Premium Member
I'm sure that this has been talked about before, but I'm going to mention it again because it sticks in my craw.
I continue to marvel at some of Disney's decisions that are popping up on the tweeter. Please pay multiple hundreds of dollars for jedi robes, lightsabers, droids, etc, but you can't use any of them until you have left the area specifically designed for their use. Yes, I'm aware of the rule about costumes on adults in the parks, and the droids as potential tripping hazards, but come on. The whole point of GE is letting people pretend to be space wizards. That's what they're jumping through all these hoops for. If they had concerns about guests in robes playing with lightsabers, then they could have tried to figure that out beforehand instead of copying the WWoHP model, eliminating the main reason guests do it, and then expecting the same results as Uni.
It’s. It helped by Disney choice to let CMs customize their costumes to make things look more organic. Part of the purpose of a uniform is to make the person distinguishable and to stand out to a degree. To make it clear that this person is here to help or be the authority. That gets lost when Disney has thousands of variations of costumes and guests are dressing similar.
I bet over time Disney makes their cms out in the open areas more consistent and easy to spot