Stitch replacement for Alien Encounter not so bad


Active Member
i liked AE, unfortunately, i didn't get to see it on my last couple of visits. I hope they make a really good job of this update and i look forward to seeing it!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dxwwf3
With all do respect I don't see how this can happen. The storyline for Alien Encounter was better than the one for the Lilo and Stitch movie, IMO. So I don't see how they can come up with a better story for a Stitch attraction (on which Disney animators didn't even complete). And they are taking an attraction with effects that were supposed to either be scary or funny (depending on who you are and how many times you've seen the show) and turning it into SGE which will have some funny moments for adults but it HAS to be aimed for children. There is no way they can have even the smallest little scary effect in there.

I found the movie to be the most kiddie animated feature in quite sometime (Nothing wrong with that thought I just felt it was too basic compared to stuff like Treasure Planet and The Emperor's New Groove).

But like I said I definately hope you guys enjoy your new attraction. And I hope it is well done so at least AE wasn't torn down for complete crap.

Umm...Lee said the Stitch redo would be TECHNICALLY SUPERIOR...which means...better technology.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Umm...Lee said the Stitch redo would be TECHNICALLY SUPERIOR...which means...better technology.

Apparantly the Stitch animatronic will be quite advanced...which I'm happy to hear. You hardly ever got a good look at the original Alien animatronic and it did very little besides move a little and "spin" around. Another advanced animatronic from Imagineering is always a positive in my book.

I'm excited for SGE, but I hope that it at least "feels" like a completely different show in overall look and story. Otherwise, I'm bound to compare it to AE in every way and I fear that I might find AE's story more engaging. But I've been wrong before and I've been very positive about Stitch's potential ever since the announcement. It could very well be a lot better than AE.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Umm...Lee said the Stitch redo would be TECHNICALLY SUPERIOR...which means...better technology.

Umm...technically can mean two different things. You can mean the technically you were talking about (as in the technology part of it)......OR you can mean it in a way where you are trying to prove a point and you say "technically you're right but...". I misunderstood his tone I guess.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Originally posted by Bill
Glad I'm appreciated. :) Good luck in the contest. Hopefully you'll win the sign. :)

I was going to steal one of those signs the other day. JK: I saw that they were still up outside AE. So I'm like maybe no one will notice.



I only road AE once. It was a good ride with more potential then it used. I think they could of done more with the alein AA, so I'm glad they're gonna use one of the most advanced ones ever for SGE. The only worry I have is that the plot is not going to be as rich with SGE. So many questions:confused:

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Originally posted by SirGoofy
The only worry I have is that the plot is not going to be as rich with SGE. So many questions:confused:

I think the plot is going to be super. Could someone please tell me the plot of AE. To this day, I still can't figure out what the plot to AE. You walk into this room, and see a bunch of green aliens, and then they took you into another room to let this slimy, ugly thing lick you, etc. Sorry to be so crucial, but I just don't get it.

To me SGE is going to have a very neat plot, and hopefully the special effects will be a lot better than AE.


Actually, I meant that the technology that is being updated and added should be superior. Story wise? That I doubt.

And thanks Bill, I joined your site and entered the contest.
Great site!
I hope I win, though I'm not sure I understand the method of determining the winners.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
I think the plot is going to be super. Could someone please tell me the plot of AE. To this day, I still can't figure out what the plot to AE. You walk into this room, and see a bunch of green aliens, and then they took you into another room to let this slimy, ugly thing lick you, etc. Sorry to be so crucial, but I just don't get it.

You ask. I deliver. :lol:

I think AE had the best storyline and plot of any attraction ever (Tower of Terror in a close second, IMO). If you want to see my article about AE you can go over to and go to the top with "Articles" and click on part 1 of my 3 part mini series. That is where I describe the storyline but I'll try to do it a little here too.

XS-Tech is a company that has recently discovered earth and they have decided to take base at the Tomorrowland Interplanetary Convention Center to showcase their new products. The 1st preshow sets up the company and also winks at the audience by sort of letting them know that XS-Tech is pretty much everything that is wrong with big corporations. All they care about is profit and it doesn't matter what it takes to get that money (it becomes even more clear in the main room). Anyways they send you to the demonstration area where you meet S.I.R. and Skippy. S.I.R. is programmed by X-S Tech to display their new Series 1000 line of "personal and commercial teleportation systems capable of carrying bright eyed biological lifeforms like yourselves. And even lower lifeforms like Skippy" :lol: Sorry I couldn't resist. But when the teleportation goes bad it shows that XS-Tech is selling a faulty product. But they still try to say that you need to buy it so they usher you into the main room to try to send one of you to their distant planet. Here is where you meet Spinlock and Femus who are in charge of the main teleportation. But Chairman Clench (the head of XS-Tech that was introduced in the 1st preshow) decides it is a better idea that he is beamed to earth. But since the Series 1000 is faulty they lose him and beam an alien to earth instead. The rest of the show consists of the alien breaking out and causing trouble all over the room. He eats a tech guy and he sits right behind you and "plays with your mind" :lol: The end of the attraction consists of getting the alien back in the tube so they can get him out of there. But they have to use alot of power and when they use too much, the alien becomes....a part of us :lol:

And I even skipped over alot of details there. The story is just so great, IMO. Sorry for the length but I tried to make it as short as I could.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lee
Actually, I meant that the technology that is being updated and added should be superior. Story wise? That I doubt.

And thanks Bill, I joined your site and entered the contest.
Great site!
I hope I win, though I'm not sure I understand the method of determining the winners.

I am sorry that I misunderstood what you ment with "technicaly". That was my fault. Thanks for being nice about it.


New Member
I didn't like the theme and setting of Alien Encounter much. Don't interpret this wrongly; I think it was a very fun attraction, but the futuristic setting was infeasible and sinister with respect to the view of the future that we see in Space Mountain, Futureworld, and so forth. Alien Encounter adopted a rather cynical view toward technology, something that Walt would have never approved of. It contrasts sharply with the idealistic view of technology in Futureworld. In the world of Alien Encounter, technology driven by capitalism can lead to excess and destruction, as evidenced by the name of the corporation, 'XS Tech'. Or perhaps I should stop overanalyzing the ride. :P

I'm thrilled about Stitch's Great Escape. I might be biased, since I'm a huge fan of the film it's based on, though I think it's more consistent with the Disney theme. I think you ought to reserve judgment on the ride update until you've actually experienced it. To whoever said he refused to ride SGE (in protest) -- if you had loved the ride Alien Encounter replaced (I forget what was there previously), then you would have missed AE altogether.

.. And wasn't the guy from that Ferris Bueller movie, playing the role of XS's president, found to be a queer pedophile? No, that won't do at all.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Calamar
I didn't like the theme and setting of Alien Encounter much. Don't interpret this wrongly; I think it was a very fun attraction, but the futuristic setting was infeasible and sinister with respect to the view of the future that we see in Space Mountain, Futureworld, and so forth. Alien Encounter adopted a rather cynical view toward technology, something that Walt would have never approved of. It contrasts sharply with the idealistic view of technology in Futureworld. In the world of Alien Encounter, technology driven by capitalism can lead to excess and destruction, as evidenced by the name of the corporation, 'XS Tech'. Or perhaps I should stop overanalyzing the ride. :P

I'm thrilled about Stitch's Great Escape. I might be biased, since I'm a huge fan of the film it's based on, though I think it's more consistent with the Disney theme. I think you ought to reserve judgment on the ride update until you've actually experienced it. To whoever said he refused to ride SGE (in protest) -- if you had loved the ride Alien Encounter replaced (I forget what was there previously), then you would have missed AE altogether.

.. And wasn't the guy from that Ferris Bueller movie, playing the role of XS's president, found to be a queer pedophile? No, that won't do at all.

That's fair enough. Even though I don't think it has an anti technology theme. It was just a bad product that should have never been released until all the bugs were worked out, but that is just my opinion.

And what I ment about maybe not seeing SGE was not because of protest (I mean AE is gone so there is no need to protest), it was simply because I think there is a REALLY good chance that I'll be disapointed with it and I don't want to have a bad taste about it. I'll probably see it anyways but I have to admit that it will be VERY tough for me to be unbiased (it's not really fair to SGE but I can't help it).

By the way I'd be careful about your wording there at the end. This is a VERY PC group here and your choice of words might not go over too well with this group. And yes I guess you were right in that Jeffery Jones was convicted of being a pedophile but so was Paul Reubens (P E E-Wee Herman) and he is Rex in Star Tours.


Well-Known Member
Sadly, I never really appreciated AE. I was terrified by it and I withdrew my head in my T shirt. I never even saw the alien monster. I remember the preshow of course, especially the fried Skippy animatronic. AE may be gone and I may be happy, but I guess it will be well missed. Other then the scaryness, I think the restraints on AE that provided the sound and other effects may have led to it's demise as many people thought they were to keep little kids from running away when the alien came in. If they tried to put in the effects in another way, maybe we'd still be seizing the future.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tahu
Sadly, I never really appreciated AE. I was terrified by it and I withdrew my head in my T shirt. I never even saw the alien monster. I remember the preshow of course, especially the fried Skippy animatronic. AE may be gone and I may be happy, but I guess it will be well missed. Other then the scaryness, I think the restraints on AE that provided the sound and other effects may have led to it's demise as many people thought they were to keep little kids from running away when the alien came in. If they tried to put in the effects in another way, maybe we'd still be seizing the future.

The Restraints will be in full effect in Stitch's Great Escape.

And the restraints were really the heart of the attraction. I would rather have no AE at all, than have it without the analysis modules. In my opinion if more parents had used discretion then we would still be Seizing the Future :lol: Good post though. I can see why some people would be put off by the analysis moduels. But I really hope that Disney doesn't get complaints about having them in SGE. I'm sure that SGE will rely heavily on the wonderful things those little restraints can do (sound and effects wise).


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Lee
Actually, I meant that the technology that is being updated and added should be superior. Story wise? That I doubt.

And thanks Bill, I joined your site and entered the contest.
Great site!
I hope I win, though I'm not sure I understand the method of determining the winners.

Ah. Well, let me explain. First off, welcome to Magical Ears. Second, anyone who replies to the topic has an equal chance of winning, as Jon will draw usernames out of a hat. That is pending he gets the signs. He said he has an excellent chance though. Like around 99%. He has the old Delta Dreamflight sign wired up in his wall. (The one with the clouds) Once he gets the sign, and the 2 posters, he is going to give them away randomly. I'm not sure how shipping will be done, but we'll cross that hurtle when we get to it.:D If you have any questions, feel free to E-mail me at


Account Suspended
Originally posted by dxwwf3
The Restraints will be in full effect in Stitch's Great Escape.

And they will be painted a different color. And, just as a teaser, Reedy Creek recently approved the indoor use fireball thowing ion cannons. Though WDI is still trying to figure out if they want to make it that realistic or not.:) So, we may or may not see the fireballs, but we may see something else. :) Stitch promises to be a good replacement for Alien Encounter. And the glass breaking effect is still there. :) Sadly, Skippy and SIR were stripped for parts. :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bill
And they will be painted a different color. And, just as a teaser, Reedy Creek recently approved the indoor use fireball thowing ion cannons. Though WDI is still trying to figure out if they want to make it that realistic or not.:) So, we may or may not see the fireballs, but we may see something else. :) Stitch promises to be a good replacement for Alien Encounter. And the glass breaking effect is still there. :) Sadly, Skippy and SIR were stripped for parts. :(

Little kids + being strapped in a seat + a realistic fireball effect = more angry parents than AE ever dreamed of :lol: j/k It sounds like Disney MIGHT actually be putting some money into this (even though I really wish they would have put Stitch somewhere else).

And what the freak was that about Skippy and S.I.R.? Skippy was supposed to be making a cameo in SGE (That was even stated in official Disney material) and we all thought S.I.R. was going to be a cyber cop. What happened there?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bill
And they will be painted a different color. And, just as a teaser, Reedy Creek recently approved the indoor use fireball thowing ion cannons. Though WDI is still trying to figure out if they want to make it that realistic or not.:) So, we may or may not see the fireballs, but we may see something else. :) Stitch promises to be a good replacement for Alien Encounter. And the glass breaking effect is still there. :) Sadly, Skippy and SIR were stripped for parts. :(

Hey, a fire ball cannon gun would be pretty cool. Although I wonder if that is really the best idea if they really want make this less scary for kids :lol: Still, if they can do all means WDI, DO IT! Everyone loves fire and it would definetly be a neat way to use it.

I am surprised to hear about Skippy and SIR. I was almost positive even official Disney press releases said Skippy would make some type of cameo. I also heard though that Skippy's "skin" was sent to George Lucas since he designed the little skipper. I could see them using the burned Skippy animatronic for parts, but I was under the assumption Skippy would be in SGE in some form. I guess it is still possible, no? I am also very surprised they would strip SIR...probably one of Imagineering's most advanced animatronic as it was...of course, perhaps they used the parts to create a whole new character for the show. As much as I would have loved SIR to stay, keeping him was one of my worries that SGE would be too close to AE. I imagined if SIR stayed he would've gotten a different voice and a different personality, and it would be weird to accept that and not immediately compare it to AE. So if it is true SIR will not be in the new version, it might be a good thing. In fact, I think I would rather that so the re-do doesn't come across as "cheap" by using all the same stuff...but just in a different way.

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