Star Tours To Get a Lengthy Rehab Soon! :)


Active Member
Original Poster
I don't agree with you! Lucas still cares about his holdings. He has to care because it is his franchise and his money. Not that he needs more money but still. I would think that he would at least help in updating this ride.

What if they turned the ride into a spiderman-style ride. You are in a ship on a track with a 3-D screen around you. Pretty interesting to think about.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
M:SpilotISTC12 said:
Thanks u god. He does answer our prayers.
i double that motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive been harping on this for years........... i think that films/ movies in attractions like this should be recycled after 10 years..................... YEHHHHHH


New Member
I think the rumors were true based on the fact that the shop was turned into Tatooine from the Endor bunker. The new shop theming doesn't fit at all. Dumb planning.

Lucas may not be done with Star Wars. There are always games and books, and Hi-Def DVD in the future - not to mention the chance of a stand-alone film. It seems like he was interested in advancing the technology behind Star Tours and Disney didn't want to (again, according to the rumors).

It could all change after Eisner is gone.


tomm4004 said:
Agreed. I'm curious, with movie and TV production down to almost nil (or completely nil) do they still need the soundstages and the behind the scenes warehouses and bungalows that would have housed production companies and their construction projects? If not, then that's a lot more wasted space waiting to be used. There must have been a lot of infrastructure for productions that isn't used much anymore.

If they want to get rid of all the soundstages, they are going to have to totally retheme the park with an extreme makeover. Basically, it would have to be the Studio's version of Project Gemini. Don't see that happening anytime soon. Instead, I'd like to see a gradual change where each soundstage, one by one is turned into some form of attraction (preferably ride). There are many disney movies that scream theme park attraction (MI doors, HotR minetrain, etc.)



jedimaster1227 said:
What if they turned the ride into a spiderman-style ride. You are in a ship on a track with a 3-D screen around you. Pretty interesting to think about.

That would be great. It would need a lot more space though. The existing Star Tours building is pretty small. IOA's Spiderman is in a building that I seem to recall covers more than 5 acres (might be wrong about that).

Just my two cents on this topic:

Cent 1: The time to update Star Tours was 6 years ago. Star Wars' popularity was revived by Episode I. I know Star Wars was still popular with a lot of people before that. But they tended to be in their 20s and 30s. Episode I bridged my generation with that of my kids'. So right after Episode I would have been a great time to overhaul the ride since it would have benefitted from the popularity of the new film and that popularity would have been sustained by the anticipation and hype of the upcoming Episodes II and III. It seems kind of late in the game to redo the attraction now. Even if they started today, at Disney's tectonic pace, Episode III would probably already be out on DVD before the rehab would be done. Think about it, if Lucas and/or Disney didn't want to rehab the attraction when Lucas had two new films in the works, why would they do it after Lucas made his last Star Wars movie?

Cent 2: This notion that the prequels are not as good as the original films is nonesense. Look, I love the original three movies. They are classics and were sorely needed at a time when the best special effects were found in films like Jaws and King Kong (great movies but terrible SFx). Nevetheless, Episodes I and II are superior to those films in every possible way. For those that would poo-poo the computer generated graphics of the new films, you need to go back and look for the strings holding up the X-wings in Episode IV. For those that knock characters like Jar-Jar binks, go back and check out the Ewoks. And for those that attack the acting, none of the actors from the originals won any Academy Awards for their acting either. But forget all of that stuff. When I was a kid, I thought lightsabers were the coolest things in the world. Yet, they were rarely used in any of the original films. In the new films, they are hardly ever put away. That ends the debate in my mind.

Anyway, I know that's a little off topic, but had to clear my chest.


Well-Known Member
johnvree said:
When I was a kid, I thought lightsabers were the coolest things in the world. Yet, they were rarely used in any of the original films. In the new films, they are hardly ever put away. That ends the debate in my mind.

I agree, does anyone remember the light saber battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader in Ep. IV? It was as if the light sabers were permanently attached to their hips. Now compare that to the light saber battles in Ep. I and II. I too apologize for the drift.

I would love to see a overhaul of this ride, but I like to take my friends on it just because they haven't been on it yet so they can at least experience it.


I was actually being serious in my earlier post about Jar Jar. Jar Jar is one of my favorite characters and I hope to see him in a new version of the ride (maybe a cameo).

