Team Cap: Season 14, Project One brainstorming thread


Well-Known Member
Just a late night thought -- I know we had mentioned Bob's Burgers a few times, but I see both other teams are doing that, so I think we should pass just for the sake of being different. Toontown stands out from other lands because of its bright, vibrant color patterns along with the music and a wonky style that immerses you into the world of "cartoons"

For the 24 hours or so we coached Drax in Round 4 of Creator Games, I remember @David2319 and @kmbmw777 were talking about music ...I know David plays piano and Kevin plays "a mean synth":p Maybe we can use that to our advantage not only with the presentation, but the land design.

I was listening to some music and it gave me an idea for another attraction that could fit the wonky style of the land (and use this team's musical talents!)

The 5th Coldplay album is a narrative based album that was made into a comic, and then a cartoon for the music video. It has a whole story attached to it that is kinda like West Side Story meets Orwell's 1984. The story itself would fit perfectly in the "slums" area. It would really make an incredible dark ride.

Not only that...but it flows from other areas of the land...painting...

to more painting with Epic Mickey


And in the album there is a song (my favorite on the album) called...Charlie Brown!:D

And we are doing a whole Peanuts sub-land. It's a very loose tie, but I thought that was pretty cool.

I know most of these songs on the piano -- but I know David plays the piano too...maybe we could create a "custom soundtrack" for each area of the land? Peanuts has a ton of music attached to it as well...just to spice up the presentation a little and make it wonky fun like Toontown.

@Brer Oswald is an amazing artist and so is Red -- so if they focused on that end, and we added the music -- it'd make for an awesome final product I think (especially since we have a week to do it ):bookworm:

I really like he idea. I say we go with it!!
In the meantime playing Epic Mickey for the first time in over a year to get me in the mood:D


Space Jam Rough Draft (and surrounding area)

Drop through the 18th hole and into the world of the Looney Tunes in this interactive and spacetacular experience in Space Jam. Based on the cult classic 1996 film, Space Jam, you join the Tunes as they take on the "Monstars" -- a group of aliens who have stolen the talent of NBA players from the '90s. Bugs Bunny and the gang challenge the aliens to a game of basketball before they acquire the NBA talent, and need to pursue the best basketball player in the world to help them win the game. Instead of Michael Jordan, this time...that player is you!

The premise of this attraction is putting you square in the zainy and wonky fun from the film - as you are recruited by the "Tune Squad" to play for them in the game.

The attraction is located in the center of a larger Looney Tunes "sub-land" -- around the town there are signs that say "go tunes" and "The Big Game Tonight" referencing the game that the Looney Tunes have with the Monstars. You enter through the basketball arena and into the locker room, where you are greeted by Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck as animatronics. They tell you that they have "secret stuff" for you from Michael Jordan (water) and it will make you play well in the game.

Instead of entering an actual basketball arena, you will be inside a virtual reality room, along with 4 other people, to play a 2.5 minute game with the Monstars. The virtual reality room will put you right on the court and allow you to play along with the game. The 4 screens that surround you are motion sensitive, which means that when you move your hands to shoot if you have the ball -- the environment will react and fire it at the basket.

Each virtual reality room holds 4 guests and is approximately 8ft x 8ft in length/width, which each guest having a VR screen of their own -- meaning that several of them can run at a time and take up relatively little real estate. There are 10 rooms functioning at any given time.

The Experience:
After the tip off, Bugs passes you the ball and tells you to take the shot. The Monstars come charging after you and depending on how quick you are with the release, you either score, or you are blocked and they trample over you to score and easy layup. On the next play, Daffy Duck creates a diversion by painting one of the Monsters butt, which causes a bull in the stands to come charging onto the court, giving you the open layup. The referee announces that there are only 2 minutes left in the game, and the Monstars take that as a challenge to play as dirty as possible. They start charging their way through the Looney Tunes and sending them all to the injured bench. As you look up to the score you see that the Tune Squad is down by 4 points.

In the final minute of the game, you and Bugs rally the Looney Tunes and hit a quick 3 pointer, but time is running out. In the final seconds of the game, the Monstars grab onto you and you're told to stretch out as far as you can. Your arm extends through the screen and stretches to the faraway basket where you flick your wrist, drop it in the basket, and win the game for the Tune Squad!

