My impression of this interview with Staggs is that with the changes to the expansion, they are actually trying to fray away from this mentality.
It seems to me that they are hinting at imagineering rides that use the princesses from the original plans, but adding a thrill element since thrills appeal to both boys and girls.
Originally, the FLE meet and greets would have been made to appeal to girls and to girls only, and the result of which would have made pretty much the rest of the park look utterly boy-oriented (like, what kind of girl would want to visit TSI or dress up like a pirate?). Not anymore.
I think Staggs is trying to shift this perspective by broadening the appeal of the FLE to guests of all ages and all genders. I think with the direction they were heading, thrill rides in the MK would have never materialized, and now i think that idea is slowly but surely changing. And if you ask me, that's incredible news for the future of the Magic Kingdom.