I think they need to have several "destinations", based on one location from the different movies, including:
Endor; speeder views of the forrests (Return of the Jedi)
Geonosis; asteroid field (Attack of the Clones)
Tatooine; Pod race course or Begger's Canyon (A New Hope)
Bespin; Cloud City (Empire Strikes Back)
Coruscant; City chase (Phantom Menace)
Mustafar; through Volcanoes (Revenge of the Sith)
You could even do some with Kashyyyk, space battle at Yavin, space battle at Endor, space battle at Naboo, etc....
When you enter the transporter, there is a keypad in front (or on the side) and everyone votes on the destination. This would give a little randomness, so it isn't the same ride over and over. It would also make it fun and challanging to ride some many times to see all of the locations. Clean up the speeder and AAs, install new digital projects and sound systems, update the "boarding" video, and a general clean up of the que line and the exterior. Maybe add a few AA ewoks outside and bring back the wookiee cast member who used to stalk through the village.
I don't see a need to replace everything, just general updates and put most of the money in upgrading the ride vehicles.....
But hey, what do I know.... :hammer: