MK Staggs says changes to Fantasyland...


Well-Known Member
Would it be safe to say that there wont be major changes to the Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, and Dumbo areas? It seems like the changes might come in other areas (Pixie Hallow, the Cindy M&G)


Well-Known Member
Just because you can make a pile of fake vomit or dog crap that smells, looks, and heck, even tastes authentic doesn't change the fact that its source material is still vomit/crap.

I'm not denying that they aren't executed very authentically, I'm saying they're poor concepts to execute in the first place. Why would a company known for high quality and cutting edge attractions want to emulate something that is of inferior quality? The authenticity argument, as I see it, holds little water.

I'll grant you that the seamless habitats (on the safari) of the animals is very cool, and I love that attraction, but I still believe the park over-relies on "look at that animal" 'attractions' far too much. You can have a theme park about the animal kingdom without having so many 'here are animals, look at them' attractions.

The details are excellent, the theming is excellent, the 'real' attractions (Nemo, Dinosaur, Everest, Lion King, Tough to be a Bug, etc.) there are fantastic (even with their issues). The problem is, there aren't enough of those 'real' attractions, in my opinion. Zero omnimover dark rides? Come on!

I would happily overlook Dinorama (call it a 'fun foray' or whatever) if the rest of the park offered sufficient attractions. I don't believe, at this point, it does.
What has happened is a failure to complete the overarching story of the park (Animals that were, are, and never will be).

Going back to the previous post, I think the subtlety of the individual stories and how they relate to the overall theme are lost on all but the most attentive fan or even cast member (no slight towards you intended, we took a 3 day orientation to learn the story).

Had we had BK, I think that balance between story, animal, and "pure" theme park would be more adequate. As it is we are stuck with what we have. Moving forward we can hope that any additional live animal attractions are of the quality of safaris and more fantastical attractions come sooner rather than later.

David S.

I'm sure I've said this on here before, but I always envisioned putting Alice & Toad dark rides across from Pooh, and combining that with the Tea Party for a little British countryside area. Pooh's forest, Alice's cottage with adjacent Wonderland, and Toad Hall. It would all fit together nicely.

GREAT idea! That would blow me away! The irony is when there was the controversy about Toad closing, people were saying they could just build a new building for Pooh, and even posted satellite photos of all the vacant land in FL. Now that they are willing to use this land, we could have kept the classic Toad ride all along and had a completely new building for the Pooh ride!

There was a Casey Jr. in those original renderings from D23, and I asked about it at the press conference. They seemed surprised that I had noticed, and said that there was a possibility that Casey would be incorporated in some way, but their ideas at the time were different from the version at DL. That was a long time ago, though.

Yes, I recall you mentioning that in one of your articles! I thought perhaps they might be looking into it again, since it fits their new "gender neutral" parameters, would fit with the "Dueling Dumbos", and is also mildly thrilling. (and I think I read the newer, Paris version of Casey Jr. is more thrill-oriented than the DL original? I haven't been there).

Thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
The concept art of the FLE released to the public (the one everyone has seen) isn't even current. New art was made that looks similar but has the changes on it. I'm guessing they want to keep that part of it a surprise as long as they can. The new art has some very welcomed changes to it. :animwink:

No heads up as to any announcement dates or anything?

Curiouser and curiouser this FLE gets...


Well-Known Member
No heads up as to any announcement dates or anything?

Curiouser and curiouser this FLE gets...

No idea. But like I said, they might be trying to keep it under wraps for a while. Not only has the art has been updated (as far back as 2/10) but detailed plans for these differences have also been made.


An expanded version of the article:

I'm kinda starting to like Staggs...

There are a lot of curious bits in there... about wanting something that's flexible for different celebrations or events - it's almost like he's talking about a Fantasyland theater or something like the TT Fair tents that can accommodate multiple M&Gs or events.

Of course, now I'm parsing his words.

Odd that there's such a reluctance to give any sort of timeline - as he himself says, it's about time for the rubber to meet the road...


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of curious bits in there... about wanting something that's flexible for different celebrations or events - it's almost like he's talking about a Fantasyland theater or something like the TT Fair tents that can accommodate multiple M&Gs or events.

Of course, now I'm parsing his words.

Odd that there's such a reluctance to give any sort of timeline - as he himself says, it's about time for the rubber to meet the road...

well, a theater would be cheap and flexible. I'm not sure what you would put in it though.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of curious bits in there... about wanting something that's flexible for different celebrations or events - it's almost like he's talking about a Fantasyland theater or something like the TT Fair tents that can accommodate multiple M&Gs or events.

I've said for a long time how I wish they would build a theater in FL to swallow up large portions of the crowd at once. But the current area really wouldn't allow much room for one with all of the other things going into the area. I'd love to see something the size of the Hyperion at DCA.
And the paranoia continues...

It's amazing the effect that Harry has ALREADY had over at WDW...they're going nuts to try and make something out of the Fantasyland Expansion cross generational and unisex. They're desperate for it and it's kind of amusing to watch all this unfold living and working here.

People are waiting 2+ hours to watch a "Wand Experience," that's for one little kid. Families are waiting 30+ minutes just to stand in line to order Fish and Chips at the Three Broomsticks, They're waiting 30 minutes to buy jelly beans and Teenagers are running around in Wizarding Robes in 98 degree heat and LOVING it. Meanwhile, Disney offers a 20% off coupon for merch between the hours of 9am-12pm on weekdays? I haven't bought anyting at WDW in so long it hurts, but I dropped about $150 on Butterbeer, Hogs Head Brew, Chocolate Frogs, Wands, Zonko's T-shirts, etc, etc...oh and I forgot about the preferred annual as well so I can get Butterbeer at will.

