Team Cap: Season 14, Project One brainstorming thread


Don't get me wrong, it's a fabulous idea, but the concept is eerily similar. However, Epic Mickey has a Haunted Mansion parody in it so it could make the transition easy.
I've never played the game so I'm not sure haha

But if that is the case, and it is a parody of the Haunted Mansion...then why don't we just make the Epic Mickey attraction...the required HM attraction. The forgotten mansion could be the equivalent of HM's Museum of the Weird (of sorts). A walkthrough attraction rather than a full blown attraction.

This would also cut down kmb's workload.

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
I've never played the game so I'm not sure haha

But if that is the case, and it is a parody of the Haunted Mansion...then why don't we just make the Epic Mickey attraction...the required HM attraction. The forgotten mansion could be the equivalent of HM's Museum of the Weird (of sorts). A walkthrough attraction rather than a full blown attraction.

This would also cut down kmb's workload.
I was thinking more along the lines of just taking kmb's idea and linking it with the Epic Mickey backstory. The issue with making the EM attraction the required attraction is...quite frankly just the fact that the HM area in the game is quite boring. Heck, I'd say even take it out of the ride I came up with.


Well-Known Member
Here's the map -- I assumed everything was correct, but for the Peanuts subland area I was vague enough where you can fit any names in and it will be fine.

The left side is more the "city" area -- whereas on the right side, you travel into the suburbs and rural areas, with the bottom portion being the more imaginative "cereal" area.

The remote transit I will type up -- since this theme is Saturday morning cartoons, imagine a peoplemover, but designed as a TV remote, that travels through all of the attractions, giving guests a glimpse into what they will see throughout the land.

I think we should make the Forgotten mansion dominate the slumps side like Tot.
Also, a nice transition from the city area to the slumps could be like Diagon Alley.

For Peanuts I can get it done either by tomorrow, but I would like to know how we want to separate it. Perhaps we can have a toonified harbor part of the city, and then a bridge over water take you to the world of Peanuts.


I was thinking more along the lines of just taking kmb's idea and linking it with the Epic Mickey backstory. The issue with making the EM attraction the required attraction is...quite frankly just the fact that the HM area in the game is quite boring. Heck, I'd say even take it out of the ride I came up with.
To take it out would be a waste, in my opinion...especially when it is already written up, and Forgotten Mansion isn't.


I think we should make the Forgotten mansion dominate the slumps side like Tot.
Also, a nice transition from the city area to the slumps could be like Diagon Alley.

For Peanuts I can get it done either by tomorrow, but I would like to know how we want to separate it. Perhaps we can have a toonified harbor part of the city, and then a bridge over water take you to the world of Peanuts.
I can't redo the map frankly because I'm cramped for time these next few days -- I put it in the corner, away from everything so that we could implement a more natural transition rather than have it be right on top of other animation styles.

Any transition that you want it fine.

Currently I'm typing up my final drafts and adding in the additional pieces to the project. After that though, I most likely won't be able to do anything until posting time on Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
I really like the ideas we have here.

City the wacky world of Toontown.
The destroyed by thinner and stripped of paint/life slumps
And Peanuts Comics out in a suburb.


Well-Known Member
I can't redo the map frankly because I'm cramped for time these next few days -- I put it in the corner, away from everything so that we could implement a more natural transition rather than have it be right on top of other animation styles.

Any transition that you want it fine.

Currently I'm typing up my final drafts and adding in the additional pieces to the project. After that though, I most likely won't be able to do anything until posting time on Tuesday.
Completely understand. No worries. I could make a mini-map for peanuts possibly?


As for Forgotten Mansion -- idk what to say about it.

If Epic Mickey is close in backstory then I would not recommend having two attractions with a similar story. That will get torn apart in reviews.

Instead....I would simply alternate the Epic Mickey attraction to fit in with a new version of a "toonified" Haunted Mansion...kill two birds with one stone that way.


Sorry if I sound a little blunt, it's just a lot of stuff going on irl ...and some of the questions we are asking are first few days brainstorming territory, not 48 hours before the due date.

Whatever we have now, we have to stick with, do to the best of our ability, and see what happens. Scrapping aspects and editing the original outline at this stage of the project isn't a good idea. It's like when films go for re-writes and re-shoots a few months before the release, those usually don't end well.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I sound a little blunt, it's just a lot of stuff going on irl ...and some of the questions we are asking are first few days brainstorming territory, not 48 hours before the due date.

Whatever we have now, we have to stick with, do to the best of our ability, and see what happens. Scrapping aspects and editing the original outline at this stage of the project isn't a good idea. It's like when films go for re-writes and re-shoots a few months before the release, those usually don't end well.
What's the official land name and park name? or do we not have it?


