Tantruming Children..has it ever been yours?


Well-Known Member
My daughter had only one real tantrum and that was her first trip @ age 4 and we took her to Universal first before heading over to WDW. So we were @ Islands of Adventure and riding Dudley DoRight and she was tired and cranky before we got on the ride because of the long trip a few days ago and this was our third day of Orlando park hopping. Now we get about half way through the ride and it is stopped. WOW! She had a screaming fit and she wanted off and she meant it. She was in my lap on the log flume kicking and screaming at the top of her little lungs. I had my arms wrapped around her and I could feel her heart beating like it was literally going to blow out of her chest. We just kept trying to comfort her which did not work at all. After about 5 minutes which seemed like 6 hours the ride started moving again. I can say that she still has not been back on that ride and she is 14. The rest of the time we were in Orlando we had troubles getting her on any dark ride where she could not see the actual ride to the point that even IaSW and Pooh was tough to get her on for the first time. It was interesting on Haunted Mansion. I still fell sorry for the guests in Doombuggys near us when she started wailing.

Now the best temper tantrum I saw @ WDW was @ Tarzan in AK. It was crazy! This day was hot and I mean it was like 99 degrees out and humid in August which probably did not help the situation. Back then the Tarzan Theater in the Wild did not have any air conditioning and it was brutal in there. So now this family that was sitting directly in front of us just went into complete meltdown status. The battle all started slowly and finally escalated to where the parents, kids and grandparents, the entire family was screaming at each other and standing up in the theater. About 1/2 of them left the theater in different directions and I only hope they went back to the room to take a nap and cool off and all was good.

Mark In KY

Well-Known Member
When we were kids we were not allowed to throw tantrums. Grocery store my mom would stand us in a row and tell us we were not allowed to ask for anything, touch anything and stay in a line behind her. We did as told. My mom's favorite tantrum story about me is that I would get mad and take my clothes off no matter where we were. My mom would be humiliated and run and make me put them on. My grandma told my mom to let me be and next time I did it they let me strip naked in the middle of the grocery store. Apparently never did it again.:eek:

Kid never had a tantrum. If she started I would ask her if she wanted to go to the bathroom with me. She would say no momma don't take me in there. Haha you would think I would beat her senseless. All I did was talk low and slow to her. For some reason that scared her.
If we make you really, REALLY mad . . . ?


Well-Known Member
My daughter had only one real tantrum and that was her first trip @ age 4 and we took her to Universal first before heading over to WDW. So we were @ Islands of Adventure and riding Dudley DoRight and she was tired and cranky before we got on the ride because of the long trip a few days ago and this was our third day of Orlando park hopping. Now we get about half way through the ride and it is stopped. WOW! She had a screaming fit and she wanted off and she meant it. She was in my lap on the log flume kicking and screaming at the top of her little lungs. I had my arms wrapped around her and I could feel her heart beating like it was literally going to blow out of her chest. We just kept trying to comfort her which did not work at all. After about 5 minutes which seemed like 6 hours the ride started moving again. I can say that she still has not been back on that ride and she is 14. The rest of the time we were in Orlando we had troubles getting her on any dark ride where she could not see the actual ride to the point that even IaSW and Pooh was tough to get her on for the first time. It was interesting on Haunted Mansion. I still fell sorry for the guests in Doombuggys near us when she started wailing.

Now the best temper tantrum I saw @ WDW was @ Tarzan in AK. It was crazy! This day was hot and I mean it was like 99 degrees out and humid in August which probably did not help the situation. Back then the Tarzan Theater in the Wild did not have any air conditioning and it was brutal in there. So now this family that was sitting directly in front of us just went into complete meltdown status. The battle all started slowly and finally escalated to where the parents, kids and grandparents, the entire family was screaming at each other and standing up in the theater. About 1/2 of them left the theater in different directions and I only hope they went back to the room to take a nap and cool off and all was good.
I would have a temper tantrum too if I was at Uni.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could say that my kids are perfect angels, but they are not. One time my youngest DD started to throw a fit because it was her sister's turn to hand the character which we were in line to see the autograph book. We calmly removed her from the line and took her away to calm down. My older DD got to meet Alice and the Mad Hatter. Min the pictures she has a huge grin on her face, like the cat that ate the canary. Nothing like sibling rivalry for a good melt down.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes! It was horrible! No, wait, sorry that was me....over hot, over tired, over hungry and pitching a little hissy fit! :oops: DS was a perfect angel on our trip.
*and I don't think anyone other than my husband noticed. I tend to have silent hissy fits in public, but DH knew he was in for it as soon as our resort door closed.


