Start Dieting for WDW trip PART II


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'd like to thank those supporters last year and would like anybody who wants to join me to keep updates too.

Last year I started at 193 I believe and planned on losing 15 pounds. I actually lost 23 for my trip and gained NONE of it back on the trip. I've been around 170-180 for the past 6-7 months. I've gone up another 10 to 190 this last months. We've had a family tragedy and we have been getting lots of food from family and friends. Thanks to all of them, but it's time to get back to work!

Today -- 162 days out (hey that's a whole baseball season) I am at 190. My goal is to get back to the college days at 150. So that's 40 pounds in 5.5 months. That still breaks down to less than 2 pounds a week. Anything more than a goal if 2 pounds a week can be dangerous.

I started today with an apple for breakfast and trail mix for lunch. Dinners will have to be moderated and NO MORE DESSERT OR OVERNIGHT SNACKING. I'm sure since the first 10 went on fairly quick they may come off in the first month -- but then the real grind starts.

If anybody else wants to join me, I'll do updates Wednesdays and post them for everybody. Just IM me. I am very serious about this and it's time to hit the treadmill. Dieting without exercise is easy, but to make a healthy heart, you need to make your full body healthy, not just your waistline. I'm starting with a Mile run tonight and will try to build up to 3 miles by the end of the month as well. What happened to those days when I could do a 10K effortlessly? Oh, and tonight is pasta night at Olive Garden. To-Go boxes are our friends.

Jimbo - Day 1 - 190

PS, sorry about slacking off last year and not updating after the trip, will do better this year.


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Original Poster
Wow, another 6 players overnight. I knew there would be some interest after last year, but 13 in less than 24 hours -- that's great. And it all sounds like we are already trying or really want to make sure it works. That's the most important thing. It must be a full on effort. I'm already cipping away at that first 10 that I'll hope to lose the first month. That will be the easy ones since they went on in less than a month. Then the GRIND begins. Don't underestimate the power of watching "The Biggest Loser" though. JD Roth, you are my hero! Another WDW connection, he's the creator and also used to do the Disney World Inside Out about a decade ago. Anybody else want to join, just chime in. When you have updates -- just post them, or IM me. I will do the updates every Wednesday (unless I'm out of town -- like I will be in June/September) and I'm commiting til the end of the year since there are so many with goals til the holidays. If you want do drop out, just IM me as well and I'll simply remove you. If you don't get me an update -- we'll just update when you do.

Best of luck to everybody -- and no more that 2 Twinkees at a time.

I'll post more of my personal hints and tips later today -- easy things that really help make a difference. I know somebody earlier said Lose it slow -- Gain it back slow -- it's true. I have fluxed several times in my young life and have found the harder I work to get to the goal faster -- the easier it is to spin out of control and gain it back. Time to get that bottled water -- I just finished the morning pop -- none more until after lunch.

23 weeks - 40 lbs

29 weeks - 40-60 lbs

summer - 30 lbs

xxx - 30 lbs

7 weeks - 10-14 lbs

37 weeks - 30 lbs

3 weeks - 10-15 lbs

16 weeks - 17-27 lbs

37 weeks - 20-25 lbs

26 weeks - 72-82 lbs

37 weeks - x lbs

27 weeks - 40 lbs

6 weeks - 10-15 lbs
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I was gonna ask if you were from the NW Ohio area but I see you're from PA. Same thing happened here. It was 80 on Tuesday and by Wed night it dropped below freezing and snowing! Ridiculous. Yet another reason to move SOUTH!

I highly recommend WW! I dropped 40 before my wedding and am now on plan again to drop the baby weight. Just think of how good it'll feel to walk around the parks w/o getting winded or with jiggly cellulite thighs! :ROFLOL:
I'm in Columbus -- VERY UPSETING WEEK --
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Active Member
I'm in Columbus -- VERY UPSETING WEEK --

Indeed! OSU lost the tourney and we have frigid weather. I'm in Toledo.

