped the blood flow to her brain, which caused her vegatative state.

Granted, he has not been the best husband. After so many years of therapy, doctors examinations, CT scans, PET scans etc, he came to a decision that Terri was NOT going to get better.

As Computer Magic pointed out, no one knows what they actually said to each other. But ask yourself a question: Are their things that you have NEVER told or discussed with your parents, that your have told or discussed with your spouse? If that answer is YES, then you have to think that maybe, just maybe, Michael Schiavo is telling the truth.

Many people have stated that Terri Schiavo has a purpose in life. Well, maybe that purpose is to 'tell the world' to make a living will, so that if you are incapacitated, your wishes will be carried out. And it's not suprising that their has been an 82% rise in the formation in Living Wills in the US in the last month or so.

While I agree that it is a sad situation, I feel that Michael Schiavo is correct.


You may disagree with me, I hopefully will not get any - rep. Let's at least agree to keep things civil. :wave:

I agree with you complety. I mean there are other ppl that have the same case as terri but they didnt get the media attention and no one knows about them.


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Parents instigated the coverage and kept requesting government involvement. I agree that Congress should never have gotten involved, but I also understand why they felt it necessary to answer the parents' call for help.

The Republicans, who hold a majority in Congress, who say that government should NOT get involved in personal issues, gets involved in this case. :brick:
Why?!?! Because it will look good for every Assemblyman and Senator that voted YES to the piece of legislation.



Report: DeLay Agreed With Withholding Special Treatment for Injured Father

The Associated Press Published: Mar 27, 2005

LOS ANGELES (AP) - House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who has helped lead a congressional effort to keep Terri Schiavo alive, joined members of his own family nearly 17 years ago in allowing doctors not to take extraordinary measures to extend his father's life, a newspaper reported Sunday. DeLay had just been re-elected to his third term in Congress in 1988 when his father, Charles DeLay, was severely injured in an accident. As the elder DeLay's vital organs began failing, the family chose not to connect him to a dialysis machine or take other measures to prolong his life, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday, citing court documents, medical records and interviews with family members.

"There was no point to even really talking about it," Maxine DeLay, the congressman's 81-year-old mother, told the Times. "Tom knew, we all knew, his father wouldn't have wanted to live that way."

"Tom went along" with the family's decision, she said.

She called comparisons between her husband's case and that of Schiavo "interesting" but said she agrees with her son that Schiavo might have a chance of recovering if her feeding tube were reinserted.

DeLay helped push through Congress a special law allowing Terri Schiavo's parents to ask federal courts to order their brain-damaged daughter's feeding tube reinserted after state courts allowed it to be removed. However, after hearing their pleas, federal judges refused to intervene.

The Texas Republican also accused Schiavo's husband and the courts of "an act of barbarism" against Schiavo, who doctors say is in a persistent vegetative state.

The congressman declined to be interviewed about his father's case, but a press aide said it was "entirely different than Terri Schiavo's."

"The only thing keeping her alive is the food and water we all need to survive. His father was on a ventilator and other machines to sustain him," said DeLay spokesman Dan Allen.

Charles DeLay, 65, and his brother and their wives were trying out a tram the brothers had built to carry their families up and down a slope from their Texas home to the shore of a lake when the tram jumped the tracks on Nov. 17, 1988.

Charles DeLay was pitched headfirst into a tree. Hospital admission records showed he suffered multiple injuries, including a brain hemorrhage.

Doctors advised that he would "basically be a vegetable," said the congressman's aunt, JoAnne DeLay, who suffered broken bones in the crash.

Like Schiavo, Charles DeLay had no living will, but he had reportedly expressed to others his wish not to be kept alive by artificial means.

He died on Dec. 14, 1988. He had not shown any signs of being conscious, except that his pulse rate would rise slightly when younger son Randall entered the room, Maxine DeLay said.

"There was no chance he was ever coming back," she said of her husband.


The thing that just gets to me is the fact that Michael Schiavo did not allow Terri's family to be with her at her time of death.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
As Computer Magic pointed out, no one knows what they actually said to each other. But ask yourself a question: Are their things that you have NEVER told or discussed with your parents, that your have told or discussed with your spouse? If that answer is YES, then you have to think that maybe, just maybe, Michael Schiavo is telling the truth.

I would absolutely agree with your point.