New Member
*hangs head in shame* I remember the temper tantrum I had at Easter, while we were trying to get back to our car. In my defence I was hot, had a headache, and had been gradually wound up my my mum for the past two weeks. When we went to get on the car park transport others jumped in front of my parents so all six of us couldn't get on together. Oh dear I vented and huffed and puffed about it and everyone was staring at me :-( I'm so sorry if that was any of you, I'm not usually a witch!
My two were 5 & 7 and I'm proud to say they were better behaved then I was :)


Well-Known Member
We talk about kiddos we see throwing tantrums all over WDW, but has it ever been YOUR child? Over tired, hungry, over heated and having some kind of nervous breakdown in the middle of your vacation? What was the story/reasoning behind it? :)

I'll respond to the original post and stop reading all the other responses. I could end up irrate.

I've seen lots of kids throw tantrums in WDW. My favorite was the time we watched a screaming little girl running and dodging her parents in a store. It was almost like watching a Tom & Jerry cartoon. Our boys have had their little squabbles at WDW but never tantrums because we didn't take them until they were 6 & 7 years old.

Hubby has had a few embarrassing meltdowns in WDW. Pretty surprised I've never read any eyewitness accounts of his antics on these forums. It really es me off when he did that stuff because, to me, he's acting like a child. Unfortunately, I can't smack the stupid out of him. LOL! Once he had the kids in tears as he was on the phone while walking thru DAK talking with the airline trying to change return flights home to that same day. Another time he actually returned to the resort and packed his stuff to go home because according to him he would rather be at work at that moment. Again, upset the kids pretty bad. I was boiling mad resisiting the urge to smack him for making my babies cry. LOL! Common denominator: hot, annoying crowds, and hungry. Never a good combination.

Typically if I see little kids throwing tantrums I take pity on the parents to an extent. Unless they aren't being proactive in dealing with the situation. But then as parents we don't always know what to do and embarrassing tantrums can be overwhelming enough that it's hard to think straight in the moment.

I would like to point out that not all kids throw tantrums. If yours didn't then thank your lucky stars. And don't have anymore kids if you just announced that your children never did and you would never put up with such. That's a curse. Don't even think it. As soon as you say or even think "not mine" or "not me" you've sealed your fate. TRUST ME. For some kiddos it's just something they go thru. It's not always indicative of lack of parenting, effort on the parents' behalf, or anything like that. It's a personality thing sometimes. Wanna know how I know??? My oldest nephew thru terrible tantrums when he was a toddler. I, of course, swore I'd never have a kid like that. Guess what my oldest son did when he was a toddler? He threw temper tantrums. God has a wonderful sense of humor, doesn't he?

I got pregnant with my 2nd son when my oldest was not quite a year old. So, by the time he was about 18 months...you know, around that magical time when the little darlings develop opinions...I was already pretty big and pregnant. ((I had pretty large babies. ;) )) Anywhoo, so I'm already a mess of hormones. I had never been around small children or babies when I was growing up so my first son truly was a learning experience from the get-go. And believe me, the thing I've always wanted more than anything else in this world is to be the best mom possible and do things right for my children. So the tantrums started. Very unpretty. Typically my darling little redheaded toddler would stiffen up his entire body, throw himself straight backwards, and scream like you wouldn't believe. He was a punisher, that's for sure. It was brutal. The first time it happened we were in the French Quarter in New Orleans. The kid literally bounced his head off the pavement. I thought for sure he would've split it open. Nope. It scared me. At that moment I just wanted him to stop. For the first little while of these episodes it was about how to get him to stop. Then we focused on how to avoid them. Then we progressed to what triggered the behavior and what we could do about it. The tantrums ended when I became angry enough to decide that I'd die before he got what he wanted during the tantrum.

I remember the final 3 tantrums like they were yesterday:

Second son was still a small infant. We were with my mother-in-law walking thru an outlet center that we stopped at during a long drive. We had only stopped to run into 1 store for a few minutes so I didn't bother with the stroller. We parked right by the door. So, we're walking on the sidewalk, I've got baby in my left arm, and holding toddler's hand with my right hand. Toddler decides it's time to flip out over something, no idea what. I'm trying to drag him along with just 1 hand. That didn't work very well. Finally the kid is on the pavement screaming like an animal. I was boiling mad. I couldn't put the baby down. I had 1 hand. So, I reached down, took a fist full of the kiddo's hair, stood him up, and we walked. Guess what? We didn't get 3 steps and the screaming had ceased.

