Premium Member
There will also be some time spent completely stopped in two different elevator scenes, which should double the capacity of two scenes.I. Believe it was Marni who said the queue and hanger were a third of the building. And the AT-AT room is pretty big too. Pirates has a long ride length, as it is heavy on screen usage, and you go slow. I don’t see RotR going slow, and the sets are likely big, being in a starship.
Knowing the capacity estimates, and ride vehicle pair capacity, scene length can be estimated.
16 riders per group 1600 per hour. So 100 groups leave the load every hour
3600 seconds per hour, 36 seconds per scene
Even if it is 8 scenes, which I think it is 7, that is 288 seconds, or a bit under 5 minutes. 4 and a half if it is 7 scenes.
Anyway, I’m not worried about the ride‘s time in the slightest.
Have any insiders confirmed a THRC of 1600? I thought Alcatraz was lower than that (which would increase average scene length).
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