Swine Flu unConfirmed in Orland/Disney.

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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
You can be rude to me all you want to, I don't care. I was just pointing out that this flu won't be as funny if you or your family should become affected by it.

Like I said I'm not overly worried about it but I don't think it's a big joke.

Rude? I thought I was questioning the validity of yet another flaw ridden post that seemed to draw its information from tabloid TV.

No it wont be funny losing a family member, but then statistically that more likely to happen in a road accident, but I dont stop them driving.

Just keepin it real


New Member
So yesterday we are in a large group of people coming off the tram at Disney Studios and a group of young teenagers were having a great time...being what teenagers are (you know, like we ALL WERE) loud, jumping around, and just having fun...when one of them, starts to sneeze and lets one go without covering his mouth....you could see the vapor trail leave his nose! :fork::mad:

I joked to my lovely bride, thank god we were upwind of him, but the couple to the right of him WERE ED!!! :eek:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
So yesterday we are in a large group of people coming off the tram at Disney Studios and a group of young teenagers were having a great time...being what teenagers are (you know, like we ALL WERE) loud, jumping around, and just having fun...when one of them, starts to sneeze and lets one go without covering his mouth....you could see the vapor trail leave his nose! :fork::mad:

I joked to my lovely bride, thank god we were upwind of him, but the couple to the right of him WERE ED!!! :eek:

To sneeze is one thing but to urinate on someone thats too much.


New Member
Rude? I thought I was questioning the validity of yet another flaw ridden post that seemed to draw its information from tabloid TV.

No it wont be funny losing a family member, but then statistically that more likely to happen in a road accident, but I dont stop them driving.

Just keepin it real

You're tone the whole time has been rude to me, which is why I don't further elaborate on anything. You assume that you know exactly what I'm thinking and where I get my information. Everything you say is right so why bother! I prefer to have civilized conversations in which all points of view and information can be exchanged. Clearly, that's not possible here.

This flu is like a waiting game. It could become much easier to have a fatal ending from the flu than a car accident. It could only take a matter of weeks to get to that point. Or it could fizzle away, which we all hope will happen. It's just a waiting game, no one knows what will happen.


New Member
For the record I'm not an uptight person sitting That means borders closed. I know that's a big deal and would seriously freak a lot of people out but look how it's getting here.

Americans coming home from their vacations in Mexico? "Sorry sick American school kids, you are going to have to stay in Mexico and take your chances there . . . " Or were you thinking that only blocking the border to brown-tinted people would somehow fix things?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
You're tone the whole time has been rude to me, which is why I don't further elaborate on anything. You assume that you know exactly what I'm thinking and where I get my information. Everything you say is right so why bother! I prefer to have civilized conversations in which all points of view and information can be exchanged. Clearly, that's not possible here.

This flu is like a waiting game. It could become much easier to have a fatal ending from the flu than a car accident. It could only take a matter of weeks to get to that point. Or it could fizzle away, which we all hope will happen. It's just a waiting game, no one knows what will happen.

My tone? So its my tone now, not any lack of true information on your part.

And yes, and looking at my posts historically it would appear that I do know everything.


Well-Known Member
This thread is awesome.

Where is that popcorn smiley...

Oh and my personal favorite was Monkey Pox.


New Member
Americans coming home from their vacations in Mexico? "Sorry sick American school kids, you are going to have to stay in Mexico and take your chances there . . . " Or were you thinking that only blocking the border to brown-tinted people would somehow fix things?

Well not my idea that we're talking about here but it would have prevented spread to the US. Whoever was there would have had to stay until the outbreak was contained I suppose. I have no idea, like I said not my ideas. Of course that could have just delayed the inevitable spread of the flu. Who knows. These things aren't even important now. The flu is here and we're all just going to have to deal with it, whether it gets bad or not. :shrug:


New Member
My tone? So its my tone now, not any lack of true information on your part.

And yes, and looking at my posts historically it would appear that I do know everything.

well give you a cookie.

As I said I'm not elaborating with you. I'm not providing any information. I'd love to but all you want to do is argue and attempt to be condescending. As I said it doesn't bother me. I've got bigger fish to fry. We'll all get our information and believe what we choose. No need to be rude about it.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
well give you a cookie.

As I said I'm not elaborating with you. I'm not providing any information. I'd love to but all you want to do is argue and attempt to be condescending. As I said it doesn't bother me. I've got bigger fish to fry. We'll all get our information and believe what we choose. No need to be rude about it.

Is frying fish to avoid handling pork products?


New Member
Is frying fish to avoid handling pork products?

Like that's not rude? You're right, you're not being rude at all.

I'm not an uneducated idiot as you seem to think. I'll keep right on eating my pork chops and bacon.

You'd probably be shocked to find out that *gasp* I had lunch at a Mexican restaurant today! "brown-tinted" people served me and touched my food! And I'm still alive!!!!! And my daughter is taking a field trip to a farm where she will see pigs! Oh the horror!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.


Well-Known Member
That's funny, CDC says there aren't any confirmed cases in Indiana. Just because someone coughs doesn't make it the swine flu! :brick:
I don't report "rumors". Go to wthr.com and read it for yourself. We have one confirmed case here, I can't help it if the CDC has not reported it yet. Remember, you heard it here first!


Well-Known Member
It's unbelievable how insular and, I'll say it, stupid some are being about this. The death rate from automobile accidents is horrendous...does that stop you from driving to the airport? Do you know how many people die from "regular" flu in the US and Canada each year? Thousands. Take sensible precautions, of course. But it is absolutely ludicrous to think you can close the borders to this.


New Member
Do you know how many people die from "regular" flu in the US and Canada each year? Thousands. Take sensible precautions, of course. But it is absolutely ludicrous to think you can close the borders to this.

You make an excellent point. Thousands of people are hospitalized or killed by the regular ole flu each year. The flu that we actually have a vaccine for! A vaccine that is widely used. There is no vaccine for this flu which would obviously mean that more people would be affected. I understand that they are working on a vaccine but don't think it's be readily available anytime soon.

I don't know if the borders thing would have worked if it were implemented earlier, obviously it's not an option now.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
For the record I'm not an uptight person sitting around worrying about it. I read the articles when they are on my yahoo homepage. I certainly don't think it's a big joke though. I've got several friends in the healthcare field and they are seriously worried about it, it is alarming.

As far as "not working quick enough" it should have been contained once they realized what was going on. That means borders closed. I know that's a big deal and would seriously freak a lot of people out but look how it's getting here. I didn't come up with that but it sure makes sense to me.

Want to know why they are worried?? Because with all the unemployed not having health care, that is money your friends will lose when they have to treat someone who cannot afford the proper treatment...

By the way, I developed this annoying **cough cough** cough... After **cough OINK cough** I cough, I wanna eat slop and roll around in the mud... Think I may have **cough OINK OINK cough** the flu....


New Member
Uh...no. There are so many variables that one can't even begin to address this leap in logic.

Maybe it is a leap in logic. This one is just from inside my head. I know that the current seasonal flu vaccine doesn't offer any protection against this. It is unclear whether or not people that have had vaccines for multiple years may have some protection. Otherwise if most people have no protection against this, how can that not mean that more people aren't going to be affected? I'd like to know what other variables come into play.


New Member
Want to know why they are worried?? Because with all the unemployed not having health care, that is money your friends will lose when they have to treat someone who cannot afford the proper treatment...

What is the solution for those people? Surely if this situation does become severe something will be set up to help these people. Any idea of what would happen? There are so many unemployed people right now because of the economy...
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