What's the official land name and park name? or do we not have it?
The land name is Cartoons & Cereal (though if you have a better name you can change it) and the park is irrelevant, according to the prompt. Just the land matters.
The placement is irrelevant, just concentrate on making this as grand as possible, and a step beyond the traditional Mickey's Toon Town.


Well-Known Member


Final Drafts:

Car Kids

Inspired by the Mylo Xyloto cartoon based on the British rock band Coldplay's 5th LP album, Car Kids will be an interactive and immersive dark ride experience for all in the family. Travel along with Mylo and his fellow Car Kids as you roam the desolate and decaying streets of Silencia, a dark dystopian society where imagination and light are bared from existence. With your help, you can rally against the imfamous leader, Major Minus, and bring creativity and color back to the world.

Backstory Synopsis
The album tells the story of a war against sound and color by a supremacist government, set in the world of Silencia, an Orwellian society. Silencia has been overtaken by a government led by Major Minus, who controls the population through media and propaganda. His aim is to take sound and color off the streets in hope to draw away "feeders", creatures that use such energy to hunt its prey. The album follows Mylo, a "silencer", a soldier in an army tasked to hunt and track down "sparkers", people who harness light and energy and use it to create sparks, comparable to graffiti in real life. He encounters Xyloto, the sparker most wanted by Major Minus. Through Xyloto, Mylo discovers his sparker abilities and his affiliation with the Car Kids, a major sparker faction founded by Mylo's parents, Aiko and Lela.

Two protagonists living in an oppressive, dystopian, urban environment, meet one another through a gang and fall in love. Lyrically, the album is inspired by "old school American graffiti" and "the White Rose Movement." Martin also said that the album was influenced by HBO TV series The Wire.

Facade and Queue

The facade will be themed and located in the dark corner of Toontown Heights, thematically representing the underbelly of the city. The grim and gloomy facade will be lined up with propaganda posters of silencers and other elements of Major Minus' rule. Once guests step inside the entrance to the attraction, they are in a secret alley and meeting area for the Car Kids. You wind in and out and begin to hear some cheerful music, giving you hope for what is around the corner. Mylo, the new leader of the Car Kids resistance group, introduces you to the group, and says that tonight they need to help break one of their own out of Major Minus' rule, and need your help to do it. The Car Kids lead you on to the pre-show, where your ride vehicle is explained.

Ride Vehicle Blueprint

Each sparker pod will seat a maximum of 4 guests (seated back to back) In the front of each seat will be a 12x16 touchscreen installed into the surface of the vehicle. On the touchscreen will be a variety of options to create and "spark" the imagination. As you meander through the pre-show, and during the first segment of the ride, instructions will be given on how to use the tools in front of you.

The tools will allow the guests to paint and spark their environment as they follow along with the Car Kids story-line. The ride systen is named AniLPS (short for animation LPS) which is a trackless ride system installed with the touchscreens and synced to the projection screens in front of the guests.

Guests will also wear specialized 3D glasses that allow them to see their projections in a virtual realm on the screens in front of the spark pods. As you draw your designs, they will pop up in 3D on the project screens, giving an amazing visceral experience throughout the entire attraction.

Attraction Statistics:
Ride Design - AniLPS
Ride Type - D-Ticket
Top Speed - 5 mph
Number of Vehicles - 24
Vehicle Capacity - 4
Ride Time - 3:30
Hourly Capacity - 1,600 guests
Height-Restriction - No
Wheelchair Accessible - Yes

Load and Ride-Through

As you board into your vehicles, you can hear bells and cheering in the background. Throughout the ride, you will ride along with the music from the album, as this concept album narrates the ride through that you're experiencing.

Scene 1 - Hurts Like Heaven
Exiting the Car Kids alleyway, you're immediately met by silencers, and you spark the walls as you make your escape through the streets. Coloring the brick walls, and covering up the media posters as you ride through the attraction, you're immersed in their quest for Mylo to find Xyloto and break her out of prison. The song "Hurts Like Heaven" soars and echos throughout the scene, and in the corner, you catch a glimpse of the evil Major Minus lurking and watching the events unfolding, sending more silencers in to stop you in your tracks. The weight of the silencers is not to be overmatched, and at the end of the scene, the Car Kids are captured.

Scene 2 - Paradise
After being captured, you fall into a dream state and experience Mylo's dream of Paradise with Xyloto. A technicolored and whimsical scene, you see Mylo and Xyloto flying off into the sunset, filled in a world of wonder and awe. Butterflies and birds soar in the sky, and the couple soars up to a mountain side where they paint the night sky with ink.

