News Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser coming to Walt Disney World 2021


Well-Known Member
How do you not promote this with a Vader ad, a Skywalker ad, Yoda, heck capitalize off of the Mandalorian craze. R2, 3PO. You know. Actual Star Wars characters.

No. Just give us very bland characters that nobody has any emotional connection with - and set it in a Nickelodeon “Teens in Space” backdrop. And we’re good. That should “sell” us on 6k for 2 nights.

From what I’ve seen over the past few weeks I’m getting a Mystery Science 3000 vibe.
Absolutely brilliant post. You nailed it 1000%. I hope those blood-sucking CHUDs at corporate are pooping bricks over this.


Well-Known Member
Okay. That's good to know. I was actually wondering why there were no droids seen in the videos they released this month.

They made such a big deal five years ago about "roaming droids" that were supposed to be in Star Wars Land. And then the place opened and... nothing. No droids. Except for plastic Chinese made toys you could buy in the shops.

In my defense, it's a video that Disney put out on purpose for this exact audience here; theme park fans and those interested in new theme park experiences.

Will it have the reach of a Super Bowl commercial or perky puff piece on Good Morning America? No. But Disney released it on purpose for us here. And it didn't help.

That one lady at the table kept going on about luggage, and how your luggage delivery will be part of the show. As if luggage-based adventures are exactly what Star Wars fans have been yearning for since 1977. 🤣

Through the course of this conversation here, and watching some YouTube videos from fans that are brutally scathing in their criticism of this whole mess, I've now come to the conclusion that Damaro and Chapek and WDI execs must be peeing in their pants this Christmas trying to figure out what they can fix quickly in the next 60 days. At this point, they can't not know the multiple levels of failure this thing seems soaked in.

That part at least makes me chuckle. :cool:
Your post and this whole Starcruiser reaction made me realize something.

Disney parks fans have been making fun of their obnoxiously bad, magically worded, and over promising PR videos for a long time.

With Galactic Star Cruiser these bad videos have finally reached peak phoniness to the point that people well outside of Themepark enthusiasts are now taking notice, and rightfully laughing along with us.

The "vloggers" who were once darling children to Disney and some of the worst pixie dusters possible are now even calling out Disney on their lies/deception.

It's amazing that these PR videos have come so far (in a bad way). The PR videos literally made Star Cruiser and the Walt Disney company a laughing stock. Their own marketing team somehow made their product look so bad that people are cancelling their reservations.


Well-Known Member
The problem with Stars Wars is, the technology doesn't exist. It's a fantasy science fiction film. Stop looking at it as real possibilities. Perhaps one day the human race will be a multi planetary species but for now, use your imagination. The hotel isn't perfect. You have to not just look at this through a Star Wars super fans eyes, but the eyes of a youthful child who believes that Star Wars is real. That the Jedi Order, the Sith, the Republic, the Resistance, and the First Order. We are always quick to judge a product as of late. But the hard truth and reality is that the science isn't there to build a real life spaceship. Are we alone in the universe? Who know's its too large for us just to be the only planet with life. But look at this hotel as what it is, an experience unlike any other for children, their families, and for super fans to believe in the Force, to believe that for two nights, the Galaxy Far Far Away created by George Lucas exist. Maybe I'm just tired of C-19 ruining everything, maybe I'm just too optimistic. But look past our criticism and look at the 8 year old child believing that they truly are on a spaceship alongside the likes of the Galaxies finest crew. Thats what this experience is about. WE ALL KNOW LIGHTSPEED ISN'T POSSIBLE... YET!

But look at this through the eyes of fantasy. Am I in disagreement about the price, of course I am. I don't believe Walt Disney wanted his parks or hotels out of reach for the average family. But besides that I do believe this will prove successful. Until then, stop looking at it negatively or that it's just another cheap parlor trick. Look at this star cruiser through the eyes of that young child within all of us who more than likely grew up going to watch Star Wars with their parents, friends, and fellow moviegoers. Remember that first time wanting to believe it was possible to cross the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs. Look at it through those eyes. Past the price, past the cheesy characters, and remember that first feeling you had when the credits rolled and that fanfare began. Sure Jar Jar Binks may not have been everyones cup of tea, sure Rey may have been a poorly written plot line, but then again lets not forget about the original negative reviews about the Original Star Wars aka Episode IV: A New Hope. It will take time, but until then, lets not judge a product that has yet to release. I'm sure this will be yet another long list of successes for Imagineers, Disney, and Lucasfilm alike. Look at it positively, when it opens if it truly is too cheesy, if it wasn't worth the price, than lets judge. But until than lets play pretend again and believe we are members of the Resistance or a First Order Spy.


