Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Ep 8). SPOILERS. Plot points revealed and discussed.


Well-Known Member
Romance aside, I want Kylo's redemption for Leia. The lady has lost everything- her planet, her mother, her father, her lover, her son, her brother...let her see her son come back to the light.
I don't think Leia will be around in Episode IX...

I realize at this point you're just messing with me :p so I'm not going to go into detail about why Poe could never take out Kylo, for narrative and in canon reasons.
I don't know, it is vaguely hinted that Poe has the force in the Shattered Empire comic series as his parents took a piece of a force tree back to Yavin IV with them. Maybe it gave him powers! Or he could just BLAST KYLO REN WITH X-WING PEW PEW PEW


One Little Spark...
I'm already sick of hearing this...

When TFA came out, Kylo's redemption was "too far fetched" and "Rey would never fall for someone like Kylo!" Now it's "it's so predictable!"

Let me state this again: I do not want Rey to save Kylo. I want Kylo to save himself for his family and for Rey. I can see Rey helping him on this journey, but I don't think she'll be as naive the next time around.

Romance aside, I want Kylo's redemption for Leia. The lady has lost everything- her planet, her mother, her father, her lover, her son, her brother...let her see her son come back to the light.
I dunno who you heard that from, but it wasn't me. It wasn't any reviewer on youtube that I've seen (and I watch a LOT of youtube...bad habit, but I do...)

It isn't as if Kylo's internal conflict wasn't evident throughout the movie. I mean, how much more of a clue do you need than an emo darth vader throwing fits and losing fights?

I don't see why his redemption would be "too far fetched".

And, as far as Rey "falling for him", it's the absolute most obvious character choice (assuming she is to have a love interest at all, which...I would prefer she does not).

Their relation, as opposing charachters, was obvious to me. And, the "opposites attract" romantic storyline is, extremely predictable.

Turning into a relationship story arc is exactly what one would expect. And, what I, frankly, expect, especially after TLJ.

And, it's what I hope they really do not do.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been one to complain about a lack of a proper lightsaber duel in this movie, but there should've been one right after Rey and Kylo fight the guards. Instead of having the lightsaber break in half by each of them pulling on it like two children with a teddy bear, having her grab the lightsaber and they battle. Unlike in The Force Awakens, however, she ends up getting bested by Kylo as he's in his evil high at that moment instead of being conflicted like before. Then for poetry sake, Kylo cuts of her hand and he breaks the lightsaber on his own. After that happens, before Kylo has a chance to properly strike her down, Holdo rams into the ship at lightspeed, throwing him down and knocking him unconscious like how Hux found him. And by that point, we see Rey has already fled and taken the two lightsaber halves with her. The only things this would drastically change is at the end when Rey is firing the cannon on the Falcon, as she would have to be resting at that moment.


One Little Spark...
I haven't been one to complain about a lack of a proper lightsaber duel in this movie, but there should've been one right after Rey and Kylo fight the guards. Instead of having the lightsaber break in half by each of them pulling on it like two children with a teddy bear, having her grab the lightsaber and they battle. Unlike in The Force Awakens, however, she ends up getting bested by Kylo as he's in his evil high at that moment instead of being conflicted like before. Then for poetry sake, Kylo cuts of her hand and he breaks the lightsaber on his own. After that happens, before Kylo has a chance to properly strike her down, Holdo rams into the ship at lightspeed, throwing him down and knocking him unconscious like how Hux found him. And by that point, we see Rey has already fled and taken the two lightsaber halves with her. The only things this would drastically change is at the end when Rey is firing the cannon on the Falcon, as she would have to be resting at that moment.
Only lightsaber duel I didn't "like", and it is a nitpick...was the matrix bullettime duck Luke did where it singed his beard.

That said, your concept would have been stronger. Sortof along the lines of...if Ren did go completely dark side, make him Anakin during Order 66 evil darkside. He kills EVERYTHING.

Hux comes in and mouths off...dead.

Officer asks why how supreme leader as he marches on the bridge ordering ground troops to attack...dead.

Make him truly evil...

But, nah, he's still conflicted Darth Emo..frankly.

I poke fun, I still think this movie did wonders for his character development. But...that doesn't mean I don't think it couldn't have been...better.