MouseMadness...agree! My mom, who lives in Louisiana, can't comprehend that we send out kids outside in snow gear to hunt for Easter eggs. I can't comprehend it myself sometimes! I'm originally from Kentucky and it never got that cold for Easter as it does here!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
O H!


(The weather does indeed stink. Something not right about spending Easter weekend in winter coats :( )
Yeah, it's cultish here -- I've never heard so much strong support for giving college athletes free SUV's in my life. It wasn't too terrible -- it's not like it was FOOTBALL!
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New Member
I am on day 8 of the 14 day Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet. I did this a few years ago and found it the only sane way to lose weight and not starve. I am more focused on the summer/bathing suit season as opposed to my trip to Disney in December, but I will join in!

Started out on 3/30 at 148lbs and I lost 2.3 lbs over the past 8 days :sohappy:
Looking to lose about 10-12 more lbs over the next 6 weeks!

This weekend with Easter will be extremely difficult as my family still gives me an Easter basket filled with chocolate (I'm 25). Chocolate is out of the question on South Beach :cry:
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Active Member
I am on day 8 of the 14 day Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet. I did this a few years ago and found it the only sane way to lose weight and not starve. I am more focused on the summer/bathing suit season as opposed to my trip to Disney in December, but I will join in!

Started out on 3/30 at 148lbs and I lost 2.3 lbs over the past 8 days :sohappy:
Looking to lose about 10-12 more lbs over the next 6 weeks!

This weekend with Easter will be extremely difficult as my family still gives me an Easter basket filled with chocolate (I'm 25). Chocolate is out of the question on South Beach :cry:

hee hee :lol: my 'mommy' still gives me an Easter basket and I'm 34~ :ROFLOL:
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New Member
I'll join in on this...
I started my dieting in January at 237 lbs. Currently, I am around 200 lbs with about 30 more to go (past the halfway point!). 170 puts me very near my ideal weight. I'm hoping I can make it down to the 170 before our trip to the World in Sept..

I'm doing the Atkins diet right now, with a mind to switch to something more "sensible" when I reach my goal. Maybe South Beach or something else that involves using the glycemic index. I'm really getting more convinced of the benefits of organic, whole grain, fiber, glycemic control, etc., and think I'll be looking toward those sorts of things when I am done with Atkins.

I am also exercising. I go to the gym 3-4 time a week minimum. To try to be consistent, I always weigh at the gym with just my towel. Besides being consistent and using the gym's higher-quality scale, it also motivates me to GET to the gym to find out if/how much weight I've lost since last time.

Tips for this diet (that could maybe be adapted to others):
1. have a plan for meals--nothing gets you off the wagon like being hungry and not having a plan.
2. Have 'legal' snack items available. For me, that's mostly bacon and nuts. Cooked bacon lasts plenty of time in the fridge and tastes fine cold and crispy, and almonds are pretty low in carbs. You need to be able to grab it--uncooked bacon doesn't do you any good when you're needing a quick fix.
3. Realize that 'cheating' is not cheating the diet or any other person--it is cheating yourself. Your brain is doing this give-and-take with your body. Your brain says "I really want that cinnamon roll." Your body says "Okay! But it'll cost you 3 more days of dieting!" Unfortunately, we often just HEAR the brain, do the cheating, and then SEE the body's response. Listen to your body and think about the consequences of 'cheating' before you choose to cheat. If you're cool with the consequences, then go ahead and don't feel guilty. Personally, I don't like being set back a week by eating out a couple of meals.
4. Find some things that give you a 'sweet fix' without being terrible and have them in moderation. For me, that's strawberries. Two or three a day doesn't break my diet and let's me feel like I got to have a little sweet fruit. The sugars in many fruits break down more slowly and impact your blood sugar less than the same amount of sugars in candy.
5. For exercising, try a target heart rate. At first, I'd just try to "go fast enough"--which always left me feeling like I was going to die OR like a failure because I couldn't. I started paying attention to my heart rate, which made me go SLOWER. After several months of doing a combination of "fat burn" exercise at a lower heart rate and pushing myself with "cardio" heart rate exercise, I can tell a difference.

