I try not to be mean in my posts, but you have to be walking around with blinders on. Having lived through all three trilogies of Star Wars I'm going to say that this year has been as close to 1977 as it's ever been. Not only that, while I do remember Star Wars originally being beloved by all ages and genders when it first came out, I don't remember seeing so many girls and women embracing it as they do now which warms my heart.
As for originality, how's this:
While I have some expectations and preconceived notions about the upcoming Star Wars films, I don't really have any idea what's going to happen. Sure it is an existing universe and some characters are already familiar, but we are getting new, original works.
Back when Disney was "original" and made films like Snow White, Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Mary Poppins, The Little Mermaid, etc... etc... etc... audiences already had a pretty good idea of what they were in store for (not to say I don't think they didn't do a lot of great things in their adaptations and reinterpretations.)
Today, both Pixar and Disney are doing a lot more original stories, and when an existing work is adapted, they're really only taking a basic concept and creating something unexpected and new as with Tangled and Frozen.
Disney was only as original as Marvel Studios is today. Adapting existing stories- taking the best parts, looking at it with a fresh modern point of view, and adding some fun new twists.
As always, they could do more, take more risks, be more experimental- but I really don't get the constant negativity here. A lifelong Disney fan, I can honestly say they're the one studio/company that has the most projects that I'm currently excited about- and this has certainly not always been the case.