One Little Spark...
I figured out what happened to Kylo's mask.

The Jawa's found it, and turned it into a limited edition suitcase.



One Little Spark...
Gonna post this older documentary on Star Wars, before Disney (for the 30th anniversary)

It may help explain some of the issues older fans (and it does seem to be mostly older fans, from the consensus I'm seeing online), have with the direction the series is taking.

It talks about the character and story development involved with the "epic story" (vs any old story)....and while watching it, I can think of all sorts of things that TFA, TLJ and frankly Rouge One (though, it isn't fair to hold that movie to the same standard as the primary canon films)...are missing.

Something that I noted...talking about the "self doubt" within the "hero"... I'm not sure you see that within Rey. Hence why I think a lot of people are doubling down, or seeing her for the first time, as a "Mary Sue"...she has yet to have any serious conflict, or even failure. Same with "injury", etc...though Ren had one, it really wasn't that serious. Not like, I dunno...losing a hand.

Anyhow...just posting for discussion purposes.


Keep Moving Forward
Supreme Leader Snoke is an idiot. Kylo Ren and Hux are the two best leaders he could find? They are both petulant children. The fact that Hux would even fall for the can you hear me thing, in the beginning, shows what an idiot he is. And at the end when Kylo is giving orders, Hux need to repeat them louder. Kylo even gives him the side eye like "what the hell dude" I did not think the shirtless scene was sexy at all. I guess it's hard for me to get it up for someone who whines more than my 6-year-old. In fact, ALL the male leads in this movie need to grow up! While they are good looking they act like children. Which is not attractive, at least to me. Luke is stomping around the island when Rey arrives and when she doesn't leave he tries to gross her out with the milk then shows off with the fish spearing, really he needs to swing over to the tiny ledge to the do that? Poe is stomping around making demands of an Admiral, really? I know people love to ship but I hope no one hooks up with any of these man-boys. I don't come to Star Wars for romance and that Rose kiss can from the middle of no where to me. The movie felt like a bunch of women desperately trying to get a bunch of man-boys to get in line or do the right thing and not in a good female empowering way either. Somehow the men and women were all diminished in my eyes. Poe, Finn and Rose are directly responsible for the deaths of every single being on those transports, by disobeying orders but that's okay, lesson learned :rolleyes:.
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Premium Member

I would say this is tremendously fair...and brutally accurate.

I'll admit that I loved the idea of the "running chase" as being the central plot of this movie...kinda an empire on the "macro" level take. I thought Johnson had nailed it.

...then I saw it...and it's a mess. The story is not that compelling and has Lucas style dead ends and unexplained characters and actions to bog it down.

...and he went "rogue one" and wiped everyone else out. The worst of both worlds - implausible schemes and killing off game of thrones style. I mean...I know it's petty, but they killed off the best bit character in history to give Laura dern an opportunity to kill her off...

Couldn't that have just been done without her? Or was it to create a strong female emotional tie with fisher...who is, of course, dead. That's a mess of the first order - pun intended.

And here's another: if the bad guys outnumber the good ones 10 to 1...why couldn't they just take some ships and jump ahead of them and close from two directions? Are they out of gas too?

This is where I never want to be with Star Wars - and they continually put me there...trying to find answers to basic storytelling plot holes by over analyzing the implausible aspects of sci-for that makes it fun. It sucks...frankly.


Well-Known Member
Look, I’m probably going to get some hate for this, but I would not be mad if they recast Leia for IX.

Pick a talented actress in her late 50s-mid 60s and just run with it. I do not want Leia to die offscreen. VIII was Carrie’s swan song, but it wasn’t Leia’s.

Actually, what they could have done was let Leia die in space and recut the movie to keep the Laura Dern character around. It wouldn’t have been hard to do.


Well-Known Member
One thing I want to throw into the conversation is that many fans are upset with this movie because they felt the questions led them to the wrong paths. But it's not the fault of the film that fans have created unrealistic expectations and theories that go far beyond the stories that these movies are telling. Maybe there were just too many people that created this image that "Rey is a Skywalker!", and are now furious, while they should be celebrating the ambitious and creative storytelling, which is really at the heart of what Star Wars is all about.

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