Are you counting "hotel staff" and "show staff" as different and distinct groups?
While I would agree their is likely less "hotel staff" than a larger hotel, based on size. Most hotels don't have any "show staff" at all. If you combine them all into one group of "staff required", the number of staff per guest is likely much much larger than a normal hotel. All those "show staff" are getting paid as actors, producers, stage hands, and other show related jobs not as typical hotel staff jobs.
The math on how much occupancy is required to turn a profit probably looks more like a show than a hotel. How many tickets to Hoop Dee Doo Musical Revue do they need to sell to make putting on a single show worthwhile? The "hotel" part of it is almost incidental then.
From the reviews we've seen, do we know how many of the little missions people are doing if the do one every possible minute they can?
I was trying to do some napkin math with meals, lodging, half day park ticket, diner shows, and missions. Compared to say doing all those things individually. If it was something like 20 missions over 21 hours when you're not doing those other things, at $40 a mission per person, the total cost wasn't that far off. Compared to say do a single local escape room activity that costs $30 per person at some random place. Of course, nobody buys local escape room activities in that type of bulk compressed time window.