swine flu and travelling


New Member
dont want to get over hyped about this , but whats the chance of flights and holidays being cancelled due to the swine flu? im flying from uk to the usa, we have already been advised not to travel in the eu? will usa be next?only 19 days to go hope it doesnt all go wrong now....


New Member
Flying out of Orlando Intl. Airport this morning.... sitting here waiting on my flight.. I can assure you, it looks nothing like the scenes in 28 days later... additionally, no one is wearing medical masks ..

The media is blasting swine flu all over the tvs still though..

- Reporting LIVE from MCO, where the building is NOT burning to the ground :)
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New Member
This is not just any type of flu and has, in the past killed over 50 million people (between 50 + 100 million worldwide). There is no vaccine (as in a normal flu) and it attacks the HEALTHY ADULTS and not the elderly, young or immuno suppressed.

There is no practical vaccine for ANY 'flu'... 'The Flu Shot' as it is currently called is another mass hysteria tool.. It's next-to-useless... There are over 2,800 strains of the 'common flu'... the flu shot is effective against approximately 420 of them.. That number has not increased in 5 years, but the discovered strains has..

that means (all exposure rates assumed equal) you have a 85% chance of getting the 'common flu' even if you have gotten a recent flu-shot..
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Go but take precautions

Flying out of Orlando Intl. Airport this morning.... sitting here waiting on my flight.. I can assure you, it looks nothing like the scenes in 28 days later... additionally, no one is wearing medical masks ..

The media is blasting swine flu all over the tvs still though..

- Reporting LIVE from MCO, where the building is NOT burning to the ground :)

The only fresh air on an airplane is in the pilots cockpit area the rest of the plane gets recycled oxygen. I would wear a medical mask, bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer (use it). At the World, in confined areas, use the mask. Don't curtail your life style but take common sense precautions to protect yourself and love ones.:brick:
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I am not a flu shot person either. I figure if I'm going to get the flu, I will. It doesn't seem worth it considering the flu vaccine is based on the most prominent strains of the flu from the previous year. To me getting a shot for the flu is useless when it's just a guess about which strain will hit this year. I am a little concerned for our upcoming trip next week to WDW but, I'm just bringing some hand sanitizer (which I rarely use now) and going to be even more diligent washing my hands after rides and before eating. I'm doing my best not to be pulled in by the hype. I'll be d^&*ed if it's going to suck the fun out of my vacation.
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Well-Known Member
There is no practical vaccine for ANY 'flu'... 'The Flu Shot' as it is currently called is another mass hysteria tool.. It's next-to-useless... There are over 2,800 strains of the 'common flu'... the flu shot is effective against approximately 420 of them.. That number has not increased in 5 years, but the discovered strains has..

that means (all exposure rates assumed equal) you have a 85% chance of getting the 'common flu' even if you have gotten a recent flu-shot..

In other words... Lemmings......

Here is a concept - be healthy.

Don't eat garbage, maybe get out an excercise once in a while, get a decent amount of sleep, and amazingly you seem to be healthier.

I have never had a flu shot. I also rarely get sick. If I do, it some fun nasal action for a day or so. I did have strep once about 7 years ago.

I also wash my hands after using the bathroom and before eating, but I have never bought a bottle of hand sanitizer.

About the only thing that I have ever done that is close to "medicaly reactionary" is to thow away toothpaste when I found out it had microban in it (an anti-bacterial). Yeah, it will kill germs on teeth, but I can't see ingesting it to be too good for your gut flora. Yeah, I don't eat toothpaste, but maybe my kids do. :)

Just a single N=1 story here, does not prove a dang thing. But a little research and non knee jerking goes a long way.

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Well-Known Member
You forgot about SARS and West Nile. Two other examples of overblown media hype.

Ah yes, thanks for reminding me of those other two. I remember those being on the news a few years back, as well, and not much came of them. Not that I want to trivialize those who did die of those diseases, as I'm sure that it's no small matter to the loved ones left behind. But the handful of people that died from those diseases is nothing compared to the hundreds or thousands of people who die every year from the regular flu. And, statistically speaking, even if thousands die every year from the flu (I can't remember the numbers, whether it's in the hundreds or thousands), it's a very minute percentage compared to the 300 million+ people in this country.
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Well-Known Member
What details would you like to know? Every hour there are more confirmed cases here in NY and now in NJ (none in your state that I have seen) and is very much in the forefront of the news here. There are multiple cases in Texas, Kansas and California as well. Cases have been confirmed in Europe as well. The "season" for this flu is April & May typically and is a variant of the H1N1 virus. Since people have not been exposed to it they have no antibodies on board to fight it.