On a side note, I think this is the first time I've ever seen someone give two different a whole new meaning to the phrase. :)



DarkMeasures said:
About the prequels. George Lucas knew perfectly well that there would be a lot of people hating them and he expects the same with Episode 3.

I however, liked Episode 2 and I thought that one was great.

But if any upgrade were to happen to Star Tours, I would want to see the simulators replaced with centerfuges.

Episode 2 was good, but there isn't anything epic to base a simulator ride on. At least not as epic as the attack on the Death Star.

But Episode three might be a different story. It could make me apologize to Mr. Lucas, cuz if he does it right it could be the best out of all 6 of the movies.


Active Member
I think they need to have several "destinations", based on one location from the different movies, including:

Endor; speeder views of the forrests (Return of the Jedi)
Geonosis; asteroid field (Attack of the Clones)
Tatooine; Pod race course or Begger's Canyon (A New Hope)
Bespin; Cloud City (Empire Strikes Back)
Coruscant; City chase (Phantom Menace)
Mustafar; through Volcanoes (Revenge of the Sith)

You could even do some with Kashyyyk, space battle at Yavin, space battle at Endor, space battle at Naboo, etc....

When you enter the transporter, there is a keypad in front (or on the side) and everyone votes on the destination. This would give a little randomness, so it isn't the same ride over and over. It would also make it fun and challanging to ride some many times to see all of the locations. Clean up the speeder and AAs, install new digital projects and sound systems, update the "boarding" video, and a general clean up of the que line and the exterior. Maybe add a few AA ewoks outside and bring back the wookiee cast member who used to stalk through the village.

I don't see a need to replace everything, just general updates and put most of the money in upgrading the ride vehicles.....

But hey, what do I know.... :hammer:


Park History nut
Premium Member
jedimaster1227 said:
What if they turned the ride into a spiderman-style ride. You are in a ship on a track with a 3-D screen around you. Pretty interesting to think about.

The building is too small for a track based system, but what about the screen surrounding guests? Think Toon Town Trolley from the cancelled Roger Rabbits Hollywood area of Sunset Blvd (simulator with sidescreens) plus interior effects like those proposed for TT Trolley and executed at TDS`s Stormrider. The motion base is there - sure, the cabin would need redesigning (with a different door system) but hey - its fun to dream!


daguru said:
When you enter the transporter, there is a keypad in front (or on the side) and everyone votes on the destination. This would give a little randomness, so it isn't the same ride over and over. It would also make it fun and challanging to ride some many times to see all of the locations. Clean up the speeder and AAs, install new digital projects and sound systems, update the "boarding" video, and a general clean up of the que line and the exterior. Maybe add a few AA ewoks outside and bring back the wookiee cast member who used to stalk through the village.

Hmm, got a little bit of Horizons in there with the picking of destinations :lol: . You can't get rid of the boarding video! It's a classic! My dad and I crack up every time we see it :lol: , we actually look forward to it :hammer: . AA ewoks would be interesting, and when was there a wookie out side?


daguru said:
I think they need to have several "destinations", based on one location from the different movies, including:

Endor; speeder views of the forrests (Return of the Jedi)
Geonosis; asteroid field (Attack of the Clones)
Tatooine; Pod race course or Begger's Canyon (A New Hope)
Bespin; Cloud City (Empire Strikes Back)
Coruscant; City chase (Phantom Menace)
Mustafar; through Volcanoes (Revenge of the Sith)

You could even do some with Kashyyyk, space battle at Yavin, space battle at Endor, space battle at Naboo, etc....

When you enter the transporter, there is a keypad in front (or on the side) and everyone votes on the destination. This would give a little randomness, so it isn't the same ride over and over. It would also make it fun and challanging to ride some many times to see all of the locations. Clean up the speeder and AAs, install new digital projects and sound systems, update the "boarding" video, and a general clean up of the que line and the exterior. Maybe add a few AA ewoks outside and bring back the wookiee cast member who used to stalk through the village.

I don't see a need to replace everything, just general updates and put most of the money in upgrading the ride vehicles.....

But hey, what do I know.... :hammer:
One problem with this that comes to the top of my head is theming. It wouldn't make sense to be going into a star tours like ship if you're going podracing. Then of course there's time & money. All these films (and the ship programming to go with it) would take a lot of each. I'd rather they put that money into new attractions for Backlot & ABC Theaters (not to mention AK).


