Survivor: Cambodia- Second Chance


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I remember Fishbach only because I watched his season right before this one started. He was really half of JT, but Fishbach then came off as a villain in the end when he admitted at Tribal that he would have voted JT off had he won immunity.


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I remember Fishbach only because I watched his season right before this one started. He was really half of JT, but Fishbach then came off as a villain in the end when he admitted at Tribal that he would have voted JT off had he won immunity.
Eh, I disagree...I think JT was the hero that started to turn into a villain at FTC.

I think where Stephen lacked was in the social game...that's what won over the jury in the end I think. Plus I know him pretty well from Know-it-Alls :P :D


Well-Known Member
Eh, I disagree...I think JT was the hero that started to turn into a villain at FTC.

I think where Stephen lacked was in the social game...that's what won over the jury in the end I think. Plus I know him pretty well from Know-it-Alls :p :D
I think Stephen was the brains of the group, and JT was the social and physical threat of the group. Not that I'm saying JT wasn't smart, but those two worked hand-in-hand. They were a phenomenal alliance. In the eyes of the jury members, I think Stephen was the bad guy, and JT was the wholesome southern charmer, as admitted by many of the cast members that season.


Well-Known Member
I'm good with the tribe split and was worried it would just be the 4 whacking out the 2 outsiders from each tribe. Glad that wasn't the case. I was hoping for 3-3 splits of original tribes with newcomers.

Definitely not sad to see PG go. Didn't really have any feeling on her...she seemed she was just there. Maybe it was just a bad edit.

Savage is...well a savage.

Slick move by Jeremy to get the Immunity during the challenge. That thing was really out in the open this time. There was no way anybody saw him do it.

I know I know her, but I really can't recall much of Monica from her season. Did she make an impression originally and I'm just old and can't remember? Just trying to figure out why she is there. She's kinda doing nothing at this point.

Varner got away with a major screw up. Gotta be more covert than that.


Well-Known Member
I'm good with the tribe split and was worried it would just be the 4 whacking out the 2 outsiders from each tribe. Glad that wasn't the case. I was hoping for 3-3 splits of original tribes with newcomers.

Definitely not sad to see PG go. Didn't really have any feeling on her...she seemed she was just there. Maybe it was just a bad edit.

Savage is...well a savage.

Slick move by Jeremy to get the Immunity during the challenge. That thing was really out in the open this time. There was no way anybody saw him do it.

I know I know her, but I really can't recall much of Monica from her season. Did she make an impression originally and I'm just old and can't remember? Just trying to figure out why she is there. She's kinda doing nothing at this point.

Varner got away with a major screw up. Gotta be more covert than that.

I need to go back and look...I'm curious to see if the outside coloring on those boxes corresponded with the inside buff colors. It would be pretty slick of them to wrap the buffs and then have all the green boxes, purple boxes and multi-boxes be the same tribes. I was hoping for 2-2-2 on each team. Would have made for chaos.

Pei Gei was bothering me. I get very annoyed when people play the victim when really they are an instigator. Her speaking loudly about Abi (as annoying as Abi is) within earshot was just so low class. I'm glad we're done with her.

I don't remember Monica either. Although, I will say, grown ups should not wear pig tails. Kimmie either.

What I really don't understand is: do the producers give them a directive to wear clothes they would wear in regular life? If I were going on Survivor I would show up wearing a sports bra, skivvies that fit, rain resistant gym clothes and a a waterproof, hooded jacket.


Well-Known Member
I were going on Survivor I would show up wearing a sports bra...

I hope you are a female...not that it would be wrong for a male to wear a sports bra. :cautious:

I know in the beginning, they would tell them they were going to do a photoshoot for the show and then take a left turn and start the game. So they would be in the "wrong" clothes and stuck with whatever they were wearing. I too would be always ready with clothes that I would want on if they started the game at any time. Water resistant pull-over, those pants that unzip into shorts, multiple shirts, so I could always try to keep one dry. I know sneaking in flint or contraband is not permitted, so that wouldn't be a concern.


