Monica's strategy was not comprehensible. I get where she was coming from, but how often do girls alliances work? Outside of Parvati's season, I can't think of a time it worked flawlessly. And what gave her the idea that it was even a possibility? There was no alliance of girls, not talk of it, nothing. Just crazy to think that would actually be on the table once everyone was in their tribal alliances already.
So glad it wasn't Spencer of Wiglesworth. As everyone knows, I'm a huge Spencer fan. I'm also becoming more of a Wiglesworth fan. Can't wait to see the reaction from the former Bayon members on other tribes. Could potentially shake up the entire game.
Looking forward to next week... looks like Fishbach might be getting ahead of himself. I was never a huge fan of him in his season. He was okay, but I never really connected with him. This season he's looking like a complete idiot, socially and physically. I wouldn't be sad to see him go sooner than later. Also it looks like a potential med-evac type of situation. Always hard to have someone go in that way.
Great episode once again, to add onto what's looking like a phenomenal season. It's on its way to being one of my favorite all-time. Still a ways to go, of course, but I've only seen a couple seasons where the gameplay has been this good this early.