It will be altered into a Deluxe Star Wars Themed Resort without as much guided interactivity or theatrics by 2024.
All The Star Wars Demand will be there to give the fans the same aesthetic, and it will operate as a Star Wars themed lodging with still a likely shuttle directly to Hollywood Studios and busses out front to the other parks. It will be priced not too far from other Deluxe. Much less staffing and food and beverage for purchase, not included will make it much more profitable than the current attempt.
I guess it’s possible but they’d have to take $4000 a cabin for 2 days down to about $3000 for the week to even get nibbles.
They built this thing with nothing. Doesn’t even look cool…no amenities that put it above all star…
It’s just got cool looking rooms with an IPad.
They convinced themselves the show was the draw…so didn’t build much of a hotel…but then had no show.
It’s really a debacle. Which - unfortunately I was right on my first instinct (that is annoyingly happening a lot) -
They don’t get Star Wars fans at all…because they didn’t bother to try.
So they plowed forward and didn’t try to get them.
This is for Disney Hardos that are personally gratified at throwing money at Disney. That population is tremendously overestimated by diehard fans and bloggers. There aren’t that many wealthy who want to be ripped off. What a false narrative.
So that ran out - more or less - already.
So then you have the Star Wars old guard…because frankly only boom grandparents or X parents have the money for this - statistically…
Well those peeps were run over by George 20 years ago and Disney the last 5. They were given piles of disjointed crap and consistently belittled/insulted if they didn’t embrace and buy. LFL…both times.
It’s a large, unsaid score to settle that is always dismissed as “5 angry dudes at comic con”
That’s the Disney fan talking. I’ll give a litmus test…read through the good reviews for this from last year…and it’s only been a pathetic 9 months…and look at the word choice…
It’s full of “immersion” and “experience” and “interaction”
Those are Disney terms kids…repeated to make default…those are NOT Star Wars fans.
This is the biggest disaster in Orlando…i don’t see how you spin this/rebound given the factors at play.
Time for bourbon