Scene 3 - Charlie Brown
As a transition into the next scene, where Mylo continues on the run from the Silencers, and runs into Xyloto, who escaped to go looking for Mylo. In this scene, the song Charlie Brown is played, as the two run away and you help them escape. Eventually they are both captured and thrown into Major Minus' prison together, where the song "Us Against the World" is played.

Scene 4 - Us Against the World
In this scene, the nighttime sky is illuminated through the window of the jail cell, and you paint the night sky like Mylo and Xyloto did in their paradise dream sequence. This is an allusion to whenever Mylo and Xyloto are together, they are in paradise, regardless of the location. The ambient guitar and piano music in the background swells as your vehicles drift into the night and darkness. Only to be awakened by a boisterous beat.

Scene 5 - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
The finale of the attraction is the escape from prison and coloring the walls of the cells as you escape with the fellow Car Kids. The music swells to a joyous finale, as the main characters and you soar out of the prison and into the streets, pressed for another adventure someday together. You proceed to the unload area where you walk into a small gift shop selling Mylo Xyloto and Coldplay merchandise before heading back out to the street.

Glowin' in the Dark

Named after the famous line from the song, Charlie Brown, at night along the streets of Silencia, there will be glow in the dark spray cans that allow guests to paint the walls of the exit building to the attraction. Layer upon layer of paint will be sprayed and sparked throughout the area, which illuminate the pathways in the cold, dark area.

Space Jam
(Looney Tunes Mini-Land)

Drop through the 18th hole and into the world of the Looney Tunes in this interactive and spacetacular experience in Space Jam. Based on the cult classic 1996 film, Space Jam, you join the Tunes as they take on the "Monstars" -- a group of aliens who have stolen the talent of NBA players from the '90s. Bugs Bunny and the gang challenge the aliens to a game of basketball before they acquire the NBA talent, and need to pursue the best basketball player in the world to help them win the game. Instead of Michael Jordan, this time...that player is you!

The premise of this attraction is putting you square in the zainy and wonky fun from the film - as you are recruited by the "Tune Squad" to play for them in the game.

The attraction is located in the center of a larger Looney Tunes "sub-land" -- around the town there are signs that say "go tunes" and "The Big Game Tonight" referencing the game that the Looney Tunes have with the Monstars. You enter through the basketball arena and into the locker room, where you are greeted by Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck as animatronics. They tell you that they have "secret stuff" for you from Michael Jordan (water) and it will make you play well in the game.

Instead of entering an actual basketball arena, you will be inside a virtual reality room, along with 4 other people, to play a 2.5 minute game with the Monstars. The virtual reality room will put you right on the court and allow you to play along with the game. The 4 screens that surround you are motion sensitive, which means that when you move your hands to shoot if you have the ball -- the environment will react and fire it at the basket.

Each virtual reality room holds 4 guests and is approximately 8ft x 8ft in length/width, which each guest having a VR screen of their own -- meaning that several of them can run at a time and take up relatively little real estate. There are 10 rooms functioning at any given time.

The Experience
After the tip off, Bugs passes you the ball and tells you to take the shot. The Monstars come charging after you and depending on how quick you are with the release, you either score, or you are blocked and they trample over you to score and easy layup. On the next play, Daffy Duck creates a diversion by painting one of the Monsters butt, which causes a bull in the stands to come charging onto the court, giving you the open layup. The referee announces that there are only 2 minutes left in the game, and the Monstars take that as a challenge to play as dirty as possible. They start charging their way through the Looney Tunes and sending them all to the injured bench. As you look up to the score you see that the Tune Squad is down by 4 points.

In the final minute of the game, you and Bugs rally the Looney Tunes and hit a quick 3 pointer, but time is running out. In the final seconds of the game, the Monstars grab onto you and you're told to stretch out as far as you can. Your arm extends through the screen and stretches to the faraway basket where you flick your wrist, drop it in the basket, and win the game for the Tune Squad!


ACME General Store
The famous goods store from the Looney Tunes cartoons has its own facility adjacent to the Space Jam entertainment. Walk inside this wacky and wonky experience as you will be able to see and purchase a variety of easter egg merchandise from the old cartoons. Some items include

Rocket-powered Roller Skates - "Let's you skate at unlimited speed"
Street cleaners wagon - can be used for trash can or as a customizable balloon basket.
ACME Glue - a really sticky adhesive.
Triple-Strength Fortified Leg Muscle Vitamins - gives your legs the vitamins it needs to run faster than ever before.
Artificial rock - lets you become like a real rock out in the open.
ACME Grease - 50% slippery
ACME Jet Motor - part of the jet bike kit.
Giant Rubber Band - used for giant aireal slingshots to shoot things.
Bird Seed - Now comes in can-packed proportions!
Hi-Speed Tonic - lets you go super fast with no way of stopping! Contains vitamins R, P, and M.

