Staggs resigns

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
First off welcome. I'd thought i'd say my view on things as well. I would argue that today's imagineers equal in quality to imagineers 10, 20 years ago. NFL is remarkably well themed. Ratatouille is great e ticket. Cars Land (in fact the whole of DCA makeover) was superb. Shanghai looks to be incredible. The new parades and fireworks shows have been amazing. Grizzly Gulch, Mystic Manor. I think they don't have a problem with nostalgia. A child today is going to ride TLM and in 10 years have that be there favourite ride. Same with Frozen. Paint the Night is having the same effect as MSEP. Disney has not lost little touches that you are referring to. Not at all. And that's been proven in their last couple of projects alone, and I believe will continue indefinitely.
What has always happened on these boards is criticism which is a good thing of course. This is something we all love. Uncertainty is also something that plagues these boards. Two recent examples come to mind. The FoF parade. Someone said that music was being copied from Soundsational. That started pages of discussion about how TDO are just being "lazy" "cutting". Turned out when the thing came along it was a completely new music score. Avatar: someone stated about the boat ride no longer happening, and that created pages of the same thing. This again turned out to be just a rumour and false.
First of all no one knows for sure if anything has been cut from the slinky coaster (of course I could be wrong there and actually no nothing). It could just be that this concept art was the real thing while the one at d23 was a blue sky and hadn't gone through any process. It could be that this is just another representation by a different artist. That he/she decided to draw it differently than the previous artist. I personally don't understand the big thing about this. Wait till the actual thing comes along. Then start bashing disney if it's just a coaster with grass around it and don't go. It's just concept art. Have a look at Cars Land concept art. There's stuff when they announced it in there that wasn't in the drawings this one person decided to do, with everyone around them telling what to put in it. Yes it could be that there has been cuts. But I'm gonna wait till we see it when it's done. Just because people have been wrong on these boards before. And I think it's going to be really cool.
I would argue that yes, there was time when upkeep was just not what it should be. But now? There's been numerous refurbs every month, the plussing of attractions such as Little Mermaid, Test Track, Soarin, POTC, Peter Pan, The Safaris, Fantasmic soon Big Thunder. The castle has been painted twice in the space of two years! So much has happened.
And as for the little details that made Disney special, they recently debuted a new mini parade at Coronado Springs and a new Cinderella character experience at the Grand Flo. I think Disney is not losing those little things at all. I would argue they're making new ones.
As far as I'm aware so far, the only bad product that's come recently is this Star Wars show that is awful. And then looking at the big picture, it's a fast attempt to do something because Disney has to in that park. There's nothing. And it was a bad decision because it is a lackluster show.
I anyone thinks that Disney isn't good at details anymore or upkeep then don't go. There's a reason prices are going up because there's a demand and Disney is a company. Disney has done really good stuff recently. Epcot needs a clear direction thats obvious. But the other parks? It used to be when Meg reigned that you'd be lucky to get anything over two years. So much has grown and happened and will continue to happen in the next couple of years at the parks. So far so new money making item has taken away anything. It's just a new thing. If Disney of course start getting rid of EMH then I'll start complaining as well.
Personally, that's what I think anyways. Staggs resigning has nothing to do with Toy Story land. I think I kinda went all over the place and kinda drifted from you post but oh well.
Back on topic now?
A lot of things you mentioned that were "rumors" were said to be true by insiders, but plans change.
hopefully whatever they want to do with the ToT will also not happen.
remember kids, when a company can get away with something. .THEY WILL TRY TO GET AWAY WITH IT.
they can later try to save face and claim "you all fell on my trap, it was merely a lie!"

I mean, there were multiple accounts on both ways.. big projects that turned to be inferior (mine train length ) but others were plussed (mine train projection AA's)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
DC really hasn't "made" a lot of money (or won't) on the movie. BvS: DoJ was a very expensive movie to make (and promote) and projections indicate it needed to gross over $800M to break even. At this point, the movie will probably end up making only $850-900M at the box office, heavy on foreign receipts, so it will likely make a profit yes but nothing noteworthy given the degree of investment. I'd imagine that the Warner execs were expecting $1B minimum and probably were hopeful for something more similar to The Avengers.

Furthermore, the poor critical and general audience reception (on top of Man of Steel's mixed reception) does not bode well for the shared universe they have already announced and plotted. BvS was always going to make a decent amount just due to having those two iconic characters (and Wonder Woman) on screen together for the first time ever -- but the audiences won't be as kind to Justice League unless there's significant changes and good word of mouth. Warner Bros has got to be wringing their hands over it. I've got to imagine that they get rid of Zack Snyder.
it did really cost that much money?
then whoever was in production needs to be fired and to seek a new job away from the movie making business.


