Well-Known Member
This is the thread that just wouldn't die...
It also seems to be the place to let out some pint up frustrations on a 15 year old girl.
And one parent's moronic decision to (perhaps) sue because of their spoiled brat of a kid is now a reflection on an entire country of people. There's some real bitterness playing out here.
...Good grief, I can't believe I got sucked into this thread, too.
It's a thread that won't die because of the relevance to people and their ignorance.
This instance just happens to be high profile, but really, how many times a day does Disney Guest Relations/Customer Service have to deal with people and their complaints. Now don't get me wrong, there are legitimate complaints that should be dealt with, but this girl and her family are wasting time and money for something that is established in Disney's rules.
And yes, this country is turning from hard working to what can I get for nothing. There are hard working people out there, but as we all know, those people are overshadowed by the people that want something for nothing and will go to whatever lengths to get it.
I used to work in student loans and I read an article about a guy who lives in the Texas region of the country and he doesn't pay bills and stuff, but he's got a law degree and he waits for collection calls and such to his home. He waits and finds the faults in the calls and then sues the companies to forgive his debts. Some see that as smart, I see it as lazy.
Just remember, the people that pull the stupid crap are the reason that you pay more to get in, and have tougher standards to get in the door.