Stuck on Rides

Kandi said:
Has anyone ever been stuck on a disney ride? I got stuck on its a small world for over 30mins and they kept the music on all the time! i had that song stuck in my head for the rest of my holiday and my dad refused to go on it again!
Has anyone else had a similar experience?

My friend was stuck on splash mountain till 1:00 in the morning. Right before the Drop... That must have sucked:hammer:

Tara Mae

New Member
Goodness, I've been stuck/stalled on so many rides, but here are my favorites.

Spaceship Earth: Numerous times at the moon scene. Have some beautiful pictures.
Told my friends I was in space. ;0

Spaceship Earth II: Numerous times going backwards. I find that interesting. I used to be terrifed of going backwards, but now I find myself praying for it to stall, gives me a good rest. I enjoy it going backwards, and when it stalls, I don't know, I guess because I'm young I find i comfortable.

Kiliminjaro Safaris: More of a stall. Giant Rhino was blocking the jungle car. Got some good pictures, looked as if we were right on top of the Rhino!

Jungle Cruise: My friend and I were stalled in the cave, and the cruise guy kept asking "Why'd it have to be snakes?" and "Lion and tigers and bears, oh my!" Poor guy, didn't knowany good jokes he hadn't already said to stall time. Found outwe had stopped because the boat in front of us was pretty close, an odd occasion.

Test Track: Just as you're going past the brake test and up the first hill. We paused halfway down. I've never been stuck on the curves, but I've always thought it would be an exciting experience.

My least favorite is Splash Mountain, at the top of the mountain, pausing, sitting, anticipating. Eek!


New Member
MANY rides have I been stuck on

Splash Mountain: The lift hill to the big drop some stupid teenager hopped out of the boat at an area and the boat got away and they had to stop the ride to get him on a boat. (I believe he was told not to go back on the ride again the rest of his trip I heard a women say)

Haunted Mansion: The spot where that lady in the glass ball is talking it just stopped and we heard her talk for 15 minutes ANNOYING!

Tower of Terror: We were all in the 5th Deminsion area and all of a sudden it just stopped and it was sooo dark. A voice cam on saying "Please remain calm the Hollywood Hotel's elevator is having technical defficulties. Please remain seated and strapped in, you should be moving to your floor any time now." It went on for about 4 minutes. I thought that it stayed in theme though. It was amazing. ABSOLUTELY the best themed ride.

Mission Space: It just stopped for a minute and then went on like nothing happened!

Yaa I have been on alot of rides that broke down:(


Stuck in the ballroom scene of Haunted Mansion-WDW : For around 10 minutes it was the greatest stoppage ever.The detail is amazing and there are things I have NEVER seen before.Splash many a times, and have ridden TT a total of 16 times and have completed the ride 1 time without breakeage.The last breakdown had a CM push the car down the embankment.Space Mountain was a sad breakdown for the point that the coaster just doesn't seem as good with the lights on.We were told someone tried to get in the control room without authorization.Many more but those stand out.

I break down all rides, I am the ride breaker guy.If I had didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

Frees Fan

The first time my family came down in 1975, we got stuck in the HM for about an hour at the worst part...coming down the steps backwards! But, it was really hot outside and nice and dark inside so it wasn't all bad. :eek:
I've been stuck on POtC, one boat got out of the rail, we were around the area of the treasure and skeleton laying on the beach, we were stuck there for at least 40 minutes, while they were trying to find where the problem was. we were all going crazy that "Dead men tell nooooo, tallllee!!" was going over and over and over!! AHH!! then we felt like the walls were closing in! ahh! Then we were stuck on Test Track, we were right where you acceleration after doing that loop around the traget with the new cars on it, we sat there long enough for me and my mom to get sunburn... (I burn easily tho, but it was bad enough to need aloe afterward.. :( ), but the CM that was operating the unload area told us we could go again, only 3 cars were allowed to ride again the one on the turn around the target, our car, and the one that was about to exit the building.., and on my most recent trip we got stuck in HM in the attic where the heads pop up from behind stuff, its kinda creepy up there.. but when a CM came on the PA you could hear all the springs getting ready to release the heads up.. kinda ruined it but thats why the audio is soooo loud in there lol


New Member
Got stuck on a couple during our trip last week: POTC & Spaceship Earth
Also, Test Track was down repeatedly while we were in line.


Well-Known Member
Test Track I got stuck right before the handling and acceleration test. We were evacuated after 20 minutes or so. Also got stuck right out of the loading area on TT but ended up restarting in a few minutes.
Splash, Thunder, Test Track, Buzz, SSE. Snow White, Pooh... a lot of rides

on tt, we had to walk off on the uphill climb... we were sitting there for about 20 mins before somebody got us, kinda cool though :p


Well-Known Member
Test Track - at the end as you are re-entering the building, they came and evacuated us.
Countdown to Extinction (before it became Dinosaur) - too many times to count. Every trip was stop and go with long pauses in the dark.
ToT - at then end when the elevators rotate (we did) then push forward (we did not) - we had an elevator directly overhead the entire time it took to get things going again (15 min).
SSE - what's up with the decent? Lots of folks got stuck backwards. Count me in.
SM - not stuck on the ride, but stuck in the queue when it broke down pre-FastPass so we were still stuck in a way.


New Member
I've been stuck on Haunted Mansion many times. A lot of the time the audio was out-of-whack also. Not quite the same experience when you don't hear half the dialogue.

A family rumor, not sure if it's true: Supposedly my uncle got stuck on it's a small world for an unreasonable amount of time. Apparently he got so sick of the song that he jumped out of the boat and ran across the dry sections to an exit.

I doubt that ever really happened.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
We got stuck on its a small world too for over 45 min. and they never turned off the music. the worst was they started to move the boats backward through the ride to let people off and when it was our turn the ride started back up and off we went. Had to sit through the ride all over again. If I didnt have a daughter who likes this ride, never would I ride it again.

Its a small world after all

Its a small world after all

Its a small world after all

Its a small world after all

Its a small world after all

Its a small world after all

I think two years ago, I got stopped in the Haunted Mansion. It was right where you see the ghosts dancing at the dinner party. The thing was that I had never experienced being stopped in that ride before, so I thought it was all part of the act. A voice can on saying there had been an unexpected stop and to stay seated. I thought they had changed the ride and someone was going to jump out and everyone.


Everytime me and my friends go on Spaceship Earth it gets stuck or breaks down...including today when we were on it.



New Member
Spaceship Earth, Buzz Lightyear, TTA, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Tower of Terror, Splash Mountain. The interesting ones were Test Track, it was our car, Space Mountain, turned the lights on and got to ride again, Kilimanjaro Safaris, a girrafe decided to stop and munch on a tree :slurp:. I have been evacuated on Big Thunder Mountain, which I had been in a wheelchair that day with an injured foot so my finacee had to help me down out of the car and Splash Mountain, they were about to close and the ride had previously broke down 10 min before for 30 min. It was right before the dark drop. They took us all behind the scenes. The cast member that was our guide was really cool. He was acting like a tour guide, making jokes and everyting. There were a lot of steps though. After we got back to the front another cast member was asking of we were alright. It was really cool though, the parade was just getting over.


New Member
My wife and I were stuck on Horizons :( (I miss Horizons) for over 45min. In the room that had the IMAX screen. It played the loop of the Space shuttle taking off and crystals forming and a DNA strand. We must have recited the spiel a thousand times while waiting and now have those images burned into my sub-conscious.

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