Well-Known Member
I hope you are a female...not that it would be wrong for a male to wear a sports bra. :cautious:

I know in the beginning, they would tell them they were going to do a photoshoot for the show and then take a left turn and start the game. So they would be in the "wrong" clothes and stuck with whatever they were wearing. I too would be always ready with clothes that I would want on if they started the game at any time. Water resistant pull-over, those pants that unzip into shorts, multiple shirts, so I could always try to keep one dry. I know sneaking in flint or contraband is not permitted, so that wouldn't be a concern.

:hilarious: Yes - female! I believe they announced the cast and they went right from the reunion show to a waiting bus. I wouldn't take any chances on not being prepared. I would walk around daily in my "Survivor" clothes just in case they sent a van and abducted me outside my house.

EDIT: Yeah - I'm a dork - I went back and re-watched the announcement at the reunion show and they were all wearing the clothes they have on the island. But they were told to bring a bag so they SHOULD have known.


Well-Known Member
And thinking about it, it would have been cool for Probst to say, "Drop your buffs!!", then they even the tribes up at 9 each. All the drama and emotions of that. Then have a challenge all set up and ready to go that is broken into 3 stages and have Probst say "3 members from each tribe go to one of the 3 stations". They would then strategize and split them up based on the challenge at hand. Once they get set up and before they start the challenge..."Drop your buffs!!". Then those on each mat are the new tribes. Then immediately have a real challenge to determine who gets first choice of camp, then second then the last place has to start from scratch.


Well-Known Member
And thinking about it, it would have been cool for Probst to say, "Drop your buffs!!", then they even the tribes up at 9 each. All the drama and emotions of that. Then have a challenge all set up and ready to go that is broken into 3 stages and have Probst say "3 members from each tribe go to one of the 3 stations". They would then strategize and split them up based on the challenge at hand. Once they get set up and before they start the challenge..."Drop your buffs!!". Then those on each mat are the new tribes. Then immediately have a real challenge to determine who gets first choice of camp, then second then the last place has to start from scratch.

This is much better than how they handled it!


Well-Known Member
I was happy with the outcome. Glad it wasn't Tasha. I said it last week, and I'll say it again, Varner is playing a reckless and aggressive game, and it's going to cost him one of these days. If the same tribe goes to Tribal Council next time, I kind of hope Savage and Tasha team up with Woo. I'm kind of surprised they took Peih-Gee out instead of Abi. There's so much more security with Peih-Gee and Woo than Varner and Abi. Abi is a swinging pendulum, and they know Varner is going to be out to get them sooner or later.

Jeremy wasn't as smooth as he could have been, but he effectively got the idol. It was such a blatantly obvious spot that if someone else got there before he did, it would have been a disaster. I really think he could team up with Spencer and Wiglesworth. Spencer played it right by going to him for an emotional connection rather than the others. I'm kind of surprised Stephen was so on-board with sticking with his original tribe, though. He was clearly to lone ranger out there, and now all of a sudden when they need his help he's willing to give it to them? I wouldn't be so easily loyal.

Already off to a great season that has been so much more entertaining early on than in the seasons I watched over the summer.


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Alright...I have a lot of thoughts on this amazing season! Seriously, I think so far we are three for three as far as top notch Survivor goes...Let's hope they stay consistent! I really liked the tribe swap (or Tribe Mitosis as Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler are calling it :P). I think there is for sure a more interesting way they could have done it though...I would have liked to maybe see an old-school style "draft" for new tribes, and when they got down to six Jeff would tell them to stop, these are the tribes. I think it's unfair that Angkor has no food or anything- They already learned in Fiji that a tribe with more food will be physically in better's just not really all that fair. As far as the people themselves, just to kinda organize my thoughts I'll take it player by player (some I might skip if they don't have a huge role yet)...

Jeff- I love Jeff, but he needs to slow down...and luckily I think Tasha slapped him in the face with that lesson this episode. It was bad of him to be talking to Wiglesworth like that, especially when he had no need to because her tribe didn't lose. Good for him though for not going crazy scrambling or anything- that would have just fueled the case to get ride of him

Abi- This girl is amazing television. And the I'm excited for what's to come from her and Woo since she seemed upset at him....