Next, maybe a week later, we were at a mall in New Orleans. My MiL had the baby in a stroller. I had toddler in another stroller. Toddler didn't want to be in a stroller. He screamed thru 1 store. He kept twisting himself around, kicking like crazy, trying to escape the safety strap. I sent MiL ahead to her next destination while I sat in the middle of the mall on a bench and waited. Every time my flailing, screaming Houdini started to get loose I'd straighten his body and tighten the strap again so he couldn't get free. I was surprised the stroller held up to the brutal punishing it got from him. During all this 2 little old ladies came over to me, patted my shoulder, and told me to hang in there. I'd say it was about 10 - 15 minutes of this fight and he stopped. Once he stopped I wiped his sweaty face with a damp cloth and met back up with my MiL to get the kiddo some cool water to drink.

Final straw was the showdown. It's known as "The Showdown" in family history for a reason. :D Everyone in the house had been sick with cold/flu symptoms. I didn't feel so hot but we needed more meds. I left DH home with the baby while I ran out with the toddler to get supplies. I had the kiddo in the shopping cart basket walking thru Walmart. As soon as I crossed the threshold into the store the kiddo turned demon wanting out. Not an option. He kicked and he screamed. People came over from other aisles to see what was going on. He sounded like he was taking the shopping cart appart. Not kidding. I just kept moving, grabbed everything I needed, and maintained a smile. As soon as we crossed the threshold outside the store he stopped. That fast. Not before. And this is where I had my moment of clarity. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that when in the store when others were around his tantrum got max effect. I was spitting mad. On the way home I said a few times, "I hope you had fun. My fun is coming." Hubby describes my return home like I was some wild west gunslinger. I opened the front door. Toddler entered ahead of me. I walked in looking like the pooh is about to hit the fan. Hubby still says he knew instantly what had happened. I got as far as the kitchen, drop the shopping bags I held in each hand, and sneared, "It's Momma's fun time now." I scooped that kid up and wore his butt out. The whole time hubby stood there speechless. When I finished he handed the kid his pacifier and told him to go to his bed. ((Yeah, he'd go if you told him to go there.)) After about 5 minutes I went to the kiddo's room, asked him if he knew what he did wrong, and he answered, "Yes, I frow'd a fit." And that was the end of tantrums.

Looking back the fits began because he was frustrated. He knew what he wanted but couldn't verbalize it. The fits continued because they got him results. They slowed when he stopped getting what he wanted and stopped when he learned he was going to get himself in big trouble for behaving that way. We always had the best intentions with him. We always did the best we could in the moment. So, yeah, I take some amount of pity on parents who have tantrum-throwers for kids. Not so much when it's the parents throwing the tantrums. LOL!

Thankfully, our 2nd son never threw fits. The 3 of us (yes, oldest son included) always just knew what the little guy was wanting so he never had that frustration. He was way more mellow in personality as well. It never was a problem with him the way it was the oldest.


Well-Known Member
I don't have children, yet, but when my siblings and I were kids, we knew not to act up in public, unless we wanted the belt. My parents had no problem physically disciplining us, whether it was in public or at home. At times I remember my mom would say, "I can't wait to get you home", or "Let me find a bathroom" (so she could spank us or tap the palms of our hands with her belt there). They were never the "time out" parents. You either acted right or you got the belt or the hand.

We used to use your mom's lines in restaurants. If the boys started acting up it was, "Do you need to go to the car? There's no witnesses there." Each did, in fact, visit the car once. That's all it took to bring clear meaning to those words in the future. ;)

Also, they didn't believe me that I'd call Santa to report bad behavior. That, by far, was one of the funniest things I ever did. So many enjoyed that day...I called DH's office and he put me on speaker phone. Everyone he worked with heard the entire scene including the boys' wailing and begging in the background. Priceless!

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
We used to use your mom's lines in restaurants. If the boys started acting up it was, "Do you need to go to the car? There's no witnesses there." Each did, in fact, visit the car once. That's all it took to bring clear meaning to those words in the future. ;)

Also, they didn't believe me that I'd call Santa to report bad behavior. That, by far, was one of the funniest things I ever did. So many enjoyed that day...I called DH's office and he put me on speaker phone. Everyone he worked with heard the entire scene including the boys' wailing and begging in the background. Priceless!

LMAO, I've heard people using the Santa threat! That is so funny!


