Premium Member
I’ll defend it. I’ve been waiting since 1980 to see Leia express her Force abilities. I mean she is a Skywalker after all so she should have insane Force powers right? That’s what I assume we all expect from someone with Skywalker blood anyway. So, finally after all these years she expresses her abilities in a way that was both unexpected and in some ways unique to her (though Jedi have been able to survive in the vacuum of space in the EU, and most if not all Jedi seem to be able to effectively Force push/pull). And when she finally uses the Force, she does something that she has always done. Rather than be the stereotypical princess who needs to be saved, she saved herself...and did it with style. In fact no one else could have helped her at that moment. The scene was therefore totally in line with who Leia has been as a person since Star Wars first came out in 1977. And frankly, if it is believable that a Jedi can force push or pull an object through the air in a gravity environment. why is it hard to believe that she could Force push/pull herself though space? Finally, it appeared to me that she was still within the shield barrier of the ship she was blown out of and perhaps that had something to do with it as well. To me the scene was shocking but not impossible in a galaxy populated with Force users.
You've been waiting that long, and that poopshow was good enough?
My gosh how low the bar we set?
I think Leia lost her "force abilities" for me in around 2000...when she ceased to resemble the character at all...YouTube is such a useful tool