It is my feeling that as parents we idealize our children. It is hard for me to think of my almost 15 year old as the mature young lady she is becoming. I am sure this will remain true even as she continues to grow up eventually marrying and starting her own life away from her father and I.

My point is that even after only a few years of marriage my husband absolutely knew me more than my parents did. They still imagined me as an akward teenager who didn't really know who I was yet.

I will not judge Terri's parents or her husband for their actions because I believe that they both acted out of love. The situation they were in was impossible and one that I can not even imagine.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Many people have stated that Terri Schiavo has a purpose in life. Well, maybe that purpose is to 'tell the world' to make a living will, so that if you are incapacitated, your wishes will be carried out. And it's not suprising that their has been an 82% rise in the formation in Living Wills in the US in the last month or so.
I honestly believe this. Things happen for a reason.
TAC: Your post was right on the mark


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
When a person gets married, the spouse then becomes the "next of kin." If they couple has children, the children then become "next of kin" (if both parents die, or after the husband or wife die). Usually the oldest sibling becomes the 'decision maker.' That is, UNLESS a WILL is written that states otherwise.

There was a case in the '70s, here in New Jersey, Karen Ann(e) Quinlan(sp?). Her parents successfully won to pull her life support after X amout of years (I think it was 10.) She was not married, so her parents had the final say.

Every day, there are HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of cases where the decision is made to remove life support from a person in a vegatative state.

Why has the media portrayed Michael Schiavo as the "bad guy?" Yet, he has had to defend his right as next of kin, to remove life support on his wife, who has been in a vegatative state for 15 years. A state which she brought on herself by attempting to lose approximately 60% of her body weight using unknown amounts of diet pills and bulimia. Her actions caused a potassium imbalance which caused a heart attack, which stopped the blood flow to her brain, which caused her vegatative state.

Granted, he has not been the best husband. After so many years of therapy, doctors examinations, CT scans, PET scans etc, he came to a decision that Terri was NOT going to get better.

As Computer Magic pointed out, no one knows what they actually said to each other. But ask yourself a question: Are their things that you have NEVER told or discussed with your parents, that your have told or discussed with your spouse? If that answer is YES, then you have to think that maybe, just maybe, Michael Schiavo is telling the truth.

Many people have stated that Terri Schiavo has a purpose in life. Well, maybe that purpose is to 'tell the world' to make a living will, so that if you are incapacitated, your wishes will be carried out. And it's not suprising that their has been an 82% rise in the formation in Living Wills in the US in the last month or so.

While I agree that it is a sad situation, I feel that Michael Schiavo is correct.


You may disagree with me, I hopefully will not get any - rep. Let's at least agree to keep things civil. :wave:
I completely agree with your post. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
MiRi said:
The thing that just gets to me is the fact that Michael Schiavo did not allow Terri's family to be with her at her time of death.

I'm not familiar with the specifics...but didn't they have scheduled times where they went to see Terri...separately...

How was he to know that she was going to die at that moment?

Unless doctors said something...


Well-Known Member
LiveItUp21 said:
Ok so because they are married the one can legally take the others life if he thinks thats what is best? COME ON!!

So what would be the difference between Schiavo's husband and Scott Peterson. I mean seriously, they both took their spouses life without their concent! Basically, in my mind Schiavo's husband murreded Terri. And I'm not trying to be incenstive about Lacy Petterson's death either, what Scott did far exceeds what Schiavo's husband did to her but they are both murreders in my mind.

This is your opinion, and that's fine, but you need to consider that your opinion isn't fact and to blantantly say that Mr. Schiavo is a murderer is wrong. You don't know what it's like to be in his shoes and it is my sincerest hope that you never do. This man has been dealing with this for FIFTEEN years. That's a long time to watch someone that you care about suffer. The bottom line is, LiveItUp21, you don't know what his (or her) life has been like for the last 15 years. You didn't have to go thru that grief and heartache and battle. You didn't hear her say what she did or didn't want. So, that doesn't really give you the right to judge someone that you don't know much about, does it?


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
The Republicans, who hold a majority in Congress, who say that government should NOT get involved in personal issues, gets involved in this case. :brick:
Why?!?! Because it will look good for every Assemblyman and Senator that voted YES to the piece of legislation.