Well-Known Member
That's too funny! I took pictures of my daughter's messy room and told my daughter that I was mailing them to Santa.
As they got a little older they had more questions. Gotta think fast.

"What's Santa's number?"

"I can't tell you. Its on the list that only parents can have."

"Who's on the list?"

"Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, you get the picture."

"Where'd you get the list?"

"They give it to parents when they leave the hospital with all the other paperwork for new babies."

"I can't see it?"

"Nope. Took an oath to keep it secret."

"Can I get the list someday?"

"Yep. After you're married and you leave the hospital with your new baby."


We also had the boys believing DH speaks "Cow". They're so fun to jack with when they're little!


Active Member
I still get 'the look' today and I was threatened with Santa! The wooden spoon was also another threat but it was never used on us, 'the look' would've shut us up quicker :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
That's too funny! I took pictures of my daughter's messy room and told my daughter that I was mailing them to Santa.
You can actually put these pictures online to Santa and she can receive a video message from Santa. You can put your child on the good list, needs to try, or bad list. It's amazing. We do it each year. Though here's a tip. Don't let one child see another's as they are pretty much the same save for the good/bad. Have a look, it's so good:


Well-Known Member
I'll respond to the original post and stop reading all the other responses. I could end up irrate.

I've seen lots of kids throw tantrums in WDW. My favorite was the time we watched a screaming little girl running and dodging her parents in a store. It was almost like watching a Tom & Jerry cartoon. Our boys have had their little squabbles at WDW but never tantrums because we didn't take them until they were 6 & 7 years old.

Hubby has had a few embarrassing meltdowns in WDW. Pretty surprised I've never read any eyewitness accounts of his antics on these forums. It really es me off when he did that stuff because, to me, he's acting like a child. Unfortunately, I can't smack the stupid out of him. LOL! Once he had the kids in tears as he was on the phone while walking thru DAK talking with the airline trying to change return flights home to that same day. Another time he actually returned to the resort and packed his stuff to go home because according to him he would rather be at work at that moment. Again, upset the kids pretty bad. I was boiling mad resisiting the urge to smack him for making my babies cry. LOL! Common denominator: hot, annoying crowds, and hungry. Never a good combination.

Typically if I see little kids throwing tantrums I take pity on the parents to an extent. Unless they aren't being proactive in dealing with the situation. But then as parents we don't always know what to do and embarrassing tantrums can be overwhelming enough that it's hard to think straight in the moment.

I would like to point out that not all kids throw tantrums. If yours didn't then thank your lucky stars. And don't have anymore kids if you just announced that your children never did and you would never put up with such. That's a curse. Don't even think it. As soon as you say or even think "not mine" or "not me" you've sealed your fate. TRUST ME. For some kiddos it's just something they go thru. It's not always indicative of lack of parenting, effort on the parents' behalf, or anything like that. It's a personality thing sometimes. Wanna know how I know??? My oldest nephew thru terrible tantrums when he was a toddler. I, of course, swore I'd never have a kid like that. Guess what my oldest son did when he was a toddler? He threw temper tantrums. God has a wonderful sense of humor, doesn't he?

I got pregnant with my 2nd son when my oldest was not quite a year old. So, by the time he was about 18 months...you know, around that magical time when the little darlings develop opinions...I was already pretty big and pregnant. ((I had pretty large babies. ;) )) Anywhoo, so I'm already a mess of hormones. I had never been around small children or babies when I was growing up so my first son truly was a learning experience from the get-go. And believe me, the thing I've always wanted more than anything else in this world is to be the best mom possible and do things right for my children. So the tantrums started. Very unpretty. Typically my darling little redheaded toddler would stiffen up his entire body, throw himself straight backwards, and scream like you wouldn't believe. He was a punisher, that's for sure. It was brutal. The first time it happened we were in the French Quarter in New Orleans. The kid literally bounced his head off the pavement. I thought for sure he would've split it open. Nope. It scared me. At that moment I just wanted him to stop. For the first little while of these episodes it was about how to get him to stop. Then we focused on how to avoid them. Then we progressed to what triggered the behavior and what we could do about it. The tantrums ended when I became angry enough to decide that I'd die before he got what he wanted during the tantrum.

I remember the final 3 tantrums like they were yesterday:

Second son was still a small infant. We were with my mother-in-law walking thru an outlet center that we stopped at during a long drive. We had only stopped to run into 1 store for a few minutes so I didn't bother with the stroller. We parked right by the door. So, we're walking on the sidewalk, I've got baby in my left arm, and holding toddler's hand with my right hand. Toddler decides it's time to flip out over something, no idea what. I'm trying to drag him along with just 1 hand. That didn't work very well. Finally the kid is on the pavement screaming like an animal. I was boiling mad. I couldn't put the baby down. I had 1 hand. So, I reached down, took a fist full of the kiddo's hair, stood him up, and we walked. Guess what? We didn't get 3 steps and the screaming had ceased.