Shootaround Arcade
At the exit of the Space Jam experience, you can walk into an arcade like setting with a variety of Looney Tunes games to enjoy. Similar to the Imagination Labs at the end of Journey into Imagination -- this environment will be interactive and engaging for all who experience it.

Elmer Fud's Shooting Range -- whether it be Rabbit or Duck Season - Elmer is always out on the prowl, and this time you can help him catch that silly wabbit once and for all.

Porky Pig's Photo Op - get a picture of you and your family/friends in the "That's All Folks" setting.

Pepe Le Fountain - an assorted soft drink station, where most of the flavors taste pretty terrible. In addition, there is also a fountain of "Mike's Secret Stuff" (water)

Those are just a few of the areas to explore in this immersive environment.

Who Dined Roger Rabbit?

A full scale restaurant in the heart of the land, based on the classic 80s film what made popular the Toon Town motif --- Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Taking loose inspiration from the film, you will dine in a restaurant on the corner of Toon Town, resembling the toonified version of Los Angeles. The restaurant will be a buffet style character restaurant, and like the film, the character line up will be wide and diverse, mixing and matching characters from a variety of different animation universes together in one central location.

Seating in either taxi cabs or stretch limos for larger parties, you can pick and choose from a variety of items on the menu. A sample of the foods that are provided:

For starters/appetizers:
Mixed salad, vegetables, greens, coldcuts (salami, turkey, ham), 4 cheeses, beans, soups, and more.

For entrees:
Chicken, roast beef, pork, ribs, shrimp, sushi, spagetti, roast turkey

For sides:
Mac and cheese, asparagus, green beans, mashed potatoes, cornbread, yams, sweet potatoes.

For desserts:
Cheesecake, bavarian creme pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, brownies, cupcakes.

Yet aside from the delicious food offerings, the real treat is the cast of characters that are available to guests. The characters alternate on all nights (except for the big three of Roger Rabbit, Mickey, and Bugs Bunny), so no matter which night you choose, you never know who you will see.

Characters possible:
Yogi Bear, Scooby Doo, Brer Rabbit, Fox, Bear, Jessica, Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Pluto, Goofy, Minnie, Donald, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tasmanian Devil, and more.

Channel Chasers

Based on the 2004 Fairly OddParents TV movie channel chasers, the theme of this attraction will be a slow moving transit authority through the various lands (or "tv channels")

As you ride on this 5 mph TV remote, seating up to 15 guests per remote, you glid along a highway in the sky, traveling into and out of all of the buildings/areas throughout the land.

Glide into the land of cereal and see the Breakfastables take down Dr. Honey Comb, or blast into Paradise with Mylo and Xyloto on Car Kids. Each experience gives you a glimpse of what you will see, and the way the track manuvers in and out of most land buildings, adds to the "Toonified" aspect of the land itself. Swirling tracks above the guest pathways, weaving into and out of the buildings gives you the "anything can happen" feel of the land.

The attraction will be around 8 minutes long and a great way to relax and unwind, similar to the Peoplemover.

Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.

An interactive walk-around game throughout the land, that incorporates Scooby Doo and the gang on a mystery to solve throughout Cartoons & Cereal.

You'll use your smart phone, and uncover clues throughout the area, some hidden in tucked away places, others where you have to ride the attraction to solve it. The activity creates an user-enabled environment, where you feel as if the land is a functional place. You are actively contributing to it rather than passively observing it. The interconnectivity of this is what makes it unique and part of the toontown lore.​


Well-Known Member
Final Drafts:

Car Kids

Inspired by the Mylo Xyloto cartoon based on the British rock band Coldplay's 5th LP album, Car Kids will be an interactive and immersive dark ride experience for all in the family. Travel along with Mylo and his fellow Car Kids as you roam the desolate and decaying streets of Silencia, a dark dystopian society where imagination and light are bared from existence. With your help, you can rally against the imfamous leader, Major Minus, and bring creativity and color back to the world.

Backstory Synopsis
The album tells the story of a war against sound and color by a supremacist government, set in the world of Silencia, an Orwellian society. Silencia has been overtaken by a government led by Major Minus, who controls the population through media and propaganda. His aim is to take sound and color off the streets in hope to draw away "feeders", creatures that use such energy to hunt its prey. The album follows Mylo, a "silencer", a soldier in an army tasked to hunt and track down "sparkers", people who harness light and energy and use it to create sparks, comparable to graffiti in real life. He encounters Xyloto, the sparker most wanted by Major Minus. Through Xyloto, Mylo discovers his sparker abilities and his affiliation with the Car Kids, a major sparker faction founded by Mylo's parents, Aiko and Lela.

Two protagonists living in an oppressive, dystopian, urban environment, meet one another through a gang and fall in love. Lyrically, the album is inspired by "old school American graffiti" and "the White Rose Movement." Martin also said that the album was influenced by HBO TV series The Wire.

Facade and Queue

The facade will be themed and located in the dark corner of Toontown Heights, thematically representing the underbelly of the city. The grim and gloomy facade will be lined up with propaganda posters of silencers and other elements of Major Minus' rule. Once guests step inside the entrance to the attraction, they are in a secret alley and meeting area for the Car Kids. You wind in and out and begin to hear some cheerful music, giving you hope for what is around the corner. Mylo, the new leader of the Car Kids resistance group, introduces you to the group, and says that tonight they need to help break one of their own out of Major Minus' rule, and need your help to do it. The Car Kids lead you on to the pre-show, where your ride vehicle is explained.

Ride Vehicle Blueprint

Each sparker pod will seat a maximum of 4 guests (seated back to back) In the front of each seat will be a 12x16 touchscreen installed into the surface of the vehicle. On the touchscreen will be a variety of options to create and "spark" the imagination. As you meander through the pre-show, and during the first segment of the ride, instructions will be given on how to use the tools in front of you.

The tools will allow the guests to paint and spark their environment as they follow along with the Car Kids story-line. The ride systen is named AniLPS (short for animation LPS) which is a trackless ride system installed with the touchscreens and synced to the projection screens in front of the guests.

Guests will also wear specialized 3D glasses that allow them to see their projections in a virtual realm on the screens in front of the spark pods. As you draw your designs, they will pop up in 3D on the project screens, giving an amazing visceral experience throughout the entire attraction.

Attraction Statistics:
Ride Design - AniLPS
Ride Type - D-Ticket
Top Speed - 5 mph
Number of Vehicles - 24
Vehicle Capacity - 4
Ride Time - 3:30
Hourly Capacity - 1,600 guests
Height-Restriction - No
Wheelchair Accessible - Yes

Load and Ride-Through

As you board into your vehicles, you can hear bells and cheering in the background. Throughout the ride, you will ride along with the music from the album, as this concept album narrates the ride through that you're experiencing.

Scene 1 - Hurts Like Heaven
Exiting the Car Kids alleyway, you're immediately met by silencers, and you spark the walls as you make your escape through the streets. Coloring the brick walls, and covering up the media posters as you ride through the attraction, you're immersed in their quest for Mylo to find Xyloto and break her out of prison. The song "Hurts Like Heaven" soars and echos throughout the scene, and in the corner, you catch a glimpse of the evil Major Minus lurking and watching the events unfolding, sending more silencers in to stop you in your tracks. The weight of the silencers is not to be overmatched, and at the end of the scene, the Car Kids are captured.

Scene 2 - Paradise
After being captured, you fall into a dream state and experience Mylo's dream of Paradise with Xyloto. A technicolored and whimsical scene, you see Mylo and Xyloto flying off into the sunset, filled in a world of wonder and awe. Butterflies and birds soar in the sky, and the couple soars up to a mountain side where they paint the night sky with ink.

Scene 3 - Charlie Brown
As a transition into the next scene, where Mylo continues on the run from the Silencers, and runs into Xyloto, who escaped to go looking for Mylo. In this scene, the song Charlie Brown is played, as the two run away and you help them escape. Eventually they are both captured and thrown into Major Minus' prison together, where the song "Us Against the World" is played.

Scene 4 - Us Against the World
In this scene, the nighttime sky is illuminated through the window of the jail cell, and you paint the night sky like Mylo and Xyloto did in their paradise dream sequence. This is an allusion to whenever Mylo and Xyloto are together, they are in paradise, regardless of the location. The ambient guitar and piano music in the background swells as your vehicles drift into the night and darkness. Only to be awakened by a boisterous beat.

Scene 5 - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
The finale of the attraction is the escape from prison and coloring the walls of the cells as you escape with the fellow Car Kids. The music swells to a joyous finale, as the main characters and you soar out of the prison and into the streets, pressed for another adventure someday together. You proceed to the unload area where you walk into a small gift shop selling Mylo Xyloto and Coldplay merchandise before heading back out to the street.

