Oh, I'm sure LOL - but that isn't really a bad thing.
What it does do is remind of yet
another thing about TLJ, though, that invalidated what was clearly set forth in TFA.
JJ said it was a mistake for her to not
also greet Chewie. Some people like to misquote him and say it should have been Chewie
In fact, the moment was very much scripted as part of the finale of the film. Leia, who has never even laid eyes on Rey, embraces her - and the script actually calls out after stating this, "...a mothers embrace" with the ellipses and all. Now that doesn't immediately mean she was her mother (as many did think, and I would have been fine with), but it certainly shows
familiarity. They had never even MET before...
That moment, and myriad others, is why TLJ makes TFA make no sense whatsoever.
Oh, and while making sure I got the script line right, I found this. For anyone who really believes that "fans made up" the significance of Rey's parents:
JJ Abrhams: "We're going to make sure that the answer is deeply and profoundly satisfying. Rey is a character that is important in this universe, not just in the context of TFA, but in the entire galaxy. She deserves it. We'll make sure that the answer is something that feels like it happened a long time ago, far away, and we're just telling you what happened."
But yeah...entirely fan created.