Next, maybe a week later, we were at a mall in New Orleans. My MiL had the baby in a stroller. I had toddler in another stroller. Toddler didn't want to be in a stroller. He screamed thru 1 store. He kept twisting himself around, kicking like crazy, trying to escape the safety strap. I sent MiL ahead to her next destination while I sat in the middle of the mall on a bench and waited. Every time my flailing, screaming Houdini started to get loose I'd straighten his body and tighten the strap again so he couldn't get free. I was surprised the stroller held up to the brutal punishing it got from him. During all this 2 little old ladies came over to me, patted my shoulder, and told me to hang in there. I'd say it was about 10 - 15 minutes of this fight and he stopped. Once he stopped I wiped his sweaty face with a damp cloth and met back up with my MiL to get the kiddo some cool water to drink.

Final straw was the showdown. It's known as "The Showdown" in family history for a reason. :D Everyone in the house had been sick with cold/flu symptoms. I didn't feel so hot but we needed more meds. I left DH home with the baby while I ran out with the toddler to get supplies. I had the kiddo in the shopping cart basket walking thru Walmart. As soon as I crossed the threshold into the store the kiddo turned demon wanting out. Not an option. He kicked and he screamed. People came over from other aisles to see what was going on. He sounded like he was taking the shopping cart appart. Not kidding. I just kept moving, grabbed everything I needed, and maintained a smile. As soon as we crossed the threshold outside the store he stopped. That fast. Not before. And this is where I had my moment of clarity. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that when in the store when others were around his tantrum got max effect. I was spitting mad. On the way home I said a few times, "I hope you had fun. My fun is coming." Hubby describes my return home like I was some wild west gunslinger. I opened the front door. Toddler entered ahead of me. I walked in looking like the pooh is about to hit the fan. Hubby still says he knew instantly what had happened. I got as far as the kitchen, drop the shopping bags I held in each hand, and sneared, "It's Momma's fun time now." I scooped that kid up and wore his butt out. The whole time hubby stood there speechless. When I finished he handed the kid his pacifier and told him to go to his bed. ((Yeah, he'd go if you told him to go there.)) After about 5 minutes I went to the kiddo's room, asked him if he knew what he did wrong, and he answered, "Yes, I frow'd a fit." And that was the end of tantrums.

Looking back the fits began because he was frustrated. He knew what he wanted but couldn't verbalize it. The fits continued because they got him results. They slowed when he stopped getting what he wanted and stopped when he learned he was going to get himself in big trouble for behaving that way. We always had the best intentions with him. We always did the best we could in the moment. So, yeah, I take some amount of pity on parents who have tantrum-throwers for kids. Not so much when it's the parents throwing the tantrums. LOL!

Thankfully, our 2nd son never threw fits. The 3 of us (yes, oldest son included) always just knew what the little guy was wanting so he never had that frustration. He was way more mellow in personality as well. It never was a problem with him the way it was the oldest.
I love this post. I was the one saying "oh my god, that parent needs to control their child" etc. My mum reminds me of this frequently when my kids play up. We are now the family that I dreaded on a plane as we get on last lol.


Well-Known Member
I still get 'the look' today and I was threatened with Santa! The wooden spoon was also another threat but it was never used on us, 'the look' would've shut us up quicker :hilarious:
Did your mom ever carry the wooden spoon in her purse??? Mine did. She made sure we knew it was there, too. LOL!


Well-Known Member
We use the portablenorthpole site every year. My son just turned 9 Saturday and still believes in Santa, tooth Fairy, elf on the shelf, etc. It is so much fun when they believe.
This year, I think (but hope not), will be the last year my daughter believes, and the first that my youngest believes. I'm so torn as to what to do. We usually go to church in the afternoon on Christmas Eve for the kids nativity but a local themepark is opening specially with an elf workshop, Mrs Claus bakery and then you get to help Santa do final checks on his sleigh before sending him off. It's £125 for us to do it. Santa is only in our lives for a limited time (or Father Christmas as we call him), God may be in it longer.

I think this also may be the last year she believes in characters. I had the "who's in the suit" question last time which I quickly deflected with "who's in your suit?".

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