Start Dieting for WDW trip PART II


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'd like to thank those supporters last year and would like anybody who wants to join me to keep updates too.

Last year I started at 193 I believe and planned on losing 15 pounds. I actually lost 23 for my trip and gained NONE of it back on the trip. I've been around 170-180 for the past 6-7 months. I've gone up another 10 to 190 this last months. We've had a family tragedy and we have been getting lots of food from family and friends. Thanks to all of them, but it's time to get back to work!

Today -- 162 days out (hey that's a whole baseball season) I am at 190. My goal is to get back to the college days at 150. So that's 40 pounds in 5.5 months. That still breaks down to less than 2 pounds a week. Anything more than a goal if 2 pounds a week can be dangerous.

I started today with an apple for breakfast and trail mix for lunch. Dinners will have to be moderated and NO MORE DESSERT OR OVERNIGHT SNACKING. I'm sure since the first 10 went on fairly quick they may come off in the first month -- but then the real grind starts.

If anybody else wants to join me, I'll do updates Wednesdays and post them for everybody. Just IM me. I am very serious about this and it's time to hit the treadmill. Dieting without exercise is easy, but to make a healthy heart, you need to make your full body healthy, not just your waistline. I'm starting with a Mile run tonight and will try to build up to 3 miles by the end of the month as well. What happened to those days when I could do a 10K effortlessly? Oh, and tonight is pasta night at Olive Garden. To-Go boxes are our friends.

Jimbo - Day 1 - 190

PS, sorry about slacking off last year and not updating after the trip, will do better this year.


New Member
I too stopped my soda drinking cold turkey. I know I can still have a diet coke now and then, but I know I wouldn't do it now and then it would be all the time. When I first started back on WW I was STARVING by the end of my work day, but I am finding that if I eat the right small meals throughout the day I am feeling pretty good and I'm not tempted to over eat. Lots of fiber and protein to keep me going.
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New Member
I knew a guy in college who drank 6+ reg sodas a day. He stopped cold turkey, (got a major headache) but lost like 6 pounds in a couple of weeks. I agree carb-free is not good. Once you eat regularly the weight comes back and the diet is full of fat.

Kybred-Thanks so much! I really like WW. I didn't eat poorly for meals, necessarily, it was the candy I ate. I still have Peeps (my favorite) and I don't feel guilty. Getting baby weight (or post baby weight :lookaroun ) off is hard, but you had 9 months to put it on, you should have 9 months to take it off! Believe it or not, I love getting up early. It's the only time I have to myself and I like getting my workout out of the way. I feel so much better if I do it in the morning. Good luck to everyone!!
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Like I said before, I am a swing dieter. I've lost ~30 lbs. 5 times before, but I never follow through to the lifestyle change. I still snack at night -- and that's my downfall. Also I eat every meal like it's my last. So, first thing when I sit down to a meal... take my plate... split everything in half. Then don't refil. I can easlily put down the 3000+ calorie meal. Not good for you. If I can get my daily Calories down to 12-1300 I usually lose 1-2 pounds a week without much work. Also allow cheat day 1 time per week.. But cheat day is only one meal, not all day long. Then the next day is rebound day where you may stay even, then the loss starts back up again.
This was my Akilies heel as well. I was eating at night just to eat not because I was hungry. What I did was keep a bunch of celery cut up in the refrigerator and when ever that urge struck me I would go for the celery vs. all the junk food around my house.
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New Member
I have just started working out in the morning before work (6am for me, I don't think I can do 5 am). I do my treadmill before work while watching something good that I TIVO'd and then at night before bed I do some arm and core exercises.
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Well-Known Member
Congrats on your weight loss.
I was diagnosed as "pre-diabetic" after all of my family was diagnosed as diabetic. I went to a dietician. I said that I'm on my feet all day at work, getting lots of exercise. She said that by eating once a day, plus candy, was sending my body into starvation mode. She gave me a "meal plan" to get me down to 200# ( I was 247#). I started eating! I am now down to 180#. It is hard to "snack" during the day, at start. But now I have been at 180# for a year (give or take). The biggest thing to give up was chocolate, but the chocolate companies have come up with some "Sugar Free" chocolates that are incredible! (Russell Stover & Dove). And if you go off you "diet" and splurge on the chocolates they act as a laxative:lol: .
Also forget Olive Garden, cook it yourself, then you know what you're eating. It's amazing how you can bake your own yeast breadsticks without sugar (Splenda), and pasta with sauce (again without the sugar [and sodium for my partner]) easily and cheaper.