Glowin' in the Dark

Named after the famous line from the song, Charlie Brown, at night along the streets of Silencia, there will be glow in the dark spray cans that allow guests to paint the walls of the exit building to the attraction. Layer upon layer of paint will be sprayed and sparked throughout the area, which illuminate the pathways in the cold, dark area.

Space Jam
(Looney Tunes Mini-Land)

Drop through the 18th hole and into the world of the Looney Tunes in this interactive and spacetacular experience in Space Jam. Based on the cult classic 1996 film, Space Jam, you join the Tunes as they take on the "Monstars" -- a group of aliens who have stolen the talent of NBA players from the '90s. Bugs Bunny and the gang challenge the aliens to a game of basketball before they acquire the NBA talent, and need to pursue the best basketball player in the world to help them win the game. Instead of Michael Jordan, this time...that player is you!

The premise of this attraction is putting you square in the zainy and wonky fun from the film - as you are recruited by the "Tune Squad" to play for them in the game.

The attraction is located in the center of a larger Looney Tunes "sub-land" -- around the town there are signs that say "go tunes" and "The Big Game Tonight" referencing the game that the Looney Tunes have with the Monstars. You enter through the basketball arena and into the locker room, where you are greeted by Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck as animatronics. They tell you that they have "secret stuff" for you from Michael Jordan (water) and it will make you play well in the game.

Instead of entering an actual basketball arena, you will be inside a virtual reality room, along with 4 other people, to play a 2.5 minute game with the Monstars. The virtual reality room will put you right on the court and allow you to play along with the game. The 4 screens that surround you are motion sensitive, which means that when you move your hands to shoot if you have the ball -- the environment will react and fire it at the basket.

Each virtual reality room holds 4 guests and is approximately 8ft x 8ft in length/width, which each guest having a VR screen of their own -- meaning that several of them can run at a time and take up relatively little real estate. There are 10 rooms functioning at any given time.

The Experience
After the tip off, Bugs passes you the ball and tells you to take the shot. The Monstars come charging after you and depending on how quick you are with the release, you either score, or you are blocked and they trample over you to score and easy layup. On the next play, Daffy Duck creates a diversion by painting one of the Monsters butt, which causes a bull in the stands to come charging onto the court, giving you the open layup. The referee announces that there are only 2 minutes left in the game, and the Monstars take that as a challenge to play as dirty as possible. They start charging their way through the Looney Tunes and sending them all to the injured bench. As you look up to the score you see that the Tune Squad is down by 4 points.

In the final minute of the game, you and Bugs rally the Looney Tunes and hit a quick 3 pointer, but time is running out. In the final seconds of the game, the Monstars grab onto you and you're told to stretch out as far as you can. Your arm extends through the screen and stretches to the faraway basket where you flick your wrist, drop it in the basket, and win the game for the Tune Squad!


ACME General Store
The famous goods store from the Looney Tunes cartoons has its own facility adjacent to the Space Jam entertainment. Walk inside this wacky and wonky experience as you will be able to see and purchase a variety of easter egg merchandise from the old cartoons. Some items include

Rocket-powered Roller Skates - "Let's you skate at unlimited speed"
Street cleaners wagon - can be used for trash can or as a customizable balloon basket.
ACME Glue - a really sticky adhesive.
Triple-Strength Fortified Leg Muscle Vitamins - gives your legs the vitamins it needs to run faster than ever before.
Artificial rock - lets you become like a real rock out in the open.
ACME Grease - 50% slippery
ACME Jet Motor - part of the jet bike kit.
Giant Rubber Band - used for giant aireal slingshots to shoot things.
Bird Seed - Now comes in can-packed proportions!
Hi-Speed Tonic - lets you go super fast with no way of stopping! Contains vitamins R, P, and M.

Shootaround Arcade
At the exit of the Space Jam experience, you can walk into an arcade like setting with a variety of Looney Tunes games to enjoy. Similar to the Imagination Labs at the end of Journey into Imagination -- this environment will be interactive and engaging for all who experience it.

Elmer Fud's Shooting Range -- whether it be Rabbit or Duck Season - Elmer is always out on the prowl, and this time you can help him catch that silly wabbit once and for all.

Porky Pig's Photo Op - get a picture of you and your family/friends in the "That's All Folks" setting.

Pepe Le Fountain - an assorted soft drink station, where most of the flavors taste pretty terrible. In addition, there is also a fountain of "Mike's Secret Stuff" (water)

Those are just a few of the areas to explore in this immersive environment.

Who Dined Roger Rabbit?