Comings soon.
Looney Tunes M&G

Shootaround Arcade



Unfortunately, this weekend is incredibly packed for me with band, the act, and some other very fun stuff:)
so i doubt ill have the time to do any real music project this time around.

However I will get my stuff with the park and the forgotten manor done tonight or tommotow
No worries! For a future project haha

And sounds good -- take your time, can't wait to see!


I will try to get the Epic Mickey draft for the next couple of days (which shouldn't be hard because no research is required). I may be able to produce art on the weekend, but don't expect more than one piece (probably the facade).
I really like he idea. I say we go with it!!
In the meantime playing Epic Mickey for the first time in over a year to get me in the mood:D
View attachment 188637
Sounds great!

This is coming along nicely!


This might be a bizarre way to find a land name:p but there is a Kendrick Lamar song called "Cartoons and Cereal"

It literally brings up cereal cartoons, Space Jam, Looney Tunes, Mickey Mouse cartoons, and basically everything that we are doing :bookworm: That might be a unique name for the land rather than just Toon Town. And be a subtle nod for the Kendrick Lamar fans out there haha

(I had to look for the clean version)


Saturday morning cartoons:eek:

Oh my gosh...what do kids do on Saturday mornings? Eat cereal, watch cartoons, and/or play video games (Epic Mickey)...that's what we are representing in this ToonTown

This land is all making sense and I don't even think we intended it that way:joyfull: I think we have a way to tie it all together now.


The Last Breakfast

When the state of cereal as we know it is under attack by Dr. Honey Comb and his plot to change all cereal into honey, The Breakfastables need to band together to save the day.

Walking through the queue, several posters of cereal characters you will see on the ride are present, as well as the introduction to the villain of ride. The evil Dr. Honey Comb.

On the wall is the Kellogs and General Mills Most Wanted List

Have you seen this thing? If you have report to the CIA (Cereal Intelligence Agency)

Be warned, subject is armed with insanity.

One cereal cartoon cannot do this takes a team!

Ride Vehicles

The Breakfastables is a boat ride through the lands of cereal cartoons. For your enjoyment, you will be placed inside a 4 seat cereal bowl, and travel down a river of milk. The spoons will be your safety bars.


The tropical bird paradise is infested with the evil Dr. Honey Comb and his plot to turn all cereal into Honey Combs. Sam the Fruit Loops bird attacks Dr. Honey Comb and kicks him into the land of Lucky Charms

Dr. Honey Comb lands on the magical rainbow and sails into the pot of gold where he blends in and jumps on the Lucky. With the help of magical marshmallows (that are also very nutritious and don't give kids sugar rushes), the marshmallows send Dr. Honey Comb into a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, where he experiences cannibal crunches

He proceeds to leave voluntarily .

Dr. Honey Comb then steals Trix from the Trix rabbit, but then it met by children saying "Silly Honey Comb, Trix are for kids"
"This is what I have to go through all the time" replies the Trix rabbit and he sulks over.

In a last ditch effort, the Breakfastables join together led by Captain Crunch, Tony the Tiger, and Count Chocula who capture Dr. Honey Comb and kick him back to the 90s commercials where he will remain for eternity. The Breakfastables save the day and you exit your bowl to the unload station.


The Last Breakfast

When the state of cereal as we know it is under attack by Dr. Honey Comb and his plot to change all cereal into honey, The Breakfastables need to band together to save the day.

Walking through the queue, several posters of cereal characters you will see on the ride are present, as well as the introduction to the villain of ride. The evil Dr. Honey Comb.

On the wall is the Kellogs and General Mills Most Wanted List

Have you seen this thing? If you have report to the CIA (Cereal Intelligence Agency)

Be warned, subject is armed with insanity.

One cereal cartoon cannot do this takes a team!

Ride Vehicles

The Breakfastables is a boat ride through the lands of cereal cartoons. For your enjoyment, you will be placed inside a 4 seat cereal bowl, and travel down a river of milk. The spoons will be your safety bars.


The tropical bird paradise is infested with the evil Dr. Honey Comb and his plot to turn all cereal into Honey Combs. Sam the Fruit Loops bird attacks Dr. Honey Comb and kicks him into the land of Lucky Charms

Dr. Honey Comb lands on the magical rainbow and sails into the pot of gold where he blends in and jumps on the Lucky. With the help of magical marshmallows (that are also very nutritious and don't give kids sugar rushes), the marshmallows send Dr. Honey Comb into a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, where he experiences cannibal crunches

He proceeds to leave voluntarily .

