Star Tours 2.0 Delayed Tron E Ticket and Wall-e to Replace EO?


Well-Known Member
It already had a shelf life, and interest in MJ has once again declined.

BTW Fable, the Little Mermaid is much older than Wall-E.

I agree. I saw EO for the first time in August at WDW, and it seemed like most of the audience was ho-hum, and the cast member maybe a little embarrassed as she introduced it as tribute to the original version.

Everyone knows that it was revived to capitalized on MJ's death. So, it will fade again soon. Did have some good music,though.



Well-Known Member
While I do believe that the majority of that blog post could be correct, I also agree with the statement above.

That blog has a horrible design and set up from everything from the font to the repeating background of a picture pulled from another website, not to mention the terrible MS Paint job on the blog title logo which could also be a copyright infringement. So, I wouldn't think a reliable source would come from a blog like that.

Hold on... I don't necessarily disagree that the blog isn't reliable, but you can't base the quality of information on the "appearance" of a blog. They may be well connected, but just not be good at graphics.


New Member
I think a Wall-E ride would be great. It such a great movie and doesn't necessarily need a sequel. They want to put a Monsters Inc. Coaster in DHS, and that hasn't had a sequel and is older and not as good IMO. Before they build another coaster specially themed to Monsters Inc. they should put a Carsland in DHS. Now that would be awesome. Get ride of the crappy old backlot tour that's just falling apart. Keep the canyon as its neat and bring it into a Carsland would be so neat!! So much potential. But if they do that and Walt's plane goes, I'll be happy to take it :ROFLOL:

I'm anxious to see Captain EO thought, but I'm sure after awhile they'll replace it. Its not like its gonna happen tomorrow. It says end of 2012. So let's all relax and see what other rumours come out from this one. :p


Well-Known Member
I think a Wall-E ride would be great. It such a great movie and doesn't necessarily need a sequel. They want to put a Monsters Inc. Coaster in DHS, and that hasn't had a sequel and is older and not as good IMO. Before they build another coaster specially themed to Monsters Inc. they should put a Carsland in DHS. Now that would be awesome.

They're working on that.


New Member
And this blog is run by who exactly? I'll believe it when I see this from reliable sources.

Hello all. I am the blogs author,dlr55th. I have been a not so frequent poster on another well known Disney-fan site. Now I know alot of you are having an issue with seeing if I have reliable sources or the design of my web page being amateurish. Let me start by saying, I just started this blog yesterday. I am still in the process of fixing the site itself but I wanted it up and running yesterday so I was in a hurry to make a "quickie" web page. Secondly, my sources. As you know I cant reveal who they are but two things, I have seen these plans first hand in front of me(models and such), and also if you read through my posts from another Disney-fan site you can see I have been 100% reliable with my information. I dont post unless I am almost for sure about this happening. As you can see in my post I even stated that I did not even believe that Star Tours was being delayed. I also stated that this may or may not happen, but that right now, it looks possible. I have literally seen the model for the queue line in person, so I know what Im talking about. And for the rest of the info, I have sources in Glendale and I have seen the plans first hand. So you all still may not believe me, but to criticize my reliability based on a amateurish web page is just ridiculous. That is all.


Well-Known Member
I'm judging your reliability based on the fact that you made the blog just yesterday, I don't think there's anything ridiculous about that. :shrug:

True or not most people are going to be skeptical of a brand new blog claiming to have insider info, that's just how the internet goes.


Active Member
People would take you more seriously if your grammar was better. You need to consider improving upon it because right now you seem like a twelve year old.

The last thing Tomorrowland needs is a Wall-E attraction. What place does an apocalyptic future have in a land of optimism? If all this comes true at Disneyland, Tomorrowland will be home to a ride that takes place in the past (Star Tours), a ride based on toys from the present (Buzz), a ride based on a movie that takes place in the present (Tron), a ride from a post-apocalyptic future (Wall-E), and a ride from the present that has nothing whatsoever to do with Tomorrowland (Finding Nemo). Great job imagineers! You guys are truly masters at understanding theme. :brick:


New Member
I'm judging your reliability based on the fact that you made the blog just yesterday, I don't think there's anything ridiculous about that. :shrug:

True or not most people are going to be skeptical of a brand new blog claiming to have insider info, that's just how the internet goes.