CNN Article
More info can be found on just about any news site as well as the CDC's site.

Every year in the United States, 30,000 to 40,000 people die from the regular old flu. The current Swine Flu is something to keep an eye on, but it is not a pandemic yet.
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New Member
I am leaving in 24 hours, with an almost 4 year old that loves to suck on her fingers.......am I panicking. I am starting her on hand sanitizer today!!

I have already been on bed rest (pregnancy related) once in Disney and don't look forward to any additional time in bed this time. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

If your little girl loves to suck on her fingers... the last thing I would do is cover her with hand sanitizer... she'll be drunk as a skunk, and I've heard of kids getting really sick from that stuff...

We're taking our four year old in a few weeks and I would mainly try to avoid direct contact with people, and hold her in your lap on buses and stuff so she doesn't touch hand rails etc. too much... maybe take some of those lysol sanitizing wipes so you can do a quick wipe down of things she's going to be touching..

I'm sure there are people out there who take every percaution and get the stupid flu, and those who don't think twice and never get sick..
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New Member
I cannot for the life of me figure out why only people in Mexico are dying from this thing... it can't have much to do with medical care because they're saying most of the people here in the states with it showed normal flu symptoms and no special treatment was needed, just let it run it's course... so why is it worse there??

I'm really not too concerned about it.. but I will say that if that good for nothing virus ruins my disney vacation, I'll be heated! :mad:

Perhaps I'll have to rearrange my luggage to accomodate a large can of lysol.:lookaroun
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I am leaving in 24 hours, with an almost 4 year old that loves to suck on her fingers.......am I panicking. I am starting her on hand sanitizer today!!

I have already been on bed rest (pregnancy related) once in Disney and don't look forward to any additional time in bed this time. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

2 comments on this post:
1. when my 9 year old was 4, we called him Sir Licks Alot while in Disney one trip, and
2. be very careful if she puts her hands in her mouth after using the antibacterial stuff. The alcohol is not good for eating :)
Have FUN!!!

(we're leaving for disney in 25 days... swine flu willing)
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There is no practical vaccine for ANY 'flu'... 'The Flu Shot' as it is currently called is another mass hysteria tool.. It's next-to-useless... There are over 2,800 strains of the 'common flu'... the flu shot is effective against approximately 420 of them.. That number has not increased in 5 years, but the discovered strains has..

that means (all exposure rates assumed equal) you have a 85% chance of getting the 'common flu' even if you have gotten a recent flu-shot..

In other words... Lemmings......

I don't know, I know that stats of what you're saying and I agree it's true. However, my husband and my two sons had fevers of 103-105 plus coughing, vomiting, and "other stuff" for EIGHT days during there spring break 2 weeks ago, and I miraculously didn't catch it. Guess who in the house had gotten a flu shot this year? Guess who's getting one next year :)
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Well-Known Member
I'm slightly nervous about this simply because they aren't really able to contain it as yet. In NY, they seem to know with who the cases originated from and thus how it was spread. Kids went on Spring Break to Mexico, brought it back to school with them, and then more kids got infected.

The CDC or whoever is in charge of these things should thoroughly check everyone coming into the country by plane or cruise ship. Cruise ships stop in Mexico and that could be another entry point for this virus.

I wish Disney would do the Purell stations like the cruise ships do. And no more self service of foods. Employees will serve at buffets or any other kind of situation where the customer takes the open food themselves.

I'm going to WDW in two weeks and I'm praying that this dies out before then. If not, I've taken Mr. Adrian Monk, the most OCD hypochondriac (sp?) germaphobe as my new hero.

I will be armed with antibacterial wipes and not afraid to use them!:ROFLOL:
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New Member
Germs are nasty

Germs are nasty and they gather on telephones, TV remotes and bedspreads in hotels.

Wipe off the phone and the remote before using - pick them up with a towel and take the bedspread off the bed and leave it off.

Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands as often as possible.

That's all practical simple advice to help keep germs from spreading and should be done even when there is not a flu outbreak.

This has NOTHING to do with pigs - you can visit with Pumba and Practical Pig all you want :ROFLOL:
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