Cent 1: The time to update Star Tours was 6 years ago. Star Wars' popularity was revived by Episode I. I know Star Wars was still popular with a lot of people before that. But they tended to be in their 20s and 30s. Episode I bridged my generation with that of my kids'. So right after Episode I would have been a great time to overhaul the ride since it would have benefitted from the popularity of the new film and that popularity would have been sustained by the anticipation and hype of the upcoming Episodes II and III. It seems kind of late in the game to redo the attraction now. Even if they started today, at Disney's tectonic pace, Episode III would probably already be out on DVD before the rehab would be done. Think about it, if Lucas and/or Disney didn't want to rehab the attraction when Lucas had two new films in the works, why would they do it after Lucas made his last Star Wars movie?