Well-Known Member
The problem with Stars Wars is, the technology doesn't exist. It's a fantasy science fiction film. Stop looking at it as real possibilities. Perhaps one day the human race will be a multi planetary species but for now, use your imagination. The hotel isn't perfect.

Okay, that's a valid point. But that's not an excuse, it's merely a challenge.

That reality is merely a challenge to work around and overcome, not a reason why the hotel hallways have to look like a brand new Hampton Inn and why the bar can't have backup singers and an alien band.

Just over 25 years ago, I was in Las Vegas with a friend for a dentist's convention (don't ask!). This was basically pre-Internet and we had heard there was a Star Trek ride thing at the Las Vegas Hilton that was getting rave reviews, so we went over there one evening before dinner. We paid our 20 bucks and went in... Saw the cool museum in the queue, got the pre-show safety video and were assigned a row to stand on, and when the Star Tours-esque simulator ride pre-show area had its walls blown off in a violent fury and we were transported and left standing on the actual bridge of the Enterprise, our jaws dropped open and off we went on this bizarre and elaborate and incredibly impressive Star Trek experience. It was more than a ride, and it was way more than Disneyland or WDW had ever attempted in any of its E Tickets.

It blew me away. People still talk about that Star Trek ride at the Vegas Hilton 25 years later, and it has yet to be surpassed. I'm not even a big Star Trek fan, but I loved it.

They are charging thousands of dollars per night for this Galactic Starcruiser thing. Unless this is all a giant hoax and perhaps the greatest Internet prank of the 21st century (the online version of that misleading and shocking Star Trek experience in Vegas), what they are about to open in 60 days is a cheap looking and cringey letdown.
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Well-Known Member
So yeah, this Galactic Starcruiser.

Interested to see and hear more about it when the time comes for more roll outs from marketing.
Maybe some 'damage control' after what seemed to be a poor reaction to the promotional video?
Regardless, I'm wanting to hear more about what other activities and scenic options are contained within.

Also looking forward to the explosion of discussion once the place opens officially and the 'vloggers' and press reps get in there to experience it first hand.
Then we just have to filter through the 'paid shills' to get to someone who gives a honest and non-biased review of the place.

This is going to be a fun spring.


No kidding. It's going to be great to watch this play out in two months!

One thing I would bet five churros on is that this was not the public reaction they had planned once they started releasing actual images and video taken inside the hotel for the holiday PR campaign. There's some ruined Christmas vacations in Burbank and Orlando this year as panic sets in on what they can quickly add back or fix in the next 45 to 60 days.

Let's set aside the horifically cringey video with the Goldberg kid for now and focus on the actual facility.

Either they chose really, really bad interiors to feature in their videos for some idiotic reason, or this project is going to be the hotel version of Light Magic and be shut down for "hiatus and creative changes" very quickly.

It's going to be so much fun to watch this winter! 🤣
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President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Lol - strawman to the rescue... You're the only one arguing percentages or representation in the product and if its valid or not.
No, the lulz is on you and your original use of a strawman to misrepresent what KK is saying in order to knock down the imaginary feminization of Star Wars.

Real life percentages represents... reality.

The feminization of Star Wars (making it more girls than boys) hasn't happened. Which should be your clue you didn't understand KK and are now misrepresenting her... a classic strawperson.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for turning this argument into gamergate everyone. I’m going to be retiring from this thread now, Star Wars is for everyone. Thanks for making any criticism from here on out be associated with sexism. There was no need for this and I refuse to be a part of it.


Well-Known Member
Telling a story of a world where one presumes half the population is female, and then leaving them mostly left out, is, I would say, the true artifice here.

You have to work very hard, or have a very big blind spot, to tell a story and leave out the usual mix of human (and other sentient) beings... unless you want to say, "Hey, look, this society is stupidly patriarchal, just like ours was up until very recently!!"

I think he used a good example with the samurai stuff. Sure you could show women cooking and cleaning? Female representation would be somewhere around 50% IF females did the same things as men. But by and large they dont. Some of that might have been due to gender inequality in the past but theres probably more to it. How many female sanitation workers have you seen? For me the count is 0. Its obviously not a popular field wonen are attempting to get into.

Alass theres more freedom when telling a fake story. But if the society is based upon real life some of those norms will carry over. For example it would be inexplicable to assume the resistance is half and half. There are things men do more of and there are things women do more of.

Men just overwhelming march off to war to die far more than women ever have.


Well-Known Member
"More women in Star Wars" does not equal "More women than men in Star Wars" since they were starting at a deficit.

