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Lucas has been a bit squirrely on his thoughts of the new movies so I really wouldn't look too into that. Especially after his crazy microbiotic world of the whills direction he wanted to go.
Like you said, it ended up a mess. And it was a mess because clearly they had no vision for all 3 movies. My point with Hamill was not to say his word is the gospel. But it was a warning sign that this thing might go off the rails. And that goes back to my original point of they knew this was going to make fans mad, but they did it anyway. They figured the original fans didn't matter.
I completely agree you should hire the right person and let them create. That is why Kennedy shouldn't have let Rian do his own thing. They should have let the story that JJ started play out how he intended. And before anyone says anything, this was not how JJ planned Luke. He came out and said that was his biggest surprise.
I didn't follow the production of the movies closely, but these were a couple things I came across regarding Luke's character before and after TFA. These individuals who were involved indicate that it was consistent and in line with the ideas Lucas had.

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Concept Art Reveals 'Last Jedi' Plans Were Not Changed
One of the go-to explanations that Star Wars: The Last Jedi detractors share to support their ideas about the film’s shortcomings is claiming that the film failed to capitalize on what Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams intended to explore with this sequel trilogy. Despite the...

Given that Treverrow's script for 9 from 2016 had Luke dead this had to have been established well before TLJ came out. Johnson has also stated that he had many discussions with Abrams before and during production. So I don't know what to make of JJ's statements. He also said TLJ inspired him to make bold choices in 9 and that Johnson casting Kelly Marie Tran was the greatest thing for JJ. Neither seems to be supported by anything in 9. Maybe JJ just says things?