TCM teams up with Disney to refresh Great Movie Ride

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
It's a work in progress at the moment. The cast are still getting use to the new script (with new changes being made day of opening) and tweaks still being made. I like the fact that it feels more cohesive with TCM involved with every aspect. Preshow and finale are awesome! The show itself is fine, although I feel it still needs some work. Overall, I feel the changes are good and will be a great stepping stone for hopefully more changes in the not too distant future.
I assume from your comment you're close to the situation. Would any other potential changes have anything to do with the actual scenes/sets or would it be more of the type of things we've seen so far?


Well-Known Member
We just got off the ride a few minutes ago. The new additions are all nice, but I would say the biggest issue I found was the jarring transitions between the new TCM narration, the old narration, and the cast members' spiels. Also, the newness of the TCM add-ons really show how dated some of the ride is (I'm looking at you, Tarzan).

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Sorry if this was already posted but they made a picture spot outside the ride:



Well-Known Member
I don't like the idea of taking the hosts away completely. They are the ones who make it feel a bit more personal. Without it, it's just Robert Osborne talking, which can leave you feeling very cold if you're used to the CM reliant script (which anyone who's been on it should be).
If it weren't for Osborne basically being the mascot of the network, I'd have picked Leonard Maltin for the job. He's got a lot more charisma and he's got a long-time Disney connection. He's even hosting and curating the Disney blocks TCM has going now.


Well-Known Member
I do miss "THIS IS ALIEN", thats about the only thing for me that lacks, now its just considered a science fiction scene in the narration. I do think it would do a world of good to just remove the sig weaver animatronic already, its that bad and needs to go.

It is one of the worst figures in terms of resembling the actual actor, but I'd hate to lose it completely.
Seems like they could give it a much more dynamic pose, have her be leaning her back into the wall, knees bent, breathing heavily, and holding the flamethrower upwards with the pilot light lit.
Making the figure better convey fear would also enhance the impact of the attacking aliens.

Curling her hair and crumpling her uniform would be a good start.



HM GhostHostess

Well-Known Member
I can't fully judge this update to the Great Movie Ride until I can ride it again, but based on the photos and videos, it doesn't look too bad. The best part about the whole thing is that the lighting, audio and sounds, and animatronics have been spruced up. The ride looks better, in terms of maintenance, than it has for the past few years.

I'm not a fan of the onboard audio. It seems awkward in some parts and it's hard to hear some in areas of the ride. I much prefer the Cast Member host speaking the whole time. However, it could have been much worse. I would have been devastated if they cut out the host speaking entirely or removed the interaction sequences with the bandit/gangster.

The new preshow is awesome! I'm really going to miss the old trailers, though. Going into the old movie house setting and watching the original trailers for classic movies like Casablanca and Raiders of the Lost Ark was always a treasured experience for me. With that being said, the new preshow looks like it has been done with a lot of care. At 45 minutes long, no one will have to worry about seeing the same things twice while in line! The back story of each genre and clips from the films featured in ride is a great addition to the Great Movie Ride. I hope it will inspire more people to seek out these classic movies to watch them. I've always been a fan of classic movies since I was a child, but the Great Movie Ride was my introduction to several great classics like Singing the Rain and Footlight Parade. Because of the Great Movie Ride, I've now become a HUGE fan of James Cagney.

As for the new finale montage, I can't say I like it. I'm glad they kept many of the movies and sequences from the original montage. Nostalgia aside, the original montage had a much better flow and better transitions between the films. For example, after the "wait a minute, you ain't heard nothin' yet!" line from The Jazz Singer, I always expect the screen to broaden and the Show Boat riverboat to appear. The new montage is just bizarre in how it cuts sometimes. The music was much grander and more memorable in the original montage. I do like how they added Steamboat Willie, Poltergeist, and Some Like it Hot. However, they removed a lot more films than they added to the montage. And most the movies they added are not classic at all. They removed movies from the montage like Fantasia, The Absent Minded Professor, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and True Grit, but added movies like Tangled, Frozen, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Really?!

Overall, this update to the Great Movie Ride looks like it has more cons than pros. However, I was expecting it to be worse. At least this often overlooked and underrated attraction is getting some attention.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
Overall, I like the changes. One concern that I have is that Robert Osborne is currently 83 years old and won't be around forever.
Assuming that TCM continues it's sponsorship with Disney after his demise, I wonder if TCM's younger host and historian, Ben Mankiewicz would take over the helm at GMR.

The Rocketeer

Well-Known Member
Overall, I like the changes. One concern that I have is that Robert Osborne is currently 83 years old and won't be around forever.
Assuming that TCM continues it's sponsorship with Disney after his demise, I wonder if TCM's younger host and historian, Ben Mankiewicz would take over the helm at GMR.
It's been talked about here once before, but I also wouldn't mind seeing Leonard Maltin as a host after Osborne passes . He's only 64 so he's got more years than Osborne does and I like his entusiasm. He's a man who knows his movies.


Well-Known Member
Overall, I like the changes. One concern that I have is that Robert Osborne is currently 83 years old and won't be around forever.
Assuming that TCM continues it's sponsorship with Disney after his demise, I wonder if TCM's younger host and historian, Ben Mankiewicz would take over the helm at GMR.

The TCM deal is currently set for five years, and after that, the plan is to remove GMR completely.

Of course, things can change, and Disney is allergic to spending money on DHS.


I know I might get rocks thrown at me for saying this - but from a perspective of sheer cultural impact, it makes perfect sense to have Frozen in the finale. Tangled though is a bit of a headscratcher (especially the particular scene they chose).

As for GOTG and the Incredibles, my guess as to why they were added was probably just so the superhero genre could get some representation, and those two are really the only two stand-outs that WDW could use.

It's a shame they can't use The Avengers, though. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to have this scene in the finale?


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