The funny thing is that I usually gain weight a WDW because I don't exercise as much as when I'm at work, and I think there is alot of sugar added to recipes in restaurants at WDW.
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New Member
I do The Firm-so far my favorite. It kicks your behind and does shape you up. I used to do Tae Bo but that got sooo boring! I also walk in the afternoons if the weather is nice. I love the fresh air and my son loves to look around. I am seriously considering purchasing an elliptical machine. I hear you burn crazy calories in about 30 mins of activity. They say if you work out in the am, you really jump start your metabolism for the day, so I have 6 small meals and the weight is just coming right off. How old is your little one? Cole is 9 months and will be 10 1/2 months when we go to WDW. He went once when he was 10 weeks and LOVED it! He smiled at all the characters and enjoyed the colors and lights. We aren't surprised he likes it, though. He has 2 Disney nuts for parents!!
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Well-Known Member
Jimbo, I'll support you...and I'm going to start dieting for our upcoming trip. I want to lose at least 25-30lbs. I have until December...pretty realistic? I just want to be at least 2-3 sizes down.
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New Member
weightloss for disney

Well i am on the weightloss for disney trip to. In january i had gone to the doctors for a physical and am ashamed to say i weighed 202lbs. The next day i joined the gym. And three weeks later i joined weight watchers. My goal was to hopefully be between 140-150. so far I am well on my way to that goal. Since January 8th till now i have gone from 202lbs down to 167lbs. thats 35lbs in three months. I also stick to a strick diet weight watchers plan and strick gym schedule 4-5 days a week. cardio, weights twice a week and adding swimming on the weekend. so far i am doing great and am only 17 lbs away from my upper goal of 150. 27lbs from 140 and i have 4 months to go. hope i can do it. I want to show my husband up who thinks hes just the well you know.:ROFLOL: :wave: :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Good luck Jimbo (and everybody), and while every diet isn't right for every person and you have to find what works for you, make sure you're getting enough calories in there! You could actually work against yourself by cutting back too much.

Again, good luck :wave:
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New Member
I am so glad you started this thread, I am in desperate need of losing weight and I need all of the support I can get! I have struggled with my weight all of my life, all of my immediate family members are obese as well. On two seperate occasions I have been able to drop drastic amounts of weight but in both cases I did it in a very unhealthy way and almost killed myself. The first time I lost weight was back during the summer before my sophmore year of highschool back in 1990. Over summer break I lost around 30 lbs. and continued to lose weight through the school year and by Christmas I had went from around 230 lbs. to around 180 lbs. the problem is that I basically starved myself to death in order to do this. I am a person of extremes, especially when it comes to dieting. Somehow I dreamed up a diet whereby I would only consume 30 grams of fat per day,which isn't much at all. It definitely worked and worked fast, I was dropping around 3 lbs. a week. I was also excercising a great deal and working out 3 times a week. I kept the weight off and held steady at around 180 lbs. until the summer of 1995. I hurt my back at work and was bedridden for about a month and I got out of my routine of starving myself and excercising and by the end of that year I had gained back all of my weight.

Back in January of 2003 I made a new years resolution to lose weight because I was feeling horrible and was having alot of other health problems. I decided I would use the same diet I had used many years earlier but I tried not to go to the extremes that I had before. Before I started I weighed around 230 lbs. By June of that year I had dropped down to around 180 lbs. which was my goal but around that same time I was dealing with alot of stress at home and someone I looked up to greatly died unexpectedly and I sunk into a deep depression. Before I knew it I was barely eating at all and feeling worse and worse physically and emotionally. Prior to this I had been struggling with not being able to sleep well and sometimes not at all. By August I had dropped to almost 160 lbs. and my lack of sleep had reached dangerous levels as I went over a week with almost no sleep at all. I began to become very paranoid and was having severe anxiety/panic attacks. I couldn't concentrate on anything, I didn't feel like myself at all and didn't know who I was anymore, I wasn't eating, I wasn't sleeping and in the midst of this I had been promoted to Assistant Manager at a very large and very busy grocery store. The stress was more than I could deal with and eventually I snapped and had what I can only describe as a "nervous breakdown".

Where is he going with this you must be asking? Well, after my "nervous breakdown" my doctor put me on antidepressants, I started to eat again and I fell in love with an amazing woman who would later become my wife. By early 2004 I had finally started to feel well enough to function somewhat normally (although I still felt miserable) but the antidepressants had given me a voracious appetite. I was hungry all of the time and constantly eating. I had been diagnosed with migraine headaches when I was 6 years old and had suffered with them all of my life but after I had lost all of the weight they seemed to go away. As I started to gain weight again the headaches started to come back, but they were different. Before the weightloss I would have one or two really bad headaches per month and that was it, but now I was having chronic, debillitating headaches EVERY SINGLE DAY. I went to numerous Dr.s and was told by all of them that the headaches were severe tension headaches and wouldn't go away until I learned to deal with stress. Over the past 4 years I have been on numerous different antidepressants but still struggled with depression and the headaches.

For the past 10 years I have struggled with extreme fatigue and didn't understand why. After my "nervous breakdown" the fatigue seemed to get drastically worse to the point that I felt like a zombie ALL OF THE TIME and felt like I was in a dream. If you have ever went a few days without sleep you know the feeling I am talking about, the scary part was that I felt like this all of the time. I felt like this until about 6 weeks ago. I know quite a few people who have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea so I was very familiar with its symptoms. For almost 10 years I have been to numerous Dr.s and I asked each one if they thought I might have Sleep Apnea. They all brushed it off and told me I was just stressed/depressed. By December of last year I had had enough of feeling miserable and not sleeping all of the time and I went to a local Dr. who lives about a mile from my house, I had always tried not to go to him because I didn't like his bedside manner but my wife now works for him(she is a lab technologist)and she was all of the time telling me how awesome a Dr. he is so I decided to give him a shot.

After about 10 minutes of briefly explaining to him all of my symptoms and all that I had been through, he looked at me and said "it sounds like you have either Sleep Apnea or low testosterone". After doing a complete blood work up and two sleep studies it turns out that I have BOTH. Each of these disorders can cause extreme fatigue, headaches and EXCESSIVE WEIGHT GAIN. It is no wonder I have felt so miserable for so long. I will probably have to recieve Testosterone Replacement Therapy(via injections)every three weeks for the rest of my life and I will possibly have to sleep with a CPAP machine for the rest of my life also, unless...I LOSE WEIGHT. Both of these conditions can be significantly improved, if not cured, by losing weight, eating healthy and EXCERCISING. On the flip side, both of these conditions are much worse if you are overweight. I currently weigh 262 lbs., I have gained almost exactly 100 lbs. since August of 2003. I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life and it is quite literally killing me. Just last week my Dr. placed me on a beta blocker because my blood pressure has been consistantly very high for several months now. Diabetes runs in my family on my fathers side also.

Thanks to a Dr. who actually takes me seriously, a CPAP machine and the testosterone therapy I am finally starting to feel like myself again. I AM ACTUALLY SLEEPING NOW AND FEELING BETTER!:sohappy: But...I still desperately need to lose weight. Now that I am feeling better and starting to get my energy back I have no excuse not to. My wife and I will be back at The World in a little over a week and even though I am incredibly excited I am kinda dreading it because my extra weight is gonna kill me in the sweltering Orlando heat and humidity. WDW was been a major bright spot in my life over the past few years as I struggled with all of these health problems. At Disney I am able to focus on having an amazing time and not on my problems. This upcoming trip will be my first since I started feeling better and I can't wait,it's almost like I will be going for the first time!

I am now determined to lose weight. My goal is to get back to my ideal weight of 180-190 lbs. and then tone up. I hope to reach this goal by the end of the year. Knowing that I tend to go to extremes I am especially concerned about losing it in a "healthy" way and not starving myself to death. Lord willing we will be going back to WDW in October of this year and it will be so awesome to not have to lug all of this extra weight around the parks, I can't wait! I ask that you folks please pray for me as I attempt what seems like a herculean feat to me right now. I know I can do it with the help of my Heavenly Father and encouragement from my amazing wife and you guys. Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.
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New Member
Wow, Fizzle, you have been through a nightmare! I am glad that you have pinpointed the problems. Many times that is half the battle. Take things one minute at a time. I would consider going to see a nutritionist-they are very helpful in formulating a meal plan that takes every aspect of your own life into consideration. I have struggled with my weight as well. Set mini goals for yourself and make sure you are kind to yourself-it sounds like you have a wonderful wife who is a huge support. You'll get through this the right way. Remember, the slower it comes off, the slower it goes back on and the longer you will keep it off. I am thinking of you. Good luck!

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Well-Known Member
Jimbo - funny you should start this thread today. My trip is 260 days out, and I was just wondering this morning if I was too early to start a similar thread. I've got a double whammy pushing me to lose this year - I turn 50 in Sept. and am planing our trip for Christmas. Hopefully, these two things will keep me motivated. Started walking this week (of course, the temps here went from 80 to 30 in a day and a half) amd will be signing up for WW on Tuesday. Together we can all do this.....
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New Member
Wow, Fizzle, you have been through a nightmare! I am glad that you have pinpointed the problems. Many times that is half the battle. Take things one minute at a time. I would consider going to see a nutritionist-they are very helpful in formulating a meal plan that takes every aspect of your own life into consideration. I have struggled with my weight as well. Set mini goals for yourself and make sure you are kind to yourself-it sounds like you have a wonderful wife who is a huge support. You'll get through this the right way. Remember, the slower it comes off, the slower it goes back on and the longer you will keep it off. I am thinking of you. Good luck!


Thanks for the encouragement!:wave:

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New Member
Just discovered this thread, and now I know that I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Before going last year, I lost 15 pounds....and got down to 280.....yeah, I know...still miserable. Actually GAINED back up to 305 only 7 months later! :cry:

But, after making our reservations for October, I AM DETERMINED to get below 240! In the last month and a half, thanks to free-weights, treadmill and NutriSystem, I am pleased to announce that I am about to go back under 280. 40+ more pounds in 190 days! I CAN and WILL pull it off!
I just want to be more comfortable and feel better.....I can already tell a difference just in losing a little over 20 lbs.

Good luck to everyone else in the same boat.
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New Member
Just discovered this thread, and now I know that I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Before going last year, I lost 15 pounds....and got down to 280.....yeah, I know...still miserable. Actually GAINED back up to 305 only 7 months later! :cry:

But, after making our reservations for October, I AM DETERMINED to get below 240! In the last month and a half, thanks to free-weights, treadmill and NutriSystem, I am pleased to announce that I am about to go back under 280. 40+ more pounds in 190 days! I CAN and WILL pull it off!
I just want to be more comfortable and feel better.....I can already tell a difference just in losing a little over 20 lbs.

Good luck to everyone else in the same boat.