Outside the trilogies, the two standalones had a woman protagonist (Jyn) and a male protagonist (Han). [The female-led movie was much better received by all audiences.]

The D+ series has had a male protagonist so far. (Not to mention the overwhelming male-dominated Bad Batch.)

The upcoming D+ series:
  • co-leads, male and female (Boba Fett)
  • male (Obi-Wan)
  • female (Ahsoka)

If you interpreted what KK said as being "Star Wars will become *dominated* by women," then you have an issue in hearing what was really said.

And by all accounts of what has transpired, the reality of having equal representation (as opposed to overwhelming female representation) shows that you did indeed misconstrue what you 'heard.'

However, to make your point, all you have is your misrepresentation of what KK said, since what actually has happened clearly undercuts your claims.

Jyn was the best female star wars character ever. I would love to know what was different in that film before the mass of reshoots. To me jyn is alot more likeable than rey. But i know im in the minority here. The flick itself was more starwarsy than any of the new trilogy movies. Had so much classic elements. And than poof lets just kill them all. Plus the best vader scene ever? Legitimately those last 4 minutes outweighs the entire run time of the force awakens.


Well-Known Member
Jyn was the best female star wars character ever. I would love to know what was different in that film before the mass of reshoots. To me jyn is alot more likeable than rey. But i know im in the minority here. The flick itself was more starwarsy than any of the new trilogy movies. Had so much classic elements. And than poof lets just kill them all. Plus the best vader scene ever? Legitimately those last 4 minutes outweighs the entire run time of the force awakens.
I think killing everyone off is part of what makes it work so well. It gives the story weight within itself and the larger narrative. There’s been this trend of making the Empire less formidable and more incompetent that Rouge One bucks. Many Bonthans died getting the information on the second Death Star and it stands to reason that a lot of people died to get information on the first one. Obi-Wan says the blaster marks on the sand crawler are too precise to be Sand People and must be the work of Stormtroopers. Jyn and her crew went up against a military superpower and while they got the information out it cost them.

Part of the problem with the new captain is that she feels like an obvious retcon. Why have you never heard of this important person before? Reasons. Why wasn’t Jyn a leader at the Battle of Yavin? Because she was dead.


Well-Known Member
Jyn was the best female star wars character ever. I would love to know what was different in that film before the mass of reshoots. To me jyn is alot more likeable than rey. But i know im in the minority here. The flick itself was more starwarsy than any of the new trilogy movies. Had so much classic elements. And than poof lets just kill them all. Plus the best vader scene ever? Legitimately those last 4 minutes outweighs the entire run time of the force awakens.
You mean after Ahsoka.;)
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"El Gran Magnifico"

Can I borrow five dollars
Premium Member
I'm not sure how the thread sidetracked into men vs women. You all can continue down that path if you'd like. I'm sticking with the overall subject matter of the OP and the Galactic Cruiser presence at WDW. I'll even reach across a line and reference the Star Wars / SWGE mess.

IMO Disney has bungled the entire inclusion of the Star Wars presence into their parks. And this has nothing to do with anybody's perception (good/bad) about the Disney trilogy.

How do you alienate the hard core fanbase of one of the greatest franchises in movie history? Well, TWDC found a way. You want to make the new trilogy the focal point - fine. Just don't ignore everything that has come before. But they can't even do that right.

SWGE is an impressive land. But it has no emotional connection with anyone. Not the fans of the Disney Trilogy, not the fans of the OT, and not even the fans of Prequel trilogy. And it appears that the Disney SWGE blueprint has now infected the Galactic Cruiser.

With all of the source material they have, I find it hard to believe that they seem to be "winging" this as they go. When I saw one of the preview videos where the woman showcased her hologram projector - and the projector was an I phone. Let me type that again. Disney showcased a preview video of a hotel that they want you to spend $6k on - and they're hyping it with an I-Phone. I spit my beer out and started laughing.

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"El Gran Magnifico"

Can I borrow five dollars
Premium Member
I know one party who won't be cancelling their reservation.......the Karma's. 😈😈😈😈😈

I've always taken the approach with this thing, that I'd wait until the reviews came out. I'm way past just "trusting Disney" and relying on blind faith when it comes to the mouse. Not to say I won't go. But I sure as h$ll ain't gonna be first, or second. For $500 night, sure. For $6k. Not a chance.


Well-Known Member
I've always taken the approach with this thing, that I'd wait until the reviews came out. I'm way past just "trusting Disney" and relying on blind faith when it comes to the mouse. Not to say I won't go. But I sure as h$ll ain't gonna be first, or second. For $500 night, sure. For $6k. Not a chance.
You're running out of places to stay on property at $500 a night

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