TCM teams up with Disney to refresh Great Movie Ride


Well-Known Member
As for GOTG and the Incredibles, my guess as to why they were added was probably just so the superhero genre could get some representation, and those two are really the only two stand-outs that WDW could use.



Though I suppose you're right. It's not like it made over $650 million worldwide or won an Academy Award or anything....


Well-Known Member
Google turned up this:


Wow I hope those external signs are temporary. Why would you remove such pretty signs for a flag?
Did anyone mention GMR getting a name change? Why? WHY!? 'The Ultimate Celebration of Classic Movies' does not roll off the tongue.
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Well-Known Member
^that last image isn't a "before and after." It just illustrates how they added "TCM" to the marquee and added NEW flag along the exterior.

OHHH ok, my bad. I just assumed it was.
That's cool then. I'll allow them to do that. :cool:

I've just watched the new ride through and all in all I don't think it's too bad. The narration of Mr Osbourne seems to go quite well with the CMs. Although, as someone from the UK, I have no idea who TCM are or who Mr Osbourne is! That might just be me but I'm guessing quite a few Europeans are thinking 'who's this guy?'

The post show is nicely done as well. They've refreshed it without making it alien. Can someone tell me where that lovely sweeping music is from near the end, when there are two people lying on the beach and a wave crashes over them? I'm really glad they left that in but I want to listen to it's entirety but I'm not sure what film it's from. Bit bummed that they shortened it though.
I thought as well for a moment they'd removed Robin Williams. I know that no one is allowed to use his image any more and I was wondering if they would have to take him out but I think it's just for advertising? So I' glad he's still in there.

Also, I'm wondering with the rumours of the impending 'name change' on whether they've had Mr Osbourne (sorry I don't know his first name lol!) recorder a second post show spiel with the new name? Or whether they will just cross that bridge when they come to it.

Hopefully now the animatronics will get an upgrade. Maybe they can even fix the Footlight Parade - I don't get why the lights go off right as the cars go passed? Is that to hide the fact that they've gone mouldy or something from the lack of water? I'm guessing none of these animatronics have been really upgraded since 1989, so it would be nice for TCM to spend some money doing them up and making them last another 26 years. The Wicked Witch of the West still looks awesome thought, compared to the rest. Makes you wonder why they spent so much money on her in the first place and not on the others. Oh well.

Finally, looking forward to the spires going back up!


Well-Known Member
Notice, he said "Welcome to Disney's Hollywood Studios" at the beginning of the montage film. Either Disney plans NOT to rename it or this is a temporary fix until something more permanent replaces it. I'd go with the first one because Disney is too cheap to spend money to redo this after they just spent money to redo this.


Well-Known Member
I can see the interest in freshening up the clips at the end of the ride. But I also wonder, have they ever changed the collection of clips before now? I wouldn't be surprised if they mixed it up at one point since 1989 or whenever.

Also, it's funny that it is currently the most up to date as possible considering they've included a clip from a movie that hasn't even come out yet.


Well-Known Member
Notice, he said "Welcome to Disney's Hollywood Studios" at the beginning of the montage film. Either Disney plans NOT to rename it or this is a temporary fix until something more permanent replaces it. I'd go with the first one because Disney is too cheap to spend money to redo this after they just spent money to redo this.
I like to think that there's a long video with Osbourne saying that introduction using about 30 different names they've been considering. :)


Well-Known Member
I can see the interest in freshening up the clips at the end of the ride. But I also wonder, have they ever changed the collection of clips before now? I wouldn't be surprised if they mixed it up at one point since 1989 or whenever.

Yes, there's been a couple periodic updates, though the post-Narnia version seemed to stick around the longest.


Park History nut
Premium Member
What is the foot lights parade?
Footlight Parade was a Busby Berkley movie. Represented in the ride by the now static dancing girls circular stage. First scene of the ride.

In 1989 each level rotated opposite to the one below and several dozen water jets shot outwards as water cascaded from level to level.

Bubbles, scrims and lighting now tries to hide the fact it looks rather boring static.

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