Well-Known Member
You should really listen to some interviews with her in discussing her management philosophies. She is a billionaire at 46 based off being extremely smart and professionally fearless. Disney would be lucky to land her as CEO if that is what happens.

According to the old Wikipedia, she has about a billion of Facebook shares that only vest if she stays with the company until 2022, so that could prevent her leaving for Disney any time soon.


Well-Known Member
I chaperoned prom this past weekend. For a solid hour the dance floor was empty, while kids huddled near the wall to use their phones while they charged and others sat around watching bad karaoke. It's quite scary how these teens are so removed by their devices. I've become worse about using my phone too much too, it is distracting!

I happened to be on a bus in Walt Disney World with maybe one other family and a group of 10-15 teens, who spent the entire trip with faces firmly buried in their phones. No interaction (except once when one of them texted another - sitting four or five seats away!). I know its just a means of transport, but here are a group of friends in a place they should feel privileged to experience as a group before they drift off to adult lives - and here they sit ignoring each other and the resort around them all to stare into a tiny screen they can do back home. Sad.


Well-Known Member
I still have no idea what my point has anything to do with"ohio valley". Nor was related to that.
Because. That's why. Sheesh.
No really, your comment was in response to my "going out of business sale" to companies in the Ohio Valley. You debunk that with companies not in the Ohio Valley. When Gil's Variety Store went out of business, he had a clearance sale. I think I got a yo-yo, some silly putty and a cow tale or two.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I happened to be on a bus in Walt Disney World with maybe one other family and a group of 10-15 teens, who spent the entire trip with faces firmly buried in their phones. No interaction (except once when one of them texted another - sitting four or five seats away!). I know its just a means of transport, but here are a group of friends in a place they should feel privileged to experience as a group before they drift off to adult lives - and here they sit ignoring each other and the resort around them all to stare into a tiny screen they can do back home. Sad.
Wow. At least I have the excuse of being there more times than I can count that I can pull my phone out on the bus or in line or whatever and not miss anything.

Not that I do that or anything :cautious:


Well-Known Member
I remember that. Every time I see the Avengers on TV I know exactly where to look. Can you get me in the next one?
I like to at least try to think of myself as a decent human being, so when Disney/Marvel was threatening to pull out of Georgia over their anti-LGBT legislation, of course I wanted the tactic to work. But one tiny, horrible part of me was thinking, "You could come back to Cleveland!"
I'm an awful person. :(


Well-Known Member
Have we all moved on to how amazing Marvel is and how perfect it fits in to the Disney BRAND and how Iger was a genius for using stockholder $$$ to buy it? ... Just want to check because, if so, I can likely check out again for a while ...

About the only worse thing would be discussing how amazing WDW is today. Ya know what I mean?


Well-Known Member

Based on the new concept art, also comments from @marni1971 and @Disneyhead'71 in the Toy Story thread.

So they have made an incredibly an impressive looking project, even worse?

I actually hadn't heard that either.

Hey, y'all see the UNI Wand Wavers getting all excited about Potter opening in Hollywood? That is a big deal out there, but the park will always be a studio, first and foremost. And that's not a bad thing at all.


Well-Known Member
So they have made an incredibly an impressive looking project, even worse?

I actually hadn't heard that either.

Hey, y'all see the UNI Wand Wavers getting all excited about Potter opening in Hollywood? That is a big deal out there, but the park will always be a studio, first and foremost. And that's not a bad thing at all.
A studio that creates new and novel projects that may become classics?


Well-Known Member
I thought much the same - that Staggs didn't want out, but was pushed out by Iger (every time I type his last name, my tablet autocorrect to Igor, lol), perhaps at the request of some BoD members and for more than just the much stated Chinese park reason. He's been in the position about 2 years and he "announces" his departure with a 30 day notice? And he's #2 at the largest entertainment company? Smells like a firing to me....

He was informed of the decision on Friday. I believe he was asked to stay on through Shanghai's opening, but I have conflicting info on that so please don't quote me unless you quote the entire point. Still trying to find out if he cleared the office out over the weekend. My guess is he did.

I agree that Bob isn't going to stay past his 2018 retirement, for the reasons you stated. Plus, I believe he spent his capital with some of the BoD in maneuvering Staggs into the #2 slot and they might not agree to an extension on his contract. Especially if Shanghai isn't all that pixie dust Bob's been saying it will be.

Wall Street would love it. But the BoD wouldn't. He will be gone finally in 2 1/4 years ... just wonder how much more destruction he'll leave in his wake.


Well-Known Member
How many of you are going to get up and watch the world premiere of The Rogue One trailer on GMA tomorrow?
Literally didn't even know that was happening. Now that I know that I will go ahead with my plans prior to knowing that. I mean, I'll be up before GMA is even on because I'm a productive working adult. But I'll just go ahead and watch it online whenever I get around to it

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