Star Wars Land announced for Disney's Hollywood Studios


Well-Known Member
Star Tours is not one of the two attractions, as far as I can tell.

Edit: To clarify. I don't mean ST is leaving. I don't know its fate. But there will be two new rides. One a dark ride.

Thanks, since they mentioned Star Tours is getting another upgrade, I could see them making an entrance so that you enter away from the new land and can keep it open during construction. After construction though do you move the entrance back to enter through the new land or retheme it to maybe GotG. Disneyland's will most likely get rethemed, seems possible that HS's would too. From the concept art it seems like this new Star Wars land might transition nicely to have a GotG land on the side of it.


Well-Known Member
Star Tours is not one of the two attractions, as far as I can tell.

Edit: To clarify. I don't mean ST is leaving. I don't know its fate. But there will be two new rides. One a dark ride.

I read on Mice Chat not long ago (prior to D23 of course) some rumor regarding the Star Wars expansion plans for DL. Of interest was the description of the one signature attraction:

"But what we can tell you is that Star Wars Land will include multiple attractions, anchored by a mega E Ticket using a trackless vehicle that will break the mold when it comes to how theme park visitors interact with a ride environment." - Mice Chat

Anticipation levels are rising...


Well-Known Member
I read on Mice Chat not long ago (prior to D23 of course) some rumor regarding the Star Wars expansion plans for DL. Of interest was the description of the one signature attraction:

"But what we can tell you is that Star Wars Land will include multiple attractions, anchored by a mega E Ticket using a trackless vehicle that will break the mold when it comes to how theme park visitors interact with a ride environment." - Mice Chat

Anticipation levels are rising...


Mike S

Well-Known Member
I don't think an overuse of screens is going to be a problem in that battle ride.
Just sayin'...
Well....100 may be pushing it...
But lasers, sparks, fire...;)
Still in R&D phase, but sounding promising.
Star Tours is not one of the two attractions, as far as I can tell.

Edit: To clarify. I don't mean ST is leaving. I don't know its fate. But there will be two new rides. One a dark ride.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll leave this argument and start another. Star Tours is screen based. Falcon will most likely be screen based. And if the battle ride is like Rat or even MM it will have a fair amount of screens and projections. Is this going to be a problem for you guys? You guys seem to HATE screens.

For me it is about designing a balanced ride menu and using an appropriate mode for content delivery.

One attraction can be primarily screen based if the other is not. It's when a park starts doing the same thing over and over again that the bag-o-tricks starts to become bothersome. If the LPS ride sides nearer to MM (which is 90% non-screen based), they can park me in front of a screen at the other attraction for 90% of the time.

The screen debate boils down to nit-picking an unbalance. Put another way:
-I certainly don't hate water rides, but there was an unbalance at IOA
-I certainly don't hate thrill rides, but there is an unbalance at DHS
-I certainly don't hate spinners... but does WDW seriously need more of them?



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
To me, they are missing the boat by not bringing the Tron ride system over as s speeder bike ride. We know they have s good relationship with Vekoma, and they love to get the multiple-unit discount.

When I finally got to ride a Vekoma motobike coaster I figured out why Disney has been slow in adopting it; they're just not that fun. The riding position isn't particularly comfortable, slows load/unload, and severely constrains the rider's ability to look to their side. I'll be interested to see what improvements or modifications Disney is able to get for the one in China.


Well-Known Member
To me, they are missing the boat by not bringing the Tron ride system over as s speeder bike ride. We know they have s good relationship with Vekoma, and they love to get the multiple-unit discount.
Would you have the speeder bikes race through an environment like the forrest of Endor? Or perhaps have it integrate into whatever rock work/theming ends up in the land so you race through the land itself. That sounds really cool, I wish you were designing it.
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
yes, incredibly massive, tall...universal really built up/vertical with DA and it seems disney is doing this x 2 with Pandora and Star Wars and no this isn't a Disney vs universal thing this is a theme park design is changing thing
going vertical is good in places where you are surrounded in buildings that can ruin the " feel" of the thematic park.

Noone would like to go to pandora and see a giant McDonalds sign in the distance.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
It's tiresome needling masked as conversation. The last ten pages have essentially been you saying that you don't understand the choice of planet because you would be upset if Potter was a new place. When that got old you switched to pre-disappointment over screen based attractions, citing Gringotts.
your logic makes NO SENSE.
as both of your complains have nothing to do with each other.

One is about LOCATION.
the other is about EXECUTION.

Lets just look at the planets from Ep IV, V, VI.

Tatooine - Dust bowl. Bland. Uninteresting. Would also be extremely hot in the Florida sun.
Yavin IV - Would probably make a decent theme. They would have to build the temple, though, and I don't think they would do it.
Hoth - Ice planet in Florida is a no-go.
Cloud City - impossible to pull off as an outdoor 'land'
Dagobah - Swamp. Overgrown. Not a place you'd want to visit. There is also nothing on Dagobah but Yoda's hut and the dark side cave. So its completely out.
Endor's forest Moon - Since its basically the Redwood National Park, and thats already used at DCA with Grizzly Peak, they wouldn't repeat the same theme half a mile away. Also, we have the Ewok village with Star Tours already, which I imagine will be replaced, and I think there would be even MORE complaining if it was Endor because 'we already have Endor theming'

They aren't going to use a planet from the prequels. Coruscant could be amazing but theres problems with using Coruscant, the first being that it was Timothy Zahn's creation and it didn't originate in the movies. Naboo would be choice from the prequels but that would mean Gungans, and no one *NO ONE* wants Gungans.

So they are using a planet from the new trilogy that fits well with what they want to do.
I honestly want gungans.. just not stupid gungans like jar jar.
The underwater area of the gungan city was really cool.
The characters? not in the minimum. (specially since the leader of the gungans seems to be another " java the hut" type creature )

Keep in mind there will be the iconic Falcon out front, it really is a place from the movies.
Makes you wonder.. is the Falcon an unique ship? or once there were many and now are ancient and replaced?
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