Has anyone considered the lead in movie each of those offshoots had?
Rogue one followed TFA, which for me had my SW fan boy anticipation level at about a 9. I thought R1 was fine, thought Mendelssohn killed as the foe, first half was completely forgettable, last part was intense.
Solo followed TLJ, and while I’m sure plenty paid for TLJ with huge expectations, it was such a stale fart of a movie that my excitement level went down to maybe a 4. Solo was also a good popcorn flick, no classic but completely enjoyable, and yet I waited until it was out on video not because I was over saturated with SW, but more from my disillusion from LJ.
Not saying that’s the only reason Solo faltered, but it’s a potential effect from a lukewarm lead in (yes I know they’re different stories, but Star Wars fans are Star Wars fans for the most part)