Hang in there, your friends here at WDWMagic are rooting for you!
In the immortal words of Rob Schneider..."You can do it!".:wave:
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New Member
okay can I get in on this? I am a stay at home wife that cares for developmentally disabled people in our home. To make matters worse, one of the people my husband and I care for has an eating disorder - bulimia to be exact. In order to keep the weight up, we keep lots of junk food around our home. This, of course, causes temptations. On top of that we eat out alot. It started as a way to help our client keep the weight on. What it turned out to be was a way to reward ourselves. I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and am being treated for depression. My husband bought a scale recently and when I stepped on it, I wanted to die. 350 lbs. What came out of it was a diet created by my hubby and me. This is kinda how it works:

7:30 am I get up and start getting my clients up.
8 am Have a weight loss shake, multivitamin, and my anti-depressant. Make sure hubby is up.
8:30 Send my clients out to their ride.
9 am Send hubby to work. Start cleaning house.
Between 10 and 11 am I begin to get a little hungry so I have one of those 100 calorie snack packs and a diet coke.
Between 12:30 pm and 2 pm hubby come home for lunch. I eat with him and we started with those lean cuisine meals but have gone to either 2 hot pockets or a chicken bake (chicken and cheese wrapped in a bread-like wrap) with the rest of my diet coke from snack time. Finish housework.
Between 3pm and 4 pm the clients get home and I will have another 100 calorie snack with a diet coke while our clients also snack.
Hubby comes home around 5 pm and we try to eat by 6:30 pm. Dinner will be like BBQ chicken breast, corn on the cob, and a baked potato, or lean cuisine meal, or even a roast beef sandwich. Depends on how hungry we are. We fix a seperate meal for the clients on most nights. Usually if we BBQ, we will fix the same for our clients. And we still eat out once a week. But instead of a double quarter pounder with cheese, we will order something with grilled chicken. And where we used to be able to eat a whole large pizza EACH, we now eat 2 or 3 slices. It's not perfect, but I find myself less hungry during the day and I have more energy throughout the day.
Before these changes, I spent ALOT of time sleeping. I haven't started any type of exercise program yet as I still get easily winded. But in 5 weeks I have managed to lose 10 lbs. I plan to start walking as soon as the weather warms up. My goal is to be down another 10-15 lbs by May 21st. We fly to WDW on the 22nd.
Anyway, knowing that I have others to talk to besides family might help keep me motivated to stay on track.
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Active Member
Well i am on the weightloss for disney trip to. In january i had gone to the doctors for a physical and am ashamed to say i weighed 202lbs. The next day i joined the gym. And three weeks later i joined weight watchers. My goal was to hopefully be between 140-150. so far I am well on my way to that goal. Since January 8th till now i have gone from 202lbs down to 167lbs. thats 35lbs in three months. I also stick to a strick diet weight watchers plan and strick gym schedule 4-5 days a week. cardio, weights twice a week and adding swimming on the weekend. so far i am doing great and am only 17 lbs away from my upper goal of 150. 27lbs from 140 and i have 4 months to go. hope i can do it. I want to show my husband up who thinks hes just the well you know.:ROFLOL: :wave: :sohappy:

CONGRATS on the amazing success you're having! :sohappy: You have just convinced me that I'll get amazing results if I start excercising! Doing WW alone, I'm down 20#s in 3mos but I bet exercise will really get those pounds to fall off! Best of luck to you!
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Active Member
the temps here went from 80 to 30 in a day and a half) amd will be signing up for WW on Tuesday. Together we can all do this.....

I was gonna ask if you were from the NW Ohio area but I see you're from PA. Same thing happened here. It was 80 on Tuesday and by Wed night it dropped below freezing and snowing! Ridiculous. Yet another reason to move SOUTH!

I highly recommend WW! I dropped 40 before my wedding and am now on plan again to drop the baby weight. Just think of how good it'll feel to walk around the parks w/o getting winded or with jiggly cellulite thighs! :ROFLOL:
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