A full scale restaurant in the heart of the land, based on the classic 80s film what made popular the Toon Town motif --- Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Taking loose inspiration from the film, you will dine in a restaurant on the corner of Toon Town, resembling the toonified version of Los Angeles. The restaurant will be a buffet style character restaurant, and like the film, the character line up will be wide and diverse, mixing and matching characters from a variety of different animation universes together in one central location.

Seating in either taxi cabs or stretch limos for larger parties, you can pick and choose from a variety of items on the menu. A sample of the foods that are provided:

For starters/appetizers:
Mixed salad, vegetables, greens, coldcuts (salami, turkey, ham), 4 cheeses, beans, soups, and more.

For entrees:
Chicken, roast beef, pork, ribs, shrimp, sushi, spagetti, roast turkey

For sides:
Mac and cheese, asparagus, green beans, mashed potatoes, cornbread, yams, sweet potatoes.

For desserts:
Cheesecake, bavarian creme pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, brownies, cupcakes.

Yet aside from the delicious food offerings, the real treat is the cast of characters that are available to guests. The characters alternate on all nights (except for the big three of Roger Rabbit, Mickey, and Bugs Bunny), so no matter which night you choose, you never know who you will see.

Characters possible:
Yogi Bear, Scooby Doo, Brer Rabbit, Fox, Bear, Jessica, Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Pluto, Goofy, Minnie, Donald, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tasmanian Devil, and more.

Channel Chasers

Based on the 2004 Fairly OddParents TV movie channel chasers, the theme of this attraction will be a slow moving transit authority through the various lands (or "tv channels")

As you ride on this 5 mph TV remote, seating up to 15 guests per remote, you glid along a highway in the sky, traveling into and out of all of the buildings/areas throughout the land.

Glide into the land of cereal and see the Breakfastables take down Dr. Honey Comb, or blast into Paradise with Mylo and Xyloto on Car Kids. Each experience gives you a glimpse of what you will see, and the way the track manuvers in and out of most land buildings, adds to the "Toonified" aspect of the land itself. Swirling tracks above the guest pathways, weaving into and out of the buildings gives you the "anything can happen" feel of the land.

The attraction will be around 8 minutes long and a great way to relax and unwind, similar to the Peoplemover.

Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.

An interactive walk-around game throughout the land, that incorporates Scooby Doo and the gang on a mystery to solve throughout Cartoons & Cereal.

You'll use your smart phone, and uncover clues throughout the area, some hidden in tucked away places, others where you have to ride the attraction to solve it. The activity creates an user-enabled environment, where you feel as if the land is a functional place. You are actively contributing to it rather than passively observing it. The interconnectivity of this is what makes it unique and part of the toontown lore.​

how did you do the blueprints? really good work!


The Last Breakfast

When the state of cereal as we know it is under attack by Dr. Honey Comb and his plot to change all cereal into honey, The Breakfastables need to band together to save the day.

Walking through the queue, several posters of cereal characters you will see on the ride are present, as well as the introduction to the villain of ride. The evil Dr. Honey Comb.

On the wall is the Kellogs and General Mills Most Wanted List

Have you seen this thing? If you have report to the CIA (Cereal Intelligence Agency)

Be warned, subject is armed with insanity.

One cereal cartoon cannot do this takes a team!

Ride Vehicles

The Breakfastables is a boat ride through the lands of cereal cartoons. For your enjoyment, you will be placed inside a 4 seat cereal bowl, and travel down a river of milk. The spoons will be your safety bars.


The tropical bird paradise is infested with the evil Dr. Honey Comb and his plot to turn all cereal into Honey Combs. Sam the Fruit Loops bird attacks Dr. Honey Comb and kicks him into the land of Lucky Charms

Dr. Honey Comb lands on the magical rainbow and sails into the pot of gold where he blends in and jumps on the Lucky. With the help of magical marshmallows (that are also very nutritious and don't give kids sugar rushes), the marshmallows send Dr. Honey Comb into a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, where he experiences cannibal crunches

He proceeds to leave voluntarily .

Dr. Honey Comb then steals Trix from the Trix rabbit, but then it met by children saying "Silly Honey Comb, Trix are for kids"
"This is what I have to go through all the time" replies the Trix rabbit and he sulks over.

In a last ditch effort, the Breakfastables join together led by Captain Crunch, Tony the Tiger, and Count Chocula who capture Dr. Honey Comb and kick him back to the 90s commercials where he will remain for eternity. The Breakfastables save the day and you exit your bowl to the unload station.

Epic Mickey: Blot Wars

This ride will be an E-Ticket dark ride, possibly with a trackless ride system. Catering to the concept original video game, the ride will be an interactive shooter. Guests can alter the world of the Wasteland with their Brush attached to the ride vehicle, and they can shoot paint or thinner. Guests can defeat enemies for points, which will be in the form of Old Disneyland Tickets (A-E) and pins. Guests can even unlock certain pins that can only be purchased through this ride, at a low price of course.