I love my D and always will...but they seriously need to get in touch w/today and the world around them...and all the blog posts in the world about crappy pins, vinylmation, and Star Wars crap isn't going to help defeat the Imperius spell they're under right now. I HOPE they kick some butt on the Expansion...but it seems as though they're grasping at straws right now.

Meanwhile, if universal does something with LOTR or god forbid Twilight...WDW might as well re-brand themselves as a DVC/Hedonism resort.


Well-Known Member
- Slight increase in budget, combined with savings from cuts, will go to 1-2 new, C- or D- ticket rides. Most likely, traditional dark rides.

I don't know how you came to this conclusion. While the article states the possibility of a thrill ride I saw nothing in there to suggest some dark-ride style attraction was begin considered. :shrug:

With the budget and content staying largely the same, I'm curious as to where and how big a potential thrill attraction would be?

However, this article is still good news as it shows constructive criticism is begin used to create a better end product that does not result in significant loss or cost cutting.

And although completely off-topic I am enjoying reading and agreeing with WDWFigment's and jakeman's comments on AK.


it's amazing the effect that harry has already had over at wdw...they're going nuts to try and make something out of the fantasyland expansion cross generational and unisex. They're desperate for it and it's kind of amusing to watch all this unfold living and working here.

People are waiting 2+ hours to watch a "wand experience," that's for one little kid. Families are waiting 30+ minutes just to stand in line to order fish and chips at the three broomsticks, they're waiting 30 minutes to buy jelly beans and teenagers are running around in wizarding robes in 98 degree heat and loving it. Meanwhile, disney offers a 20% off coupon for merch between the hours of 9am-12pm on weekdays? I haven't bought anyting at wdw in so long it hurts, but i dropped about $150 on butterbeer, hogs head brew, chocolate frogs, wands, zonko's t-shirts, etc, etc...oh and i forgot about the preferred annual as well so i can get butterbeer at will.

I love my d and always will...but they seriously need to get in touch w/today and the world around them...and all the blog posts in the world about crappy pins, vinylmation, and star wars crap isn't going to help defeat the imperius spell they're under right now. I hope they kick some butt on the expansion...but it seems as though they're grasping at straws right now.



I don't know how you came to this conclusion. While the article states the possibility of a thrill ride I saw nothing in there to suggest some dark-ride style attraction was begin considered. :shrug:

My information is from other sources, and Staggs's comments don't seem to preclude that. It's possible to have a D-ticket ride that has thrill elements.


Well-Known Member
It's possible to have a D-ticket ride that has thrill elements.

That's true, but you also said "most likely, traditional style dark rides". When I think "traditional" I think of Peter Pan or Snow White which are not "thrill" attractions to me.

You're allowed to interpret what's been said anyway you want as details have been sketchy, I just didn't get the "dark ride" angle.


Well-Known Member
it really is amusing. I had a meeting over at Uni yesterday and we popped into Wizarding World for a quick ride on Fobidden Journey, the place was a zoo, people everywhere and you know what they all seemed thrilled to be there. IOA has been averaging 30k daily since mid June which is blowing away even the highest expectations Uni had for the addition. Meanwhile the Disney parks are having a relatively quiet summer. Its just so nice to see Universal being rewarded for actually spending the money and creating an amazing product. I wish them all the success in the world.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
It's amazing the effect that Harry has ALREADY had over at WDW...they're going nuts to try and make something out of the Fantasyland Expansion cross generational and unisex. They're desperate for it and it's kind of amusing to watch all this unfold living and working here.

People are waiting 2+ hours to watch a "Wand Experience," that's for one little kid. Families are waiting 30+ minutes just to stand in line to order Fish and Chips at the Three Broomsticks, They're waiting 30 minutes to buy jelly beans and Teenagers are running around in Wizarding Robes in 98 degree heat and LOVING it. Meanwhile, Disney offers a 20% off coupon for merch between the hours of 9am-12pm on weekdays? I haven't bought anyting at WDW in so long it hurts, but I dropped about $150 on Butterbeer, Hogs Head Brew, Chocolate Frogs, Wands, Zonko's T-shirts, etc, etc...oh and I forgot about the preferred annual as well so I can get Butterbeer at will.

I love my D and always will...but they seriously need to get in touch w/today and the world around them...and all the blog posts in the world about crappy pins, vinylmation, and Star Wars crap isn't going to help defeat the Imperius spell they're under right now. I HOPE they kick some butt on the Expansion...but it seems as though they're grasping at straws right now.

Meanwhile, if universal does something with LOTR or god forbid Twilight...WDW might as well re-brand themselves as a DVC/Hedonism resort.

You are so right. But be careful around here if you say Harry Potter is doing better than DISNEY they'll think your a Uni fan and that's not allowed on a Disney fan site.:rolleyes:

Your post was great but give it a little more time and you'll see this

"blah blah DISNEY DOESN'T NEED TO COMPETE WITH POTTER blah blah POTTER MAYBE GREAT BUT IT ISN'T DISNEY blah blah blah blah. WE DON'T NEED TO WORRY DISNEY WILL BE FINE blah blah blah why did they take away Horizons blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah WHERE'S DREAMFINDER blah blah blah. Blah blah Potter ISN'T BIG AT ALL blah blah.

Those are the responses yor going to get to your post.


Well-Known Member
That's why I said Neverland... Peter Pan has the Lost Boys... Tink can have her smaller version of Pixie Hollow and her M&G...A new, modern, e ticket Peter Pan dark ride could be constructed.. It appeals to boys and girls.. Add in the duels and fights you have in the princess movies, and now it is balanced.. The only issue with my Neverland suggestion is where the two Dumbo's go..

This is instantly what I thought of! A "Flight of the Lost Boys" hanging coaster where you fly all through Neverland. It keeps Pixie Hollow and expands a bit on it so it has more theming and action.

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