Dr. Honey Comb then steals Trix from the Trix rabbit, but then it met by children saying "Silly Honey Comb, Trix are for kids"
"This is what I have to go through all the time" replies the Trix rabbit and he sulks over.

In a last ditch effort, the Breakfastables join together led by Captain Crunch, Tony the Tiger, and Count Chocula who capture Dr. Honey Comb and kick him back to the 90s commercials where he will remain for eternity. The Breakfastables save the day and you exit your bowl to the unload station.

This might be the high point of your imagineering career. :hilarious:

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
The Last Breakfast

When the state of cereal as we know it is under attack by Dr. Honey Comb and his plot to change all cereal into honey, The Breakfastables need to band together to save the day.

Walking through the queue, several posters of cereal characters you will see on the ride are present, as well as the introduction to the villain of ride. The evil Dr. Honey Comb.

On the wall is the Kellogs and General Mills Most Wanted List

Have you seen this thing? If you have report to the CIA (Cereal Intelligence Agency)

Be warned, subject is armed with insanity.

One cereal cartoon cannot do this takes a team!

Ride Vehicles

The Breakfastables is a boat ride through the lands of cereal cartoons. For your enjoyment, you will be placed inside a 4 seat cereal bowl, and travel down a river of milk. The spoons will be your safety bars.


The tropical bird paradise is infested with the evil Dr. Honey Comb and his plot to turn all cereal into Honey Combs. Sam the Fruit Loops bird attacks Dr. Honey Comb and kicks him into the land of Lucky Charms

Dr. Honey Comb lands on the magical rainbow and sails into the pot of gold where he blends in and jumps on the Lucky. With the help of magical marshmallows (that are also very nutritious and don't give kids sugar rushes), the marshmallows send Dr. Honey Comb into a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, where he experiences cannibal crunches

He proceeds to leave voluntarily .

Dr. Honey Comb then steals Trix from the Trix rabbit, but then it met by children saying "Silly Honey Comb, Trix are for kids"
"This is what I have to go through all the time" replies the Trix rabbit and he sulks over.

In a last ditch effort, the Breakfastables join together led by Captain Crunch, Tony the Tiger, and Count Chocula who capture Dr. Honey Comb and kick him back to the 90s commercials where he will remain for eternity. The Breakfastables save the day and you exit your bowl to the unload station.

I don't know how you come up with it.


As the weekend is approaching and it's going to be swamped for me, I just wanted to follow up/check up on what we have on the docket:

- For Kevin, David, and Brer -- if at least the rough drafts, even as little as titles for the rides, can be up by tonight -- I will be able to create a map of the land (which we do need for detail/presentation points in the review). Without a map, it'll be hard for the reader/judge to be able to visualize where everything is in the land. But I won't have time mid-Sat till -Tues to make it.

- Just a note on the final drafts if I forgot to mention it -- the "detail" in a write-up should match the ticket level. For instance E-ticket has the most detail, A-ticket the least detail. If a C-ticket has more detail than the E-ticket, the judges may knock us down for that. So keep that in mind.

So far:

Car Kids = D-Ticket (will expand on that tonight)
Space Jam = B-Ticket (not much more to add to the experience, but more to the surrounding area)
The Last Breakfast = C-Ticket (the ride through could probs use a bit more detail)


For the final post -- each wdwmagic post is allowed 20 images and 5 media videos. So we either need to combine all of our content into 1 forum post, split it into 2 forum posts to allow more images, or create a website on Wix or Weebly.

I'm more interested in the content for right now -- so this is a question for after we've compiled the rough drafts...but if anyone has a preference by all means speak up!

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
Epic Mickey: Blot Wars

This ride will be an E-Ticket dark ride, possibly with a trackless ride system. Catering to the concept original video game, the ride will be an interactive shooter. Guests can alter the world of the Wasteland with their Brush attached to the ride vehicle, and they can shoot paint or thinner. Guests can defeat enemies for points, which will be in the form of Old Disneyland Tickets (A-E) and pins. Guests can even unlock certain pins that can only be purchased through this ride, at a low price of course.


