They've completely retracked space mountain and big thunder in the past decade.5. Neither attraction was torn down. Pirates is not going anywhere. I was born in 1989, not 1965. I was raised on pirates, as my parents were. The "next generation" was too. Nobody is bored by it. If people wanted YouTube video attractions, they'd watch youtube. The company isn't building anything like HM, Pirates, or Small World anymore. The rest of the stuff is frankly getting interchangeable. Roller coaster or dark ride system + random IP that isn't that iconic. Nothing contemporary will last as-is as long as Pirates and HM have. There are 5 IASWs around the globe now, and 5 Pirates. We are at the point now where, if visiting a disney park is a rite of passage, and riding these attractions is a rite of passage, then the billions of people living in the industrial world who visit Disney parks will experience them and gain nostalgia. Nostalgia has absolutely nothing to do with when somebody was born. This hypothesis about the next generation not caring for pirates or not caring about the twilight zone is completely unfounded because, again, I was born in 89, and when TZTOT opened in the mid nineties, I and their entire 90s kids audience had never seen the show.