PG- This girl was in a pretty fine spot- she was in an alliance with Tasha/Savage and would have gotten out Jeff, but instead she decided to make the terrible mistake of playing with her emotions to try to get out Abi. I'll miss PG, but TBH I kinda cared about her the least out of her/Abi/Jeff so I'm ok with her going

Tasha/Savage- These people are amazing...They got somewhat lucky that they had the Abi and PG tension to help them out, but nevertheless, they found cracks and exploited them to their advantage. Depending on how Abi feels about Woo though, I could see them losing this control of the game before they know it.

Spencer- I really like Spencer. I hope he does well. Surprised to see him and Fishy aren't working together, but I bet something could come of that. Also, I liked the scene about him and not telling his GF he loves her....Maybe foreshadowing him making it to the family visit???

Jeremy- This man is playing really well. An idol is perfect cherry on top...and I really hope he doesn't share it with Fishy like he wanted him to if he found it.

Fishbach- I saw this storyarch coming....He was the "fish" out of water doofus that couldn't cut a piece of wood, but when a swap came, he suddenly gets into a power position. Granted, it was kind of stupid for him to suggest group idol hunting, but still, I like this guy's odds. Plus, he has all sorts of doors with Spencer (superfans and friends outside of show) and maybe can even make connections with Kelly (they have the runner up thing going for them)

Also, this may be a bit of a spoiler, so I'll put it under a spoiler tab...
The episode description for Ep. 4 basically says that there's a going to be a heated Tribal Council next week, and that Abi Maria is stirring stuff up again :P :D Just what I like to hear! :D


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Well this made my day...I just found out that Jonathan Penner was on an episode of Seinfeld!

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Not surprised by the vote. He played too hard to begin, and he was way too aggressive and out of control with his strategy. It was fun to see the strategy from other tribes, too.

Next week's previews didn't look too exciting, other than final 5 promises and all the stuff that changes every week.


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Not surprised by the vote. He played too hard to begin, and he was way too aggressive and out of control with his strategy. It was fun to see the strategy from other tribes, too.

Next week's previews didn't look too exciting, other than final 5 promises and all the stuff that changes every week.
I'm not surprised either really....but still significantly disappointed :p Not necessarily that he was my winner pick, but I was just so invested in him as a character. He had amazing confessionals and was playing a really fun to watch and (mostly) smart game. Really sad to see his journey end here, hoping for third chances! :p

Also, while I love how Abi is still alive I the game and causing so much drama, the editing is starting to make it too much just the Abi Show soap opera...They just spent way too much time on here IMO. There was this one awesome secret scene on Bayon about the chickens that I would have loved for them to include, it was funny and had nice character development. I recommend watching it!

Other than that, really great episode, quite interesting and captivating. A few last thoughts- while I wanted Woo gone, I like this new side to him. More assertive and seems to be taking the game more seriously. Also, I don't like Tasha... Didn't really her first time, and I don't now either. No, not because she got out Varner :P, I think she's just a little full of herself.


Well-Known Member
I think the reason I like Tasha is because she was Spencer's biggest ally in Cagayan. Kass is also making the best out of her second chance. Of course, she hasn't had to go to Tribal yet, but it seems she is really trying to play a good social game.


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I think the reason I like Tasha is because she was Spencer's biggest ally in Cagayan. Kass is also making the best out of her second chance. Of course, she hasn't had to go to Tribal yet, but it seems she is really trying to play a good social game.
That's why I kind of liked her too, but then in interviews after the game I didn't like how she kept saying she was playing the game by herself when she had Spencer. I feel like she was trying to build her image as she didn't like that Spencer was the bigger "hero" of the story.

Also I just read Jeff's interview with Gordon, which helped give a bit more insight into how he thought about her.

Also, yeah, I loved that Ta Keo birthday segment :D (is it just me, or does anyone think Kelley could use this as a fake idol in the future?)


Well-Known Member
That's why I kind of liked her too, but then in interviews after the game I didn't like how she kept saying she was playing the game by herself when she had Spencer. I feel like she was trying to build her image as she didn't like that Spencer was the bigger "hero" of the story.

Also I just read Jeff's interview with Gordon, which helped give a bit more insight into how he thought about her.

Also, yeah, I loved that Ta Keo birthday segment :D (is it just me, or does anyone think Kelley could use this as a fake idol in the future?)
She might use the pieces to create one, but I don't think it would work because of how public Kass made it.

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