Well-Known Member
Yeah, Star Wars has never shown women in leadership roles.
I figured someone would come along and say something like that. Welcome!
As a lone example, there's no reason why the longtime captain of the Halcyon can't be a woman.
But on top of all the other women shown in both the marketing and the cringey forced "roundable discussion", it's glaringly obvious that men don't inhabit this new realm. Except for the bartender, or other menial tasks.
This looks bad for the exact same reasons that so much of WDW is lackluster right now. If you look at this mess and say, “well, clearly this is the fault of women,” that says immensely more about you then about Disney.
I don't believe anyone has said that. I only joined the thread yesterday though, so maybe there's something like that further back in time. This pre-opening marketing is a cringey mess, no doubt, but I don't think that aspect has anything to do with the gender of the cringe-creators. I also don't think the cheap and underwhelming set design of the hotel interiors has anything to do with the gender of those who designed it; I blame Chapek for the budgets, and Chapek is a man.
What I am saying is that Star Wars is an inherently masculine world that is based entirely on war and armed conflict. It wasn't a hit in 1977 because it was Annie Hall in Space. It was a hit in 1977 because it was a Western/War Movie in Space.
For some reason, Disney seems intent on showing that men don't work on Star Wars projects any longer.
If Disney built a new Princess Frou-Frou Boutique Makeover Salon in Cinderella Castle, and then in the marketing for the new upcharge Salon experience they populated it with 80% men and boys as customers and employees, and then showed that 80% of the Imagineers who created it were straight men with beards and ballcaps, and kept the 20% of women in hazy shadow or menial background sweeping-up-hair tasks, it would be the same problem.
But I would hope they'd Imagineer the Princess Salon better than they Imagineered this expensive hotel.