If they add a bigger Star Wars presence to the parks (I think they will but for now that remains in question) it may or may not be popular (unless they botch the execution, I think it would be).
However, I find that Star Wars fans (I have counted myself among them since 1977) greatly over-estimate the popularity of Star Wars. Yes, it has a very large and devoted fan base. But that fan base has been served very well over the decades. It's not like the very large Harry Potter fan base which was starving for more Potter for several years before being served up a banquet at Universal.
A lot of Star Wars fans have gone from die hards into casual fans. Just because Disney builds Star Wars, that doesn't guarantee people will come. And also, there is a large population that equates Star Wars and Star Trek. These people avoid all things sci fi like the plague.
Those surveys may be the difference between getting a Star Wars presence that draws in crowds and one that just attracts the faithful. Probably not. Surveys are usually used to get the answers someone wants to hear either to gain support for an idea or to kill it. (There's a thought. Maybe these surveys exist to prevent Star Wars land from happening!). But maybe Disney will get some helpful info that will result in a better end product.
Basically, Star Wars/Disney fans need to calm down.