Well-Known Member
This is inspiring meThe Tomorrowland Terrace. It's rarely open -- I think they're only using it for dessert parties. Right there at the entrance of Tomorrowland just off the hub.
My workshop Tomorrowland ideas:
Keep Tomorrowland terrace open 24/7, move Sonny Eclipse to there, forgot if he has any specific lines about him being at "Cosmic Ray's", but if he does, it wouldn't be too big of an issue to just rename the terrace
Demolish Cosmic Rays, the two shops, and SGE and put a brand new dark ride in there. Non IP preferred.
Retheme Buzz Lightyear into something else that fits. Stitch for IP points could work, maybe Wall e.
Retheme Monster's inc or turn it into a simulator of some sort. If Wall -e and/or stitch doesn't go to Buzz, it could work here.
Update Space Mountain, peoplemover, speedway, whatever else needs updating