I know how the internet goes, everyone was really skeptical about me over at micechat, but they quickly found out how reliable I was. Just take a look over there, and you will find out little more about me. And I am new just to this whole blogging thing, as stated in my first post, but i am not new to the whole posting on the internet thing. I have been posting over at Micechat since Jan of this year. And I was the first one to tell everyone about the Carsland track for Radiator Springs Racers being delivered to the site. No one believed me til it actually happened. Sorry if I am just going on a rant here, i just dont agree with certain people here questioning my reliability when they dont even do any research about who I am.Its all there. That is all.


Well-Known Member
It's been a long time(if ever) since Tomorrowland was actually about tomorrow. The major theme of the land is really things loosley based in science fiction/outerspace.


Well-Known Member
No. Captain EO is not phenomenal. IMHO anyway.


We saw EO a few weeks ago when we were at WDW for the Wine & Dine 1/2 Marathon. It was okay, but in my opinion, it is a downgrade from Honey I Shrunk the Audience.

I thought EO would have had more of a retro-nostalgic value than it actually did. To me, it just came off as looking extremely cheesy.


The Epcot Manifesto

We saw EO a few weeks ago when we were at WDW for the Wine & Dine 1/2 Marathon. It was okay, but in my opinion, it is a downgrade from Honey I Shrunk the Audience.

I thought EO would have had more of a retro-nostalgic value than it actually did. To me, it just came off as looking extremely cheesy.

I've not seen EO since the re-release (but I will in 32 days!), but I seem to remember it feeling cheesy when it was brand new. It didn't make me enjoy it any less, but I remember even as a child thinking that it was pretty darn cheesy.


Well-Known Member
I know how the internet goes, everyone was really skeptical about me over at micechat, but they quickly found out how reliable I was. Just take a look over there, and you will find out little more about me. And I am new just to this whole blogging thing, as stated in my first post, but i am not new to the whole posting on the internet thing. I have been posting over at Micechat since Jan of this year. And I was the first one to tell everyone about the Carsland track for Radiator Springs Racers being delivered to the site. No one believed me til it actually happened. Sorry if I am just going on a rant here, i just dont agree with certain people here questioning my reliability when they dont even do any research about who I am.Its all there. That is all.

No one is going to go do research on a poster - how would we even know if someone who joined these boards was just using the same name as someone someplace else? The internet provides annonymity - which allows for people to invent themselves however they want to. We're not saying that you did that - however - the potential is there. If I had a nickel for every supposed "imagineer" that posted to this site and was found to be a fraud I'd have myself a deed to Golden Oaks!! Credibility is gained, not granted.


Well-Known Member
No one is going to go do research on a poster - how would we even know if someone who joined these boards was just using the same name as someone someplace else? The internet provides annonymity - which allows for people to invent themselves however they want to. We're not saying that you did that - however - the potential is there. If I had a nickel for every supposed "imagineer" that posted to this site and was found to be a fraud I'd have myself a deed to Golden Oaks!! Credibility is gained, not granted.

This. Sorry, but I'm not researching jack. I shouldn't have to, your blog should speak for itself.


Active Member
WALL-E would be a great replacement for DL's EO, but what about our EO?! I love WALL-E, but I don't think he has much to do with the Imagination Pavillion.


Well-Known Member
Wall E could fit just because Imagination pavilion is in future world. and Wall E is certainly the future. It would seem to fit better in Tommorrowland but really the 2 are similar concepts. Future world -the world of the future. Tomorrowland - a land of tomorrow (aka Future) so Wall E would fit both. While I have never seen EO and hope it's still there next September but I don't see it having a permanent place in Epcot.
I hope Wall E does make its way to the parks. I enjoy character attractions.


Premium Member
For those asking about whether Wall-E would fit into the Imagination're making the assumption they would even keep that theme overall. Kodak has left, and Disney is left with a ride very few people like and an 80's rehashed MJ movie.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if they change the entire theme to something else as much as I'd hate to say it.

I'd much rather see Dreamfinder returning in a ride more like the original.


Well-Known Member
For all the pavilions that get pushed for a Pixar tie in, I think Imagination is the best suited one. Though I might still ask what the hell Magic Journeys had in relation to JIY too, but I digress...

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