Stuck on Rides


I got stuck on Space mountain and they turned the lights on! What a way to ruin the magic! I havent been able to look at space mountain the same way since..:brick:

Brick Tamland

New Member
I've been stuck on a bunch of rides:Test Track, Splash Mountain, SSE, etc. But during my last trip in March I was stuck on the TTA and had to walk off. That was a first, it was very cool because i got stuck while my car was in space Mountain.


Well-Known Member
We've been stuck on a couple of rides. I've always enjoyed it. You get the time to look around and see things that you usually don't get to see.


New Member
almost every trip i get stuck on tower of terror. i wouldn't exactly call it stuck, more like delayed. it always happens when the doors to the ghosts in the corridor close and its pitch black(really scary...but funny too).


New Member
My husband and I got stuck in the Haunted Mansion in the room with Madam Leota on Halloween (I kid you not) for about 20 minutes. The only scary thing though was the fact that this was right after 09-11-01, so I was a little afraid of a terrorist attack, especially being on Halloween with all of the threats. When it was obvious everything was okay, it was kinda cool to keep watching her head in that dome. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I got stuck on Splash Mountain for over 20 minutes. They were about to take us off the ride but it went moving when the cast member came over to take us out.


New Member
Your getting stuck stories are hilarious! I have a vague memory of being stuck on the People Mover when I was very small...but, other than that....not recently!


New Member
got stuck on haunted mansion right between the clacking door knockers, my wife (now) and i thought we were gonna lose our minds. i thought at first they were loading a handicapped rider, but we were stuck for 20 mins.


New Member
What HAVEN'T i gotten stuck on??
Just kidding but....
DInosaur (2 times)
Splash Mountain (30 minutes)
and other things i am SURE i am forgetting but yea...


New Member
I got stuck on the worst ride to have ruined. It was the Spider-Man ride at Islands of Adventure. It was our first time ever riding it or really hearing anything about it. We got on it really fast and just as Spider-Man was about to save us from dropping the lights went on. We rode the rest of the ride with the lights on. Sure they let us ride it again but it totally ruined it for me. I went from complelety engaged into it to being very bored real fast.


New Member
i have been stuck in HM, POTC, TestTrack, Small World, Splash, Thunder, TTA, Carossel of Progress, Snow White, Spaceship Earth, and a few others...
As you can see, Test Track is on the list quite a reason for this in the early days is because the wear and tear on the tires were terrible until a major tire manufacturer (don't know which one) and disney hooked up to create special tires that would last for up to 3 months.


New Member
jacksnightmare said:
I got stuck on the worst ride to have ruined. It was the Spider-Man ride at Islands of Adventure. It was our first time ever riding it or really hearing anything about it. We got on it really fast and just as Spider-Man was about to save us from dropping the lights went on. We rode the rest of the ride with the lights on. Sure they let us ride it again but it totally ruined it for me. I went from complelety engaged into it to being very bored real fast.
NOt to start on universal but i have a couple of experiences there as was actually on spiderman during halloween horror nights...the ride kept shutting down and we kept getting to stay on so we could experience it without errors but after the third time around it messed up we decided to get off the ride.
Also, I was on the Jimmy Neutron attraction when a young child went crazy so they stopped the simulator, removed the child and we got to see the show again after waiting a few minutes to the attraction to reset.


New Member
Brick Tamland said:
I've been stuck on a bunch of rides:Test Track, Splash Mountain, SSE, etc. But during my last trip in March I was stuck on the TTA and had to walk off. That was a first, it was very cool because i got stuck while my car was in space Mountain.
That's the ultimate experience I would guess...In all my times to the parks (at least once a month for 5 years) i have NEVER gotten the opportunity to be escorted off an attraction for ride malfunctions...although i have seen on several occasions the lights on in space mountain while on the TTA.


New Member
My wife and I got stuck on Dinosaur once. It was right before the carnasaur (or however you spell it) comes out in front of you. My wife get's freaked out by the one that comes from the right and closes her eyes so she has never seen this guy. Needless to say seeing her freak when the ride fired up again was worth the ten minutes sitting there. The funny thing was that the music and sound effects would fire intermitently during the wait so you'd get the vocals and crashes while we sat there in the dark.


Active Member
I can't believe it but I have never been stuck on any rides, the only one (and doesn't even really count) is getting backed up on Splash right before you go up for the drop, the vocals kept going until our boat finally got up to the top. Similar on Pirates where the pirate has one foot on land and the other on the boat...oh well. A friend of mine got stuck on Space and freaked out when they turned the lights on and saw how close it was.
I got stuck on the HM when I was wee little nard (well about 11 :hammer: ).
It was right at the endless hallway. Iwas there about 20 minutes until the ride started up again and the people behind me kept knocking on my doombuggy .:mad:
Bang, Bang ,BANG! They kept knocking and knocking and knocking while that blasted candelabra was going back and forth and back and forth and................ :eek:

I wish I could find those people. :fork:


In Dec. 2004, I got stuck on the PeopleMover in Tomorrowland. Stopped for a few mins., moved again, then stopped again. A team of CM's offloaded us, 1 "train" at a time. Since we were the furthest away from the exit, they offloaded us first, then we walked along the track. As we caught up to the next group of cars, they were offloaded and told to follow the conga line LOL.

We walked until we got to an exit near the CoP, then down the stairs and out.

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