I think this pretty much sums it up.
The highlights, or low lights, from Mark Hamill himself...
"It doesn't matter if it's good as long as it makes money."
“He’s not my Luke Skywalker...”
"I said to him, Rian, the Jedis don't give up."
"I disagree with virtually everything you decided about my character."
"I said to Rian, I'm so surprised how you see Luke."
"It's only a movie. And if you think your're going to go into the movie and recapture your childhood you're setting yourself up for disappointment."
"I saw TFA the first time at the first screening he (George Lucas) was at. When I saw him I gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, 'It will never be the same.'"
Everything he said was right.
1. Mark is 100% wrong on his take of how the Jedi don't hide or give up. His character dealt with Obi Wan and Yoda who were in hiding.
2. Mark is really just an actor. Not the first time an actor disagreed with what their character was doing, but, he's just an actor.