Finally, some words of encouragement:
When these people say "oh, I have so much more energy", I think "well, I don't." Honestly, I don't feel like I'm a lot more energetic, BUT I see signs of improvement: the treadmill has to work harder to get my heart rate up, I'm not so winded after a flight of stairs, and I have had to increase the weight that I use in the barbell class. So, my encouragement is this: if you're like me, you may feel like "I'm doing all of this, but I don't feel the 'energy' that everyone talks about". I say, keep at it--the change is gradual--it may take months--but you WILL start to notice that your body does things more easily than it used to (including getting into those jeans that are a size or two smaller than you're wearing now).
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
2 more alright gang. BTW -- Who's pigging out when they get there??? I love you DDP!

23 weeks - 40 lbs

29 weeks - 40-60 lbs

summer - 30 lbs

xxx - 30 lbs

7 weeks - 10-14 lbs

37 weeks - 30 lbs

3 weeks - 10-15 lbs

16 weeks - 17-27 lbs

37 weeks - 20-25 lbs

26 weeks - 72-82 lbs

37 weeks - x lbs

27 weeks - 40 lbs

6 weeks - 10-15 lbs

6 weeks - 10-12 lbs

22 weeks - 30 lbs
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New Member
Ha ha Jimbo- I will be splurging on a few things! I can't resist chicken strips or a Mickey bar. I'm sure I can work off what I eat since WDW is a crapload of walking, swimming, etc. I think if I totally cut loose I wouldn't be able to control myself when I got home. I know, calories don't count on vacation...:lol:
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New Member
I will definitely be taking advantage of the dining plan but I hope that I don't do too much damage to my progress. I have a long way to go to get to my ultimate goal.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It was kinda funny last year. We had lunch the first day at Crystal Palace -- and the frenzy began --- but a dinner that night at O'hana I couldn't eat a thing because I was still too full. Next morning -- Breakfast at Cape May -- I had a few waffles -- and that was it. I had to pace myself much more after all that. It took 3-4 days before I was able to eat normal WDW meals. The big challenge will be to stay normal after I come home. I also used most of my snacks for drinks and slushies. That helped.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
It was kinda funny last year. We had lunch the first day at Crystal Palace -- and the frenzy began --- but a dinner that night at O'hana I couldn't eat a thing because I was still too full. Next morning -- Breakfast at Cape May -- I had a few waffles -- and that was it. I had to pace myself much more after all that. It took 3-4 days before I was able to eat normal WDW meals. The big challenge will be to stay normal after I come home. I also used most of my snacks for drinks and slushies. That helped.
Your stomach is a muscle and just like any other muscle you can condition it to stretch farther. When you continually eat smaller meals your stomach looses some of its flexibility, which is a good thing because you feel full on much less food.
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New Member
While eating lunch ( a bag of cheetos and a Big Red) I ran across this thread. It made me take a look at my orange colored fingers and think why do I keep thinking tomorrow I will start my diet and go on and do it today. The cheetos got feed to the dogs and the birds outside my window and the Big Red went to my horse (his favorite drink - at horse shows most horses wont drink the water because it taste funny so we "lace" it with a soft drink so the dont get dehydrated.

So here is my pledge. I am going to Disney World in 36 weeks and I need to lose as much weight as I can (am now 5' 9" and weigh 256 lbs) so if I just can lose 2 lbs a week then that will bring me too 184 and back to a size 11 (hopefully) instead of the size 18's I am in now. So give me all the advice you are willing to share and I will be in there with you.