Go through Mickey's house and see how he journeys into Yen Sid's lab and messes with the model of the Wasteland, creating the Shadow Blot. The story of the first Blot Wars will be told to the guests through videos and displays in the queue. When the Blot first attacked the wasteland, all of the forgotten cartoon characters were in peril. Oswald and the Mad Doctor (who were then allies) tried to fight the beast off. As the Blot was to attack Oswald, his wife Ortensia stepped in to save him, and payed with her life (the Blot turned her inert). The Mad Doctor, seeing that the Blot had the most power in the wasteland, defected to the dark side. Guests then board in Dark Beauty Castle.

Ride Vehicles:
Each vehicle will be equipped with two paint brush blasters, with the thinner trigger on the right attached handle, and the paint trigger on the left. Vehicles will be based on old Disneyland ride vehicles, and each vehicle will have a specific trait. The Pink Elephant will be able to rise and lower. The tea cup will give guests the chance to rotate their car. The old autopia car will allow guests to shoot paint blasts. The Mr Toad motor cars will have a watch sketch button that slows down enemies and time. Finally, the people mover car will have a TV sketch button which will lure enemies into one spot.

Ride Through:

Guests will go through the linear scene of Mickey getting experimented by the Mad Doctor. The ride begins to be narrated by Mickey's companion, Gremlin Gus. Of course, Mickey escapes, and guests travel down a utilidor in which they have the opportunity to first test out their brushes. The ride will now be split up into large rooms or scenes, each generally with tons of enemies, a boss, and some story progression in between.

A. Gremlin Village (Rejected It's a Small World)
Guests approach a carnival facade, to which they enter a giant show room with different countries of the world and a gremlin village (probably the biggest room/rooms). Guests them see themselves face to face with the giant Small World Clock Tower which they can team up to redeem or destroy.

B. Mean Street

Simple remix of Main Street with few enemies.

C. Ostown

Simple remix of old Toontown, with enemies and Animtronic Goofy's Head.

D. Mickeyjunk Mountain (Matterhorn)

An expedition through a mountain of old Mickey memorabilia.
At the end, guests see Mickey talking to Oswald, who neglectfully devises a plan to help Mickey escape the Wasteland (because he wants Mickey out of the Wasteland).

E. Tomorrow City

Giant Tomorrowland scene with the old Carousel theatre, the Nautilus, the old People Mover tracks and the skyway, the Moonliner rocket, and a team battle against Petetronic on top of space mountain. Guests can collect Animatronic Goofy parts here.

F. Ventureland and Pirates of the Wasteland

Scene opens up with a jungle outpost and encounter animatronic daisy's head. Guests then travel past such landmarks as tortooga, hangman's tree, and skull rock. Collect Daisy's parts here. People then team up against Animatronic Hook.

G. Bog Easy and Lonesome Manor (Haunted Mansion)

The scene opens up in the quaint marsh town of Bog Easy, where they find Animatronic Donald's head (his parts may be collected in the mansion). Guests travel through the mansion to the attic, in which they take down the Mad Doctor.

H. Shadow Blot Figh
Guests can redeem or destroy the Blot subsidiary.

Then, as Mickey tells Oswald that he was responsible for the Blot and Thinner Disaster, the rabbit gets into a fit of rage. He breaks the cork and accidentally releases the true Blot, who immediately takes him (Oswald) and gremlin Gus. In exchange for his friends, Mickey gives the Blot his heart.

I. Dark Beauty Castle

Guests travel through the corridors of the castle, fighting enemies and Blot tentacles.

J. Final Fight

Guests come face to face with a giant Blot Animatronic who they attempt to attack (this will be one of the biggest and most advanced animatronics in Disney history!!!).

They then travel into the Blot, in which they shoot at the tentacles to free Mickey's heart. With Mickey's heart returned, Oswald fires the fireworks destroying the Blot.

K. Ending Scene
This scene depends on how you and your team of 12-16 guests (6-8 cars per area) deal with the Wasteland and it's problems. It will feature a total of 9-10 interchangeable scenes. At the end, guests will see their points total (number of E-Tickets collected), and the percentage of hero/scrapper decisions they made. They will then receive specific pin rewards, which will be saved to their magicbands for them to purchase later. Since this is a trackless ride and the rooms are large, guests won't take the same path past the same landmarks every time. This combined with the multiple endings makes for a ride with experiences that are different every time!​
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