I agreed with your first post, but let's not get political here. Both sides of the aisle have used this situation. Some because they felt it the right thing to do and others for political gain. We really don't know the reasons.

Many politicians have been involved because they were asked by the parents and the stakes were high. No matter what, they were screwed...

Not Involved - they were assisting in the death of Terri
Involved - It was for political gain / they were getting involved in family decisions

There's no right or wrong here, just personal convictions.


objr said:
I'm not familiar with the specifics...but didn't they have scheduled times where they went to see Terri...separately...

How was he to know that she was going to die at that moment?

Unless doctors said something...

Here you go:

[size=-1] The feud between the parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, and their son-in-law continued even after her death: The Schindlers' spiritual advisers said the couple had been at their daughter's bedside minutes before the end came, but were not there at the moment of her death because Michael Schiavo did not want them in the room.



Well-Known Member
DisneyJill said:
This is your opinion, and that's fine, but you need to consider that your opinion isn't fact and to blantantly say that Mr. Schiavo is a murderer is wrong. You don't know what it's like to be in his shoes and it is my sincerest hope that you never do. This man has been dealing with this for FIFTEEN years. That's a long time to watch someone that you care about suffer. The bottom line is, LiveItUp21, you don't know what his (or her) life has been like for the last 15 years. You didn't have to go thru that grief and heartache and battle. You didn't hear her say what she did or didn't want. So, that doesn't really give you the right to judge someone that you don't know much about, does it?

Exactly, and probably that 15 years is about how long LiveItUp21 has been out of diapers...

Boo's Mom

New Member
Now I've heard that out of the $1.2 mil or so that he got from a lawsuit, only $100,000 can be accounted for for actully taking care of her when the majority of the settlement was meant for her care. the rest of the money, nobody knows what happened to it. It truely is a sad situation and I don't know what side to take but I think that he could at least let the parents give her a proper christian burial rather than cremate her. He controlled who saw her and wouldn't let them back in when she died so the least he could do is give his wife's body back to her parents. He made the decision to take out the tube which in result, took her parents child away so the least he could do is give them the body


Boo's Mom said:
Now I've heard that out of the $1.2 mil or so that he got from a lawsuit, only $100,000 can be accounted for for actully taking care of her when the majority of the settlement was meant for her care. the rest of the money, nobody knows what happened to it. It truely is a sad situation and I don't know what side to take but I think that he could at least let the parents give her a proper christian burial rather than cremate her. He controlled who saw her and wouldn't let them back in when she died so the least he could do is give his wife's body back to her parents. He made the decision to take out the tube which in result, took her parents child away so the least he could do is give them the body



New Member
As far as Michael having another woman and moving on with his life, If you were 25 and your spouse was going to be a vegatable for the rest of their life, wouldn't you want to greave and move on? And don't you think that your spouse would want the same thing? And the money, I won't believe that 15 years of care in hospitals, hospice, whereever else she was, only cost $100,000! Anyone who ever went to the hospital for anything knows that if that is the case, then that is the cheapest medical care ever! I don't know what I think about him not letting her parents in while she died, but they have known for 13 days, that she was going to pass away, so if it meant that much to them, they should have stayed in the room until the end.


New Member
There is case here in Ohio that has a similar story. A young couple had a baby and he was diagnosed with SIDS. The baby has been in a vegatable for over a year and will never come out of it. The police siad that when he dies, the father will be charged with murder, because they believe he shook the baby. So, naturally, the parents siad they will never take him off life support.


New Member
Boo's Mom said:
Now I've heard that out of the $1.2 mil or so that he got from a lawsuit, only $100,000 can be accounted for for actully taking care of her when the majority of the settlement was meant for her care. the rest of the money, nobody knows what happened to it. It truely is a sad situation and I don't know what side to take but I think that he could at least let the parents give her a proper christian burial rather than cremate her. He controlled who saw her and wouldn't let them back in when she died so the least he could do is give his wife's body back to her parents. He made the decision to take out the tube which in result, took her parents child away so the least he could do is give them the body

I heard that there was only $100,000 LEFT from the malpractice lawsuit that he filed because Terri's doctors failed to diagnose her bulimia.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
I heard that there was only $100,000 LEFT from the malpractice lawsuit that he filed because Terri's doctors failed to diagnose her bulimia.
actually, I read today that he only has $40-50K left because of his legal bills. He has constantly said this has never been about money.

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