Staggs resigns


Active Member
Emphasis on SMALL and INTERNET neither were creative companies
Hmmm...small was intended to be a bit tongue-in-cheek. I do get the objection to the fact that Google and Facebook are internet companies, but I certainly don't think they historically have shunned creativity. In fact, I believe they would argue quite the opposite. It's not like they mine ore. A good leader's job is to enable those around them to do their jobs as well as possible, not to do the jobs themselves. I don't need Disney's next CEO to be a creative genius - I need them to be a genius at identifying creatives and positioning them to succeed. I think Ms. Sandberg's experience and success to this point speak to her ability to do just this.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
I need to ask around a bit. My gut, which is usually right (but full from a great grilled chicken salad at my favorite watering hole), says it is more likely that Bob doesn't fill out his contract either. ... But Disney (and, therefore, Bob) wants Tom to look bad here and I am wondering why that is. Shanghai fall guy? Next Gen fall guy? I just don't know enough and I want to nail this one.

I don't have press junkets or cupcake parties or 10 minutes talking to a celeb or Imagineer or exec with multiple handlers watching over riding on this. I just like to let the facts speak for themselves.

A commenter on Seeking Alpha 'BillBrown' (saw him comment on a CNBC article as well) is saying that this is a Sheryl Sandberg power play - that she wants the CEO seat for herself...

In a way this makes sense. It would also make sense that she wants the job sooner then July 1, 2018.

Or another theory of mine: She want's the job, but not now - if Shanghai is on the messy side (as in, graft messy) she may want to keep at arms length for all the shoes to drop...


I am not defending Iger, but there is more than the Parks in running the entire Disney Company.

But I agree he has neglected the parks.

Mirror image to Eisner, who alienated the movie division but focused on the parks.

We need a CEO/Chairman who can manage both.
Not sure I agree with this. Didn't little mermaid, beauty and the beast, Aladdin come out under Eisner? People all remember and link him to his exit rather than his whole tenure. You could argue that under Eisner Disney had some of the best creative growth ever.

Iger's legacy is more acquisitions. While I am a big Lucas fan I miss the days of new IPs and rides not based on movies. To me the best rides are the ones not linked to a character.

And lately Iger is getting lazy with movies. Can we stop with all the live action of Classic Disney movies and come up with some new ideas. I think sums up Igers tenure. Very little creativity


Well-Known Member
I hope so. If nothing else it's good to see a major cog in the machine of destruction that was strategic planning get taken out and likely leaving with a certain degree of stinging humiliation as a bonus.

Though i also have to consider the possiblility we could end up with even worse next round (yes unfortunately i think there are even worse out there than Iger and his gang)... But it would be nice to have hope for a change. I want to believe.

Hopefully Iger leaves without renewal again, even better if it is further expedited and he is taken out early.
Exactly the same hope that was ushered in when it was announced that Iger was taking over. So much in a hurry to get rid of Eisner (not saying it wasn't time for him to go as well), but, Iger was going to be the savior of the WDC. In a way he actually was, just not in the way the Park fans wanted him to be. In this day and age, we just seem to exchange one evil for another. Regardless of some bad decisions, (and which one of us can say that we never made any huge mistakes in our lives) the company is financially healthy and see's really no confirmable downturn on the horizon. Nothing stays at the top forever, so there will be a downturn at some point, but, most of the world does not share the same negative outlook as many of us do.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why so many of you dog on Iger. Is it because he's pricing you out? Or because you just want to live in the Horizons era the rest of your life?

I mean come on... the guy brought us Star Wars and Marvel. Bringing in those two things alone makes him worth his weight as a good CEO for me. The parks have record attendance AND profit (which is great as a shareholder). We've got Disney Springs expansion, Toy Story Land, Avatar, Star Wars Land and more... record profits and attendance on Frozen, Zootopia, Inside Out, etc.

Are there things that should be improved? Sure. But bad CEO? No way. I hope he gets an extension. I'm very happy with Disney as the moment and am excited about everything new being brought in.

I think Staggs got the ax (or got pushed out) because of his big over-budget and often-late projects. Think New Fantasyland, MM+, Avatar, and Shanghai. It's not that the ideas were bad, it's more that the planning was always way off.

this is a bad opinion, but i'm sure you already know that.

i'm sure you're super excited you get to twiddle along on your magic bands to use it to get valuable 180 day access to reservations for a C-grade cut of meat for $59.99, but some of us who went to the parks before 2008 actually know what walt disney world used to be, and want someone in charge of the company who doesn't just want to sell us horizons commemorative t-shirts while destroying everything that was great about the resort piece by piece.

new fantasyland wasn't a new idea. it was on the books for more than a decade. my magic+ is and was a very bad idea, and that's not really debatable anymore. and getting into bed with the chinese government? yeah, i've heard of better ideas.

buying IP doesn't make you a good CEO. it makes you a guy with a big checkbook adding to his "legacy" by bringing characters that aren't even consistent with the disney brand under their media umbrella. i love star wars as much as the next guy, but pretty much anyone who had access to the company coffers could have written a $4 billion check.

i also love when fans cite "record profits." who cares? do you get a cut of those record profits? does disney cut you a check for $17 million when they don't even let you control your thermostat in your hotel room, or charge you $149 for a few hours in the park, an ice cream, and a soda? disney bringing in record profits on frozen and zootopia is as useful to the everyday park goer as the weatherman putting in an infinity pool in his backyard: it's great for him, but does jack diddly for me.
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Think for yourselfer

Outside of Boston, no one cares about the "shoddy" reporting regarding deflategate. Most fans view the Pats as cheaters regardless.

You should probably start here...

A source, as in, a respected financial outlet that says Dis is artificially overpriced due to stock buy backs. It's a fun narrative I guess. Dis is on the precipice of financial ruination! Head for the hills, lower the life rafts, sell sell sell!!!!

They have replaced a lot of the signature deserts with simple cupcakes.

If by simple you mean over complicated garbage cakes, then I agree.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
You know what my thought is in reading a thread like this?

My family and I vacationed at Walt Disney World this past October and we had a wonderful time. Still thought it was a fantastic place. And we're likely going back this December.

I guess I'm a weirdo who just doesn't get it. Perhaps it's just time for me to leave a forum like this. Seems like you can't be here and taken seriously anymore if you don't hate Disney...

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