SW1k- Video! A Must see, true Disney magic!


Well-Known Member
tk421-sw said:

MUCH better. :)

You know, it's easy to get lost in discussions about PS's for Fantasmic! Packages, critiques of acronyms like LMA, and the seemingly relevant topics of Disney minutiae.

And then all of a sudden, like the first time you see the MK after a long absence, is what a video like that makes you remember - the REAL magic of WDW.

Absoultely amazing.

On totally minor notes, it was really funny to see the crowds a princess draws - did you notice those little girls hi-fiving each other near the end when Snow White was saying good-bye to Ben at their luck at finding Snow White outside her own ride?

And...dang, Thimble and Ryland really need to do some ride videos. That's the best ride video of SWSA I've seen (even colors were great), even before the fact we get to watch Ben have a narrated tour by Snow White.

I'm off. For some reason I feel the need to call my dad, LOL.


Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Ah, good, the new one is working much better on my computer. Now I can really appreciate the great job on the video by you two--awesome :sohappy:.

Also, for those who haven't, please contact guest relations with commendations for the cast members involved. The appropriate people will receive the feedback, which could only help these cast members to continue making magic for a while to come.


New Member
One word........AWESOME!! Walt is looking down smiling. This is why Disney is so far ahead of the competition. Nobody can make MAGIC like WDW can. Great job!

# 1000 will be a wonderful memory of a lifetime for all involved, especially Ben.:)


This is truly an amazing event for all of us. I just can't put into words how happy I am. I am just so proud of Disney and there employees for always doing more than needed to make the magic real. I want to thank everyone that made this happen for Ben, its a true inspiration and it's brought me, among many, to tears of joy.


New Member
barnum42 said:
Ryland - you're a boulder among rocks ;)
Thanks for taking the trouble to squeeze it down for the rest of us - appreciate it. :wave:

Don't feel bad, I can't even view it well on my computer! Plays great on Ryland's, but not on mine. I have the same problems you guys do - the cliffs notes versions of the film itself and good audio. Like a film strip with a tape that goes with it. But that version is much better! Thanks Ryland, dahling.
(no capes).


New Member
Hmmm, I can't get either link to play. It says it can't find the file. Has it been up longer than a week already? I didn't think so by the post date. Any tips for the technology challenged? I so want to see this video.


New Member
Yeah, I can't get it to come up either on my Windows Media Player. It says that it cannot play the file. I have a cable hookup so I don't think file size is an issue. Can any computer-savy people help me?


Well-Known Member
It looks like the file is no longer there.

Ryland, the domain that I run supports video streaming. I would be more than happy to host the file myself if you can give me a copy.


Naturally Grumpy
While I wait to have the file reconnected...

Thanks so much for sharing your moment, Ben and family

Thimblekiss and TK41, you've outdone yourselves. While the CM's have done a wonderful thing, do recognize the unselfish and very special role you played. Don't know how you will be able to top this one...

To the CM's involved, hopefully you've gotten a chance to peruse this thread, and have gotten appropriate feedback in the form of guest comments and letters. There just aren't words for this kind of gift.


Neither link is working for me either. Too bad I have to go to work soon. Hopefully I can see this video when I get back around midnight. I really really want to see this! How awesome.


New Member
I saw that video recently, but didn't have time to post. It really was wonderful and thanks for sharing that video with all of us. Not ashamed to admit i got a bit chocked up. Really reminds me why i love WDW. It was really wonderful to see him react to Snow. My office contributes to the Make a Wish Foundation so i know how important and special moments like those are.

However, I would appreciate if you could share some of the background. Not sure what the 1000th refers to and how this all came about. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
dox said:
However, I would appreciate if you could share some of the background. Not sure what the 1000th refers to and how this all came about. Thanks again.

1000th refers to the 1000th time that Ben has ridden Snow White's Scary Adventures (and he is currently up to 1005). There are a couple of other threads that led up to this one, I'm sorry I don't have time to dig around and find the links right now but if you search my posts you will find them quickly. You can also read a full account of the day from my LiveJournal post for that day.


New Member
Great ! Thanks for the link! Terrific story! I'm glad Ben enjoyed it and you should be commended to for your concern, care and love for Ben.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been able to see the video until tonight, and I just wanted to say that this is one of the most touching things I have seen in a really long time. It really reminds me of why Disney is the Happiest Place on Earth and how there really are some good people still left in this world.

Congratulations Ben on getting to ride 1000 times. And even though I wasn't there to experience it, I want to thank everyone who was able to help Ben have that kind of experience. I have been following this story and it makes me so happy to know that Ben's dream became a reality.

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