Whoa! That has to be the wildest and most live Tribal Council ever in 38 seasons! They started it with 25 minutes to go in the episode! The immunity challenge came just 13 minutes into the episode! I was half wondering if they were going to have a challenge at Tribal to have someone come back in from EoE. Some thoughts...
- This play worked for Devens and really everyone in the Lesu 5. It's up in the air how everyone else fairs.
- David and Wentworth would be soooo smart to work together, and I love how accepting and honest the conversation between the two was at Tribal. Kelley openly admitted the plan was to vote David, and he accepted that and still worked with her! Playing with his head, not his heart! He's so good!
- Julia shot herself in the foot and got very defensive and just started insulting people by calling Rick a passenger and telling Wardog to shut up. Not a good look. Aurora shot herself in the foot, too, but simmered down after.
- I would LOVE to see an entire video of those conversations, unedited. I would love to see how they all came to a conclusion on Julia.
- I really hope the Lesu 5 can come together, but it looks like Devens just wants to cause chaos now. I hope he doesn't get in his own head, but he doesn't seem like a rational player. I'm happy it worked this week, but I'm nervous for what the future holds for him and Lesu.
- I hate when players are in complete control and on top, then get blindsided because they were exposed, then cry about it the next episode like they are treated so unfairly and victimized by others. Ron and Julie gave me those vibes tonight. I think ultimately Julie was right, she wouldn't have made it super far with Julia, Victoria, and Gavin as a trio, but you can't get upset when things don't go your way, after you've been part of the dictator group the whole season. Same for Ron. You had zero empathy for any of the Lesu, but now you're crying because they blindsided you? Just so hypocritical and self-centered IMO.
- I have no clue what to expect going forward. This merge has been fun after a pretty lousy start to the season IMO. With the way things look, I expect it to continue.
And obviously my power rankings have been horrible so far, but here I go again...
- Gavin
- Victoria
- Julie
- Lauren
- Ron
- David
- Aurora
- Devens
- Wardog
- Kelley
I just can't put Kelley any higher than the bottom because she has been target #1 since the first vote. She's this season's version of Parvati from HvV.