News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023


Active Member
The biggest takeaway from this is that Disney shouldn’t be targeting the Uber rich. There’s more “prestigious” places they would rather spend their money.

They should’ve taken this money and used it to add capacity at their 3 under built parks. But what do I know? I’ve only visited almost every year I’ve been alive.
The "rich" spend this on two/three nights in a basic room at the Four Seasons Orlando. It's the prestigious place, and only place to be seen (at least on Instagram and in various social circles) when you go on a Disney vacation.


Well-Known Member
The "rich" spend this on two/three nights in a basic room at the Four Seasons Orlando. It's the prestigious place, and only place to be seen (at least on Instagram and in various social circles) when you go on a Disney vacation.

The fact that Four Seasons became The Place to be seen and associated with your Disney Vacation, rather than one of the premium Disney resorts for many, tells you all you need to know on how it has been perceived.


Well-Known Member
The "rich" spend this on two/three nights in a basic room at the Four Seasons Orlando. It's the prestigious place, and only place to be seen (at least on Instagram and in various social circles) when you go on a Disney vacation.
The “rich” also spend 4-6 nights at Four Seasons or the Grand after doing the Starcruiser


Premium Member
I wonder if they will re-imagine this into an extra cost experience for day-visitors at Studios. Kind of like the safari adventure at DAK.

Take the shuttle to the ship, get a light saber training, tour the bridge, have a meal. Would be a shame to let the entire facility go to waste.
That’s the same thing they just tried and it flopped…

But that was for $3000 a head…

So you want them to do it for like…$200 a head? And have to run people back and forth all day to make Pennies?

Maybe they’ll have a coupon day?

…it was just a bad idea. It’s over, Johnny


Active Member
The “rich” also spend 4-6 nights at Four Seasons or the Grand after doing the Starcruiser
Yes, the ones that love Star Wars and Disney. I stayed at GF for 4 nights after Starcrusier, I love the bubble. I also think it's a better value for the price and proximity (and 1k a night less than Four Seasons). I've stayed in different Four Seasons but don't see the point while at Disney. My previous comment was that a lot of rich people (richer than me OR have to appear to be) have to keep up by staying at Four Seasons. I imagine quite a few of them price themselves out of Starcruiser by spending the whole week at Four Seasons before their travel agent could even mention GS.

example: a childhood friend of mine went to an Ivy League school and just started being interested in a Disney trip and was asking me about resorts because they had priced out FS but were in shock, because everyone on their message board proclaims FS is only way to stay "sane" and "enjoy" a Disney trip.


Well-Known Member
That’s the same thing they just tried and it flopped…

But that was for $3000 a head…

So you want them to do it for like…$200 a head? And have to run people back and forth all day to make Pennies?
Yeah, the wild safari trek is $200. I’m guessing that running this thing for a few hours a day is way cheaper than 24/7 hotel operations.

Seems to me it could easily be profitable vs. operations and upkeep. But what do I know.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the wild safari trek is $200. I’m guessing that running this thing for a few hours a day is way cheaper than 24/7 hotel operations.

Seems to me it could easily be profitable vs. operations and upkeep. But what do I know.
Anyone over 300 lbs not allowed to go on wild safari trek but I heard fellow guests love the excursion.


Premium Member
Yeah, the wild safari trek is $200. I’m guessing that running this thing for a few hours a day is way cheaper than 24/7 hotel operations.

Seems to me it could easily be profitable vs. operations and upkeep. But what do I know.
The difference is the animals/animal staff is on duty 24/7 regardless. There’s almost zero additional cost.

Let’s not try to revise history here: this is over. If even damaro said it this quickly…believe them.

The Walt Disney company built a “immersive themed” Star Wars hotel…Star Wars…and flubbed it. It is the biggest…or real close…mistakes ever in Disney theme parks.
Let it set.

And yet another example of why better, outside leadership is needed in corporate, WDI and most definitely LFL…

Ultimately…awful Star Wars decisions hatched this.


Well-Known Member
Oh for sure. Heck, they should have just themed California to the original trilogy and Florida to new - would have been the easiest thing ever. Just swap out the stories on the falcon and replace Kyle with Darth.

But they can’t even be bothered to do that much.

Ky'le From Tustin? He quit Disneyland for a better paying job at an In-N-Out closer to campus. (Inside joke from the Disneyland Forum!) :cool:

Or Kylo? I think I'd be more excited to meet Ky'le From Tustin than I would to meet Kylo Renn (sp?).

But if I could meet Luke & Leia, and drink in the ship's bar with Han Solo, and then have Darth Vader crash the party, I'd do it!


Well-Known Member
And yet it was a thing in the middle of the lobby. That got approved by senior management.

And they trained a perky young lady to teach it to people paying $2,500 per night, because as everyone knows, Line Dancing = Star Wars.


This to me is a function of the hotel itself not having the broad appeal that would have sustained it beyond September. This screams the CMs trying anything and everything to entertain guests that inexplicably signed up for the experience and weren't interested in participating.


Well-Known Member
They have nothing on their plate for Epic Universe, so I say go ahead, retheme both GE attractions, throw in a ton of characters into the land and relaunch it. Go full Star Wars weekends in the land if they have to. It's not much, but it's guaranteed to improve Galaxies Edge ten fold.
Easy to retheme MF with a different experience once you board. They should, in fact, and take a page from ST.

As for Rise, more would be needed but could still work if themed around OT and Death Star.


Well-Known Member
Easy to retheme MF with a different experience once you board. They should, in fact, and take a page from ST.

As for Rise, more would be needed but could still work if themed around OT and Death Star.

I don't think it would be that easy. It would be easier/require less downtime than having to swap out physical sets, AAs, etc. for sure, but it would likely cost millions to create the new video and then they'd need a testing period to make sure it functioned properly in all of the cockpits.


Well-Known Member
This to me is a function of the hotel itself not having the broad appeal that would have sustained it beyond September. This screams the CMs trying anything and everything to entertain guests that inexplicably signed up for the experience and weren't interested in participating.

I get what you're saying, but I think it's important to distinguish that the line dancing was not something invented by hourly CM's, or even the front-line hotel management running the daily operation of the Starcruiser.

The perky-yet-tacky line dancing started during the media previews pre-opening, and continued on with paying guests to this day.
And it was choreographed to work with the big dinner show in the dining room, which shows that it was written into the story by Imagineering show writers, choreographed with Imagineering entertainment executive approval, and thus had to have been approved by at least mid-level WDI executives. I would have to imagine the most senior TDO and WDI executives on the Starcruiser project also knew this was happening, as it was an integral part of the dinner show plotline as a major element of the entire Starcruiser.

It wasn't just something hourly hostesses Mackenzie and Tiffanie came up with on their own one night in their College Program dorm room during Starcruiser training.
"OMG! You know what would be super cute Mackenzie?!? If we came up with an amazing line dance to teach in the lobby! 😍😍😍"

WDI and TDO senior leadership gave this advance approval and funded its development and incorporation into the story. They thought it was acceptable and that it was "Star Wars".

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