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
There is no doubt that Star tours needs a refurbish. The only real scenario I can see working using the existing ride vehicles is a pod racing theme. Maybe something like riding in a new pod for VIP spectators. So in my opinion dump the existing simulator ride and create something unique. Episode III will not be the last Star Wars production. The Star Wars franchise will continue for a long time. Plans are already in the works for a Star Wars TV series. As well as the long standing rumor about episode 7-9 which employees of Lucasarts were made to sign confidentiality contracts on last year.


New Member
daguru said:
I think they need to have several "destinations", based on one location from the different movies, including:

Endor; speeder views of the forrests (Return of the Jedi)
Geonosis; asteroid field (Attack of the Clones)
Tatooine; Pod race course or Begger's Canyon (A New Hope)
Bespin; Cloud City (Empire Strikes Back)
Coruscant; City chase (Phantom Menace)
Mustafar; through Volcanoes (Revenge of the Sith)

You could even do some with Kashyyyk, space battle at Yavin, space battle at Endor, space battle at Naboo, etc....
I think this is a MARVELOUS idea...randomize it a bit a la ToT, and I think attendance would skyrocket....I know I'd go on it every visit, whereas now I've been on it once in the last 5 years...

*gold star* :sohappy:


New Member
Multiple destinations would be cool, but I doubt we'll ever see it. If they were willing to do that they would have given us a new movie in the last 17 years or so. Maybe after twenty years it will have run the life of its depreciation and they'll pony up then so they can re-depreciate.

Does Star Tours still have a corporate sponsor? If not, a new one might be needed to put up the money.


New Member
I definately agree that Star Tours needs a rehab as the ride is becoming very dated in comparison to the look of the new films.

I personally would rather see a whole new type of attraction and not another simulator. Disney could create an attraction based on one of the clone wars. It could be similar to either Spiderman or The Terminator at Universal and incorporate 3-D battle sequences involving stormtroopers, Jedi and and droids. Imagine seeing a 3-D Lightsaber battle sequence with a 3-D Master Yoda. It would be amazing and also could be an original story similar to the star wars short cartoons which LucasFilm has released. It could feature new Jedi characters and also include real actors and droids incorporated.

Any one else liking the idea?


Well-Known Member
tomm4004 said:
Multiple destinations would be cool, but I doubt we'll ever see it. If they were willing to do that they would have given us a new movie in the last 17 years or so. Maybe after twenty years it will have run the life of its depreciation and they'll pony up then so they can re-depreciate.

Does Star Tours still have a corporate sponsor? If not, a new one might be needed to put up the money.

Not true at all. Lucas has ALWAYS been known as focusing all his efforts to the creation of his movies first. Not until they are done does he go into other projects. This is well documented.


Active Member
Original Poster
I definately agree that Star Tours needs a rehab as the ride is becoming very dated in comparison to the look of the new films.

I personally would rather see a whole new type of attraction and not another simulator. Disney could create an attraction based on one of the clone wars. It could be similar to either Spiderman or The Terminator at Universal and incorporate 3-D battle sequences involving stormtroopers, Jedi and and droids. Imagine seeing a 3-D Lightsaber battle sequence with a 3-D Master Yoda. It would be amazing and also could be an original story similar to the star wars short cartoons which LucasFilm has released. It could feature new Jedi characters and also include real actors and droids incorporated.

Any one else liking the idea?

I like the idea but that would likely be another sleeper (like Doug live!) I just don't think that MGM or Disney would waster an aging attraction by turning it into a show, MGM is all about shows, the park needs as many attractions as it can get because it is not attracting enough guests.
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New Member
goofyfan13 said:
I agree, does anyone remember the light saber battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader in Ep. IV? It was as if the light sabers were permanently attached to their hips. Now compare that to the light saber battles in Ep. I and II. I too apologize for the drift.
When they filmed the Obi-Wan Vader fight in the mid Seventies they tried to do the effect in-camera with the blades being delicate rotating devices covered in reflective material. Consequently they were very easy to break, so the actors had to be very careful how they used them. To try and cover that up Lucas told them that light sabres handled like broad swords and so needed two hands on the grip at all times, it also explains their relative slow movements.

But in the films after that they just used rods and put the blade effect in later, hence their being able to make them a little more effective.

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