News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023

some other guy

Well-Known Member
20 bucks eh? That’s 192 now
You wanna buy some delta death sticks?


Premium Member
Don't come at me.
They have made no indication or public comments about the future of it, which means speculation on the subject is open for discussion. You have your opinion, and others have there's.

Call me optimistic, but the Star Wars franchise still has lots of gas left in it, and I happen to believe it could be utilized in a useful manner that would still make money for them. Even though Imagineering has come up short in the last few years, I still think they could find a way to make this a more viable option for many to take part in.
I’m not basing my “opinion” based on the Star Wars franchise…
It’s based on what they actually built - which now has zero value

Consider that it’s a symbol of the biggest failure in the history of Disney parks…let that sink in…they can’t repurpose it.

And it’s not like “well they can wait and try again…” like the stupid after hours…is gonna work either. They basically fired their shot. It’s over

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
We want new but we want what's familiar too. It's great to have all these new characters and stories but in the end, we want the ALWAYS comes back to the OT.
I agree with the first part but not so much the 2nd. Familiar is a big part of star wars. It needs to feel like star wars. Mando did it well. They gave us new planets, vehicles aliens... But at the same time you went holy poop! That's how an ig assassin droid fights!

For me it's not about coming back to the OT because I'm stuck in the OT. It's about the OT shaping the new content and respecting what came before. I love new stories and characters. My 2nd favorite star wars thing is the video game knights of the old republic. That's as far away from the OT as you can really get.
when I went to Star Wars weekend, I thought it was cool they both trilogies were pretty equally represented. If I had gone and the only thing they focused on were PT like Disney does now with the ST, I would have been ticked off. But, instead, it actually gave me a LITTLE better appreciation for the films and I was happy to 'share the space'.
And that is a big factor in why Disney parks star wars has fell short for a lot of people. There's nothing wrong with celebrating all parts of star wars. And who knows, like you said, maybe you find a new appreciation for something you weren't so fond of.


Well-Known Member
No. A SW fan's pipe dream would be if Disney were to finally break down and build a fifth gate, with each land as a different Star Wars planet set during a different time period in the franchise.
You could wind up on Mandalore and have M&G's with Din Djarin, Grogu, and Bo Katan....or Kashyyyk with General Tarfful and Chewbacca.
Big thrill ride would be a Cloud City version of 'Rise', where you're escaping Bespin during ESB with Vader and his stormtroopers in pursuit.

Ooh and a "Shadows of the Empire" area where you'd be on Ord Mantell, getting caught in a battle royale between bounty hunters as IG-88, Bossk, and Dengar are all targeting Boba Fett as he tries to cash in with Han Solo in carbonite. Meanwhile, you're aided by Dash Rendar who enlists you to try to help save Han.
That’s not gonna happen because all the $$ invested in SWL at HWD…you want them to open a whole NEW SW park in addition to what you already have? I’m NOT a big SW fan, and I’d be livid if this much real estate in HWD was dedicated and another park was built. No way…


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they will re-imagine this into an extra cost experience for day-visitors at Studios. Kind of like the safari adventure at DAK.

Take the shuttle to the ship, get a light saber training, tour the bridge, have a meal. Would be a shame to let the entire facility go to waste.

If they are accelerating depreciation, it's done, it's not coming back.

I also thought there would be a "day-visitor" type of idea, but I wonder if they looked at it and saw there just wasn't enough space to handle the increased crowds that would come from the daily pool of park visitors. Starcruiser just had zero flexibility - it was built to do ONE thing and they aren't going to do that anymore, so we're done, bye-bye.

So then the accountants said "Y'all wanna burn this thing off the books now?"


Well-Known Member

If they are accelerating depreciation, it's done, it's not coming back.

I also thought there would be a "day-visitor" type of idea, but I wonder if they looked at it and saw there just wasn't enough space to handle the increased crowds that would come from the daily pool of park visitors. Starcruiser just had zero flexibility - it was built to do ONE thing and they aren't going to do that anymore, so we're done, bye-bye.

So then the accountants said "Y'all wanna burn this thing off the books now?"
True, it looks like the scrap yard for the Star Cruiser.

some other guy

Well-Known Member
I'd settle for just a land we've seen in a Star Wars movie.
there probably could have been a happy compromise of some sort of Worlds' Fair, early New Republic offers planets from across the galaxy to set up pavilions, even magnanimously offering space to Imperial Remnants
allows for lots of settings in one spot, easy handwave for "why does it just look like a theme park attraction"


Well-Known Member
…I hope you both went to the clinic after 🤭 🩺

Ha. We worked Main Street Custodial. No time for hot tubs, or anything that happened from 1pm to 2am, and I was infamous at Vista for being one of the two guys who got together to pass out colored...raincoats for Halloween trick or treating as a joke. It was crazy that we were not even permitted at each other's complex any time we would get off work. I was also the nerd that used the "library" resource building to check out board games and Make Mine Music and Waking Sleeping Beauty on DVD. I got in the Alauni Welcome Cast Video though one day while a Cast production team was there. Memories.

Nearly 15 years ago. Crazy how things have changed.

That was when we only had to have one other actual roomate with a total of six people to a three bedroom apartment. They have rolled out bunk beds since. Sick.
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Well-Known Member
I am sure if the powers that be at TWDC wanted a themed resort resembling Alderaan (before the death star blew it up), Tatoonie (desert scape), Endore (forest scape) or for high end Deluxe Bespin all very possible. Parking like any other resort at WDW, bus transport like any other resort, well themed pool or pools (key feature to any resort), buildings designed and built to appear like a Star Wars movie set for the appropriate planet theme, rooms detailed to match the resort theme, staff costumed to match the chosen theme of the resort and a full-on sit-down dining experience plus character entertainment. Book a stay for as long as you want just like any other Disney resort. For the guests that want Cosplay such entertainment packages can happen at the resort without impacting the non-Cosplay guests. Oh well, just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't know how much you can really pin this on Chapek, despite how much Iger would like you to.

Disney was doing R&D on this thing for 5-6 years before it opened, which included guest surveys to gauge willing price point and factoring in the additional staffing required (because even if they draw staff in from the other parks, they still need to fill those labor gaps).

In fact, part of me wonders if Iger already had an idea of how expensive it would be, and that helped motivate him to suddenly get the hell out of Dodge back in Feb. '20.
Both are at fault. Chapek was head of Disney Parks and Resorts before becoming CEO.


Well-Known Member
That's knowledge not an asset. just my tuppence.

That's fair. All assets are based in knowledge brought into the scenario(s). So just because they are gone, does not mean what they did is no longer an asset to the company. But we are talking about a company that utilizes and profits off of a dead man and his others' names and likenesses daily. So it splits hairs a bit there.

Which is worth a lot more than tuppence. ;-)

Particularly for a company who would not treat knowledge as an asset, which sums up the company now.
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