Swine Flu unConfirmed in Orland/Disney.

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Active Member
I can't tell you the number of times I've seen women at WDW just walk right out of the restroom without washing their hands. :hurl: It is just nasty.

I for one carry Purell in my bag at all times, especially when I'm at WDW. I've even had others ask to use it when I'm dousing my hands with it while I'm in line.


Active Member
Who votes they make the next one the "CNN Flu" or "Fox Flu"? I wonder if that would make them report it less or more because their name is in there?


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( http://www.xkcd.com )


New Member
-First of all if Disney had guests that had the swine flu they probably have cleaning crews in durring the night.
-Next everything that the guest used like 3D glasses are ussualy cleaned after use.
-Lastly if you keep away from people you think are sick and wash your hand you should be okay.


New Member
If I was in Mexico City right now surrounded by a bunch of folks with caughs and fevers, I would probably be thinking it was a great time for an impromptu get away vatcation in nice, clean central FL. :p


New Member
I can't believe you guys just joke about it like it's nothing. Any suspicious cases should warrant caution. It takes the CDC about a week to confirm! Do you realize how quickly it can spread in a week? How many people he must have came in contact with and you don't worry until the CDC says so? They are behind because the testing takes so long. If the CDC would have worked quicker then it probably wouldn't even have spread as much as it has. I've read several articles today that say it's too late for containment now. Why is it too late? The government didn't work quick enough. Even if it just goes away we're not in the clear. The swine flu of 1918 first started in April/May then phased away. It came back during the regular flu season in the fall and that's when it did all the damage.


New Member
I can't believe you guys just joke about it like it's nothing. Any suspicious cases should warrant caution. It takes the CDC about a week to confirm! Do you realize how quickly it can spread in a week? How many people he must have came in contact with and you don't worry until the CDC says so? They are behind because the testing takes so long. If the CDC would have worked quicker then it probably wouldn't even have spread as much as it has. I've read several articles today that say it's too late for containment now. Why is it too late? The government didn't work quick enough. Even if it just goes away we're not in the clear. The swine flu of 1918 first started in April/May then phased away. It came back during the regular flu season in the fall and that's when it did all the damage.

not saying you shouldn't 'respect' this bug passing around.. but I'm not going to hide in a corner and cry myself to sleep over it..

50-60 people sick out of 300 million is nothing.. not even a blip.. and I'm not going to let the mass media freak me, or my family out..

If only OJ would kill someone else, you wouldnt' hear about this again.

and btw.. I didn't vote for obama... but what else did you want the government to do? start fire bombing the houses of the infected? I don't see what the government did wrong here..


Well-Known Member
So I've had the idea to put purel stations around the parks.

I realize they may not fit in theming wise, but personally I would love being able to wash my hands without having to go into the bathroom.

Anybody else feel this way?

I just want them to bring back the powdered soap. :lol:
I can't believe you guys just joke about it like it's nothing. Any suspicious cases should warrant caution. It takes the CDC about a week to confirm! Do you realize how quickly it can spread in a week? How many people he must have came in contact with and you don't worry until the CDC says so? They are behind because the testing takes so long. If the CDC would have worked quicker then it probably wouldn't even have spread as much as it has. I've read several articles today that say it's too late for containment now. Why is it too late? The government didn't work quick enough. Even if it just goes away we're not in the clear. The swine flu of 1918 first started in April/May then phased away. It came back during the regular flu season in the fall and that's when it did all the damage.

So Swine Flu is the government's fault????? It's too late????? Boy, I missed that.


People joke about the swine flu, because really what else can you do... The influenza virus when it mutates in such a way to cause a pandemic will spread and cause high fatalities worldwide...

You should learn to take it all in stride....

Newsflash: The government is not is not to blame for not "working quick enough" as you say...

Any influenza outbreak (like the Spanish or Russion influenzas) will kill millions, not because the government or CDC doesn't work quick enough, but because it takes 2 to 3 months to begin to create a vaccine that may be only 50% to 95% effective in controlling the spread of the virus. The vaccine process cannot be rushed... It takes a set amount of time to grow the vaccine...

The Influenza virus is natural selection... either you survive it or you don't...

If you choose to spend your last moments worrying and reading hyped up and inaccurate articles go for it...

The rest of us will walk around wearing pig noses and making pork chop jokes..

I can't believe you guys just joke about it like it's nothing. Any suspicious cases should warrant caution. It takes the CDC about a week to confirm! Do you realize how quickly it can spread in a week? How many people he must have came in contact with and you don't worry until the CDC says so? They are behind because the testing takes so long. If the CDC would have worked quicker then it probably wouldn't even have spread as much as it has. I've read several articles today that say it's too late for containment now. Why is it too late? The government didn't work quick enough. Even if it just goes away we're not in the clear. The swine flu of 1918 first started in April/May then phased away. It came back during the regular flu season in the fall and that's when it did all the damage.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I can't believe you guys just joke about it like it's nothing. Any suspicious cases should warrant caution. It takes the CDC about a week to confirm! Do you realize how quickly it can spread in a week? How many people he must have came in contact with and you don't worry until the CDC says so? They are behind because the testing takes so long. If the CDC would have worked quicker then it probably wouldn't even have spread as much as it has. I've read several articles today that say it's too late for containment now. Why is it too late? The government didn't work quick enough. Even if it just goes away we're not in the clear. The swine flu of 1918 first started in April/May then phased away. It came back during the regular flu season in the fall and that's when it did all the damage.

Ive just checked, and its not 1918 any more, we have electric light and everything.


New Member
For the record I'm not an uptight person sitting around worrying about it. I read the articles when they are on my yahoo homepage. I certainly don't think it's a big joke though. I've got several friends in the healthcare field and they are seriously worried about it, it is alarming.

As far as "not working quick enough" it should have been contained once they realized what was going on. That means borders closed. I know that's a big deal and would seriously freak a lot of people out but look how it's getting here. I didn't come up with that but it sure makes sense to me.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
It's a proven fact that this country is overdue for a pandemic. The question isn't "if" it's "when?"

You do realise of course that use of the term pandemic doesnt equate to death toll?

And use of the word FACT in a post does not make the rest of the bollox it contains any more accurate. Fact.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
For the record I'm not an uptight person sitting around worrying about it. I read the articles when they are on my yahoo homepage. I certainly don't think it's a big joke though. I've got several friends in the healthcare field and they are seriously worried about it, it is alarming.

I know some undertakers, their planning round the world cruises on the planned proceeds.


New Member
You do realise of course that use of the term pandemic doesnt equate to death toll?

And use of the word FACT in a post does not make the rest of the bollox it contains any more accurate. Fact.

You can be rude to me all you want to, I don't care. I was just pointing out that this flu won't be as funny if you or your family should become affected by it.

Like I said I'm not overly worried about it but I don't think it's a big joke. :) Even though it may be in Disney, I'm not cancelling my plans, just being cautious.
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