Go through Mickey's house and see how he journeys into Yen Sid's lab and messes with the model of the Wasteland, creating the Shadow Blot. The story of the first Blot Wars will be told to the guests through videos and displays in the queue. When the Blot first attacked the wasteland, all of the forgotten cartoon characters were in peril. Oswald and the Mad Doctor (who were then allies) tried to fight the beast off. As the Blot was to attack Oswald, his wife Ortensia stepped in to save him, and payed with her life (the Blot turned her inert). The Mad Doctor, seeing that the Blot had the most power in the wasteland, defected to the dark side. Guests then board in Dark Beauty Castle.

Ride Vehicles:
Each vehicle will be equipped with two paint brush blasters, with the thinner trigger on the right attached handle, and the paint trigger on the left. Vehicles will be based on old Disneyland ride vehicles, and each vehicle will have a specific trait. The Pink Elephant will be able to rise and lower. The tea cup will give guests the chance to rotate their car. The old autopia car will allow guests to shoot paint blasts. The Mr Toad motor cars will have a watch sketch button that slows down enemies and time. Finally, the people mover car will have a TV sketch button which will lure enemies into one spot.

Ride Through:

Guests will go through the linear scene of Mickey getting experimented by the Mad Doctor. The ride begins to be narrated by Mickey's companion, Gremlin Gus. Of course, Mickey escapes, and guests travel down a utilidor in which they have the opportunity to first test out their brushes. The ride will now be split up into large rooms or scenes, each generally with tons of enemies, a boss, and some story progression in between.

A. Gremlin Village (Rejected It's a Small World)- Guests approach a carnival facade, to which they enter a giant show room with different countries of the world and a gremlin village (probably the biggest room/rooms). Guests them see themselves face to face with the giant Small World Clock Tower which they can team up to redeem or destroy.


B. Mean Street
- Simple remix of Main Street with few enemies.

C. Ostown
- Simple remix of old Toontown, with enemies and Animtronic Goofy's Head.

D. Mickeyjunk Mountain (Matterhorn)
- An expedition through a mountain of old Mickey memorabilia.

At the end, guests see Mickey talking to Oswald, who neglectfully devises a plan to help Mickey escape the Wasteland (because he wants Mickey out of the Wasteland).

E. Tomorrow City
- Giant Tomorrowland scene with the old Carousel theatre, the Nautilus, the old People Mover tracks and the skyway, the Moonliner rocket, and a team battle against Petetronic on top of space mountain. Guests can collect Animatronic Goofy parts here.



F. Ventureland and Pirates of the Wasteland
- Scene opens up with a jungle outpost and encounter animatronic daisy's head. Guests then travel past such landmarks as tortooga, hangman's tree, and skull rock. Collect Daisy's parts here. People then team up against Animatronic Hook.



G. Bog Easy and Lonesome Manor (Haunted Mansion) - The scene opens up in the quaint marsh town of Bog Easy, where they find Animatronic Donald's head (his parts may be collected in the mansion). Guests travel through the mansion to the attic, in which they take down the Mad Doctor.



H. Shadow Blot Figh
t - Guests can redeem or destroy the Blot subsidiary.

Then, as Mickey tells Oswald that he was responsible for the Blot and Thinner Disaster, the rabbit gets into a fit of rage. He breaks the cork and accidentally releases the true Blot, who immediately takes him (Oswald) and gremlin Gus. In exchange for his friends, Mickey gives the Blot his heart.

I. Dark Beauty Castle
- Guests travel through the corridors of the castle, fighting enemies and Blot tentacles.

J. Final Fight
- Guests come face to face with a giant Blot Animatronic who they attempt to attack (this will be one of the biggest and most advanced animatronics in Disney history!!!).

They then travel into the Blot, in which they shoot at the tentacles to free Mickey's heart. With Mickey's heart returned, Oswald fires the fireworks destroying the Blot.

K. Ending Scene - This scene depends on how you and your team of 12-16 guests (6-8 cars per area) deal with the Wasteland and it's problems. It will feature a total of 9-10 interchangeable scenes. At the end, guests will see their points total (number of E-Tickets collected), and the percentage of hero/scrapper decisions they made. They will then receive specific pin rewards, which will be saved to their magicbands for them to purchase later. Since this is a trackless ride and the rooms are large, guests won't take the same path past the same landmarks every time. This combined with the multiple endings makes for a ride with experiences that are different every time!


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