Good luck everyone. And thanks for the help!
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New Member
I'm doing the Atkins diet right now, with a mind to switch to something more "sensible" when I reach my goal. Maybe South Beach or something else that involves using the glycemic index. I'm really getting more convinced of the benefits of organic, whole grain, fiber, glycemic control, etc., and think I'll be looking toward those sorts of things when I am done with Atkins

South Beach does implement the principles of the glycemic index in Phases 2 and's just getting through Phase 1 that is hard. Phase 1 is two weeks of no carbs, sugar or caffeine. You can only eat green vegetables and yogurt (which is one of my favorite snacks) is out. The book goes into great detail and explains why Phase 1 is so important to the success of the diet- I highly reccommend it to anyone who refuses to starve while trying to lose weight. Also, the South Beach Cookbook and the purse-size Good Fats Good Carbs Guide is great to keep with you for the grocery store and at restaurants!
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
While eating lunch ( a bag of cheetos and a Big Red) I ran across this thread. It made me take a look at my orange colored fingers and think why do I keep thinking tomorrow I will start my diet and go on and do it today. The cheetos got feed to the dogs and the birds outside my window and the Big Red went to my horse (his favorite drink - at horse shows most horses wont drink the water because it taste funny so we "lace" it with a soft drink so the dont get dehydrated.

So here is my pledge. I am going to Disney World in 36 weeks and I need to lose as much weight as I can (am now 5' 9" and weigh 256 lbs) so if I just can lose 2 lbs a week then that will bring me too 184 and back to a size 11 (hopefully) instead of the size 18's I am in now. So give me all the advice you are willing to share and I will be in there with you.

Good luck everyone. And thanks for the help!
We will all be happy to help. What type of information or advice do you need?
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New Member
Mostly just the support. I think everyone know deep down what is good for them and what isnt. My biggest problem is WAY TOO MANY soft drinks and eating only once a day usually. I have PCOS (a very confussing women condition) that makes my body incilin resistant and I store sugar more than most people do.

The worse thing for me is I am an extremly picky eater NO cheese, NO salad dressing, NO mayo or miracle whip, NO fish, NO funny smelling veggies (that comes to most of them except potatos, corn, greenbeans, carrots, lettuce and tomatos). I HATE pies and most desserts other people like too. But the food I do like I eat a lot of it. And I have always been a clean your plate type of person. I looked into programs like Jenny Craig but could stand any of their meals.

But the absolutly worse thing is my fiance is 6'2" and weights 185 and can eat anything he wants (makes me want to spoon feed him sugar till he pops). Also he works out of town mostly so I spend a lot of time alone and dont want to cook for just one person. My biggest problem is lazyness (NO I AM NOT SAYING THAT IS EVERYONES PROBLEM!!! JUST MINE!!!!!!!). So having a group of people around that will support me and remind me that I want be able to Disney comando style and not take breaks because I am tired, will be a huge advantage to me. And hearing your stories have already convinced me to put the computer on the stationary bike and have to pedal my way to reading the great Disney info.
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Active Member
While eating lunch ( a bag of cheetos and a Big Red) I ran across this thread. It made me take a look at my orange colored fingers and think why do I keep thinking tomorrow I will start my diet and go on and do it today. The cheetos got feed to the dogs and the birds outside my window and the Big Red went to my horse (his favorite drink - at horse shows most horses wont drink the water because it taste funny so we "lace" it with a soft drink so the dont get dehydrated.

So here is my pledge. I am going to Disney World in 36 weeks and I need to lose as much weight as I can (am now 5' 9" and weigh 256 lbs) so if I just can lose 2 lbs a week then that will bring me too 184 and back to a size 11 (hopefully) instead of the size 18's I am in now. So give me all the advice you are willing to share and I will be in there with you.

Good luck everyone. And thanks for the help!

Good for you for making the pledge to get healthy! :sohappy: Just remember slow and steady weight loss is the goal and do NOT deny yourself what you crave, just learn moderation and portion control. Drink LOTS of water too! Best of